8 Ways To Avoid An Unnecessary Fight When You Encounter An Idiot


For most people, a physical altercation is an undesirable thing to happen. There are those who enjoy it though. To take part in a fight can be tempting when you’re angry; but actually fighting may introduce more complications than it solves.

The next time you’re faced with a person who doesn’t appear to possess all the necessary faculties for intelligent discourse, try using one of these eight methods to go about your business without engaging in a pointless dispute.

Notice carefully

Notice that anger can convert to rage and rage can convert to violence in a matter of minutes.

Keep emotions in check

You shouldn’t lose your temper with those who you are in a disagreement with. Keep the anger at bay and take some time to cool down before reacting because when you’re raging on the inside – it’s much harder to remain composed, especially if you feel like someone else is attacking you personally. Even if they’re starting arguments or being offensive, don’t lose your cool until you can get away from them.

Let go of being  right

Trying to argue a point with someone whose beliefs and or ideas simply don’t align with your own can be quite annoying. Whether they are too stubborn to see reason or they just refuse to admit that they are wrong no matter what, people like this tend to deflect from personal responsibility, chances are you know at least one person like this.

So just leave them be because arguing will only make the situation worse. You don’t have to be formally acknowledged for being correct in order to know that you’re correct, so at the end of the day; what matters is that you were right.

Mind your body language 

Pay careful attention to your body language and stance. If you’re keeping your fists down, your palms face up and you don’t make any unnecessary movements, other people will be less likely to try starting a fight with you.

Mind your tone of the voice and language

Be aware of your language. While you want to avoid curses that are the easiest to throw around, there are plenty of other words or phrases you should refrain from using as they can cause unnecessary drama in a situation where you need to simply resolve an issue.  Also watch the tone of your voice.


Even if you are right, it’s not always worth getting into a fight. Sometimes it’s best to just cut your losses and apologize.

Give some space and try to step back

If you’re committed to solving the altercation without resorting to violence, keep a few feet of distance between yourself and an angry combatant while you try to talk it out. You’re less likely to get attacked if you stand your ground than if they are in your face.

Keep watching your back side

If you’re going to walk away and the situation is still tense, be careful about turning your back to your opponent. This gives them an opportunity to attack or stabbed from behind, and you less of a chance to defend yourself. Instead, back away until you have plenty of room. This will make it hard for them to sneak up on you.

Fighting someone else can potentially lead to either getting a few stitches or an assault charge. You might also experience feelings of guilt after you’ve hurt or have been hurt by someone who is innocent (and a police report will go on your permanent record).
