What to eat or not to eat in a Diabetic Diet


If you have diabetes your blood sugar is not properly regulated. Regardless of the root cause of your condition, diabetes is a disease in which there are higher than normal levels of glucose in your bloodstream and insulin, a hormone that regulates the level of glucose in your bloodstream, may very well not be able to assist the body in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.

With type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin. With type 2 diabetes, the body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or it is not able to use it efficiently so glucose builds up in your blood and causes hyperglycemia (high blood sugar).

The sugar in your blood comes from certain foods called carbohydrates, or “carbs.” Carbohydrates are basically sugar. Foods that are high in carbs include candy and sweets, sodas, breads, tortillas, and white rice. The more carbs you eat, the higher your blood sugar level will be.

There isn’t a diet plan that works for everybody but all eating plans some things in common like eating right food at the right time.

Making healthy food choices is important for diabetic patients. Some important foods to include in your diabetic diet is

  1. Fruits and Vegetables
  2. Whole grains quinoa, oats, whole wheat, brown rice, barley
  3. Proteins fish, eggs, chicken, turkey, lean meats, nuts, beans, lentils
  4. Low fat diary products like milk, yogurt, and cheese

To keep blood sugar under control you need to lower consumptions of carbs.  The high carb food and drinks you should limit are

  1. Sugary foods like candy, cookies, canned fruits, ice-cream, cake etc.
  2. Drinks like juice, soda, sports or energy drinks
  3. White rice, breads, tortillas, bread, and pasta
  4. Starch vegetables like peas, corn, and white potatoes

If you have diabetes, it’s important to eat the right amount of food every day. Your diet will include how much of each macro nutrient you should be eating, so that you get the right amount of carbs in each meal or snack. You’ll learn how to count and measure your food. It’s also important to eat at the right time.
