10 benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach


People often rush to drink water whenever we are thirsty or after a meal. But many scientist and wellness practitioners say that drinking water on an empty stomach is the best thing people can do.

It is to be mentioned that most of our body is comprised of water. Water is the main ingredient in our body that helps to maintain smooth functioning of our organs.  Let’s dive deep into it and see what are the health benefits of drinking water on an empty stomach.

It flushes off the bowel

Drinking water on an empty stomach helps in regulating the digestive tract. When people drink water early in the morning they feel the urge to clear the bowels.  If this habit is practiced it creates regular bowel movement which is great for the body. Thus by removing the waste everyday people can bring discipline to the bowel. It is always great to flush off the bowels  before going to office or before going out to do any important work.

It helps in releasing the toxins.

Toxic substances are created in the body overnight. When you drink a glass of water in the morning you feel the urge to visit the bathroom. When you pee it removes the toxins from the body.

 It helps to clean the colon

Drinking water early morning can help you clean the colon. A glass of water in the morning can help get rid of the accumulated waste and helps faster absorption of nutrients. This helps in a healthier colon and overall good health.

It helps prevent headaches

Drinking water can prevent headaches. One of the reason people get headaches is due to dehydration. Drink a glass of luke warm in the morning helps in hydration early in the morning. This gives an excellent start to your day and helps in preventing headaches.

It helps boost weight loss

Drinking water can help reduce weight. This is because water is calorie free. When you drink water instead of beverages which are high on calories and sugar your overall calorie intake per day decreases. The children should be encouraged to drink water to prevent being over-weight or obese.

Drinking little cold water can help in reducing weight further. This is because the body has to work harder to make the water warm thereby burning more calories in the process.

 It helps boost metabolism

If you are on diet and you want to boost your diet, drinking water on an empty stomach can help.  it has been found that drinking water can boost your metabolism by over 25%. This means that you digest food more smoothly and easily and thereby leading to weight loss.

It helps boosting energy

If you are feeling sluggish drinking water on an empty stomach can help. This is because drinking water stimulates the red blood cells to grow faster. This results in more oxygen and more energy.

It helps to boost the immune system

Water is very important for your overall health and wellness. Water is essential for balancing the fluid in your body. Drinking water on an empty stomach can help regulate the immune system. When your immune system is healthy you can recover from infections fast as the body is more efficient in fighting it.

Most of the diseases originate in the stomach. Therefore, when you drink water regularly in the morning your stomach stays healthy. This helps the stomach to create less toxic materials and thereby helping to boos the immune system.

It helps in having a silky and smooth skin

One of the reasons people have rough skin is because of the accumulation of toxic materials. Drinking water can help in getting a clear and glowing skin. When you have regular bowel movements and you keep your body free of toxins it helps in getting a nicer skin.

10. It helps improve your appetite

It is so much important to eat regular meals. What is the best way to feel hungry? Drink water. Drinking water can increase your appetite and make you feel hungry. Thus, you can have that extra piece of potato or an extra piece of dessert if you drink some water.

Thus, it can be seen that drinking water can enormous health and wellness benefits. I have immensely benefited from this habit. Normally, you shouldn’t drink too much water but it is advised to have a glass of water in the morning and have around 8 glasses per day.
