5 foods you should not eat if you want to reduce cancer risk


Ideally, we would all follow a diet that’s proven to reduce cancer risk. A plant-based diet is definitely a step in the right direction when it comes to staying healthy. However, it can be difficult to constantly avoid meat and other heavy proteins because let’s face it - they taste good!

Processed Meat

Processed meats are generally meats that have been treated in some way to extend their shelf life or improve the taste. They include bacon, hot dogs and pepperoni. Also remember deli turkey slices are a no-go.

Processed meat can be risky because it contains preservatives like nitrates and nitrites. Both of these substances have been linked to cancer. They are available in cured meats, but they are not necessarily any better.

Processed meats are not safe, but one of the main reasons why they’re so bad for us is because they’re often cooked at high temperatures.


When the body metabolizes alcohol, it creates acetaldehyde. This chemical causes DNA damage and can grow out of control by creating tumors in cells.

Alcohol is linked to elevated cancer risks like esophageal, liver, breast, colorectal and other cancers. For cancer prevention, it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether.

Charred Meat

Meat cooked at high temperatures, burnt or charred has shown a strong link to cancer. This is because of the high temperature that creates carcinogenic chemicals called HCAs and PAHs which can cause damage to our bodies.

When cooking animal protein, be sure to use low-heat methods. You could add flavor by using a moist heat method like braising or steaming.

Sugar sweetened beverages

Studies have shown that drinking sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda and fruit juice, may contribute to weight gain. Additionally, being overweight or obese may lead to an increased risk for several cancers.

If your drinks are high in calories it makes it much harder for you to achieve energy balance. That is, when you take in the same amount of calories as you burn off in physical activity or during exercise.

When you take in more calories than you burn through activity, it contributes to weight gain.

Processed Foods

Almost all diets will tell you to avoid processed foods and the reason for that is because most of these foods are not healthy for your body.

Processed foods usually contain a lot of preservatives which can make one feel hungrier and eager to eat more.

Processed foods often contain preservatives that can make you hungrier. The calories within these foods may also turn out to be more than processed foods cooked at home.

Only two out of every ten cases of cancer are directly linked to being overweight or obese. This is greater than that of cigarette smoking.

If you want to reduce your risk for cancer, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating right and exercising. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week and eat a plant-based diet.
