10 best things to do in Luang Prabang


Are you on a tourist visit to Luang Prabang? You have heard many interesting stories about this beautiful city that is full of diverse landmarks, what you are about to read is the blueprint that you need to have the entire city covered.

You are supposed to have a swell time during your visit; reading this interesting piece will show you all the interesting things that you need do before you say goodbye to this beautiful city. Here are 10 of the best places that you must see in Luang Prabang.

1. The Glorious Temples

There are many temples in the city. You can place your scale of presence on seeing some of these temples. There are 34 of such temples that are around town.

If you have been asking a favor from the spirit being and you have not gotten results; visiting here will give you the opportunity to communicate with the spirit realm and have your requests granted. The most popular among the temples is Wat Xieng Thong and was built more than five centuries ago.

2. The Night Market

You may have witnessed many night markets in the past; but in reality, you will have an entirely different experience in the atmosphere presented in the night market at Luang Prabang.

This market is located in the center of the town and you are going to experience a feeling of excellence in the streets with its colorful lights in the night. The more your bargaining power, the better the deals that you will get at the end of every purchase. 

3. Buffet Street

The name suggests what you will meet at this street. There is no bragging about this place; you will eat the best meal ever in your lifetime.

When you pay for a bowl, you will pick up what you want and sit in a communal arrangement that will give you the chance to meet with fellow travelers and exchange notes over your meal.

4. Alms Giving Ceremony

You probably have not seen anything of such in your lifetime; the alms giving ceremony is carried out by saffron-robed barefoot monks who go around in the morning bowl in hand to collect the alms.

You will see them in their numbers before dawn lining the streets beautiful dressed in their colorful robs moving in a file. You will love the spectacle.

5. Sunset from Mount Phousi

This is a skyline of the city which offers a 360 degrees ariel view of the town. Be prepared to climb the over 300 steps to the top early enough before sunset because there is a daily hustle from tourists that want to get to the top of the mount before sunset. The pics that you will take here are a souvenir that you can keep for life.

6. The Kuang Si Waterfall  

This is a landlocked country; the presence of this waterfall presents a beauty to behold. Words cannot describe the beauty of this place in full details; you just have to take time off and be here during your visit and you will experience the wonders of your lifetime.

What you will see at the entrance to the cave is a preamble that will prepare you for one of the best wonders of nature.

7. Yoga, cycle or wander through the city

You can explore the best of the city on your own. The traffic is light; therefore, you can hire a bicycle to take you around the city giving you the opportunity to explore the city.

On the other hand; you can do it on your foot. It makes you see more in a relaxed atmosphere. After the sightseeing, you can cap it all up with yoga before you return to your hotel at night.

8. Cook + Eat

The food here is a different thing entirely to what obtains in other parts of the world. The taste of the food is very nourishing in the mouth. Inhaling the aroma of the food is an experience in a lifetime.

A taste of the food will linger long in your palate. If you want to take it to the highest limit; then you have to get actively involved by taking lessons on how they prepare the cuisine.

9. Coconut milkshake 

To spice the atmosphere, you can lay your hands-on books that make interesting read over your cup of the favorite- Coconut milkshake. Buy new books here or exchange your old books for a new one.

10. Utopia Bar

We are rounding off with a visit to the bar. This is the tourist hangout where you will meet with several tourists and enjoy the food, the drink, and the entire atmosphere. A night at this bar will leave you with fond memories of a lifetime after you have long returned to your base.

You will enjoy the excellent quality of the alcohol served here. This popular bar presents an atmosphere that every tourist will fall in love with. Your visit to this hangout will leave you with an air of satisfaction.

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