10 best things to do in Sikkim


Sikkim is a city that is endowed with several tourist points of interest. Your decision to choose it as a tourist place of visit is never a misplaced priority because there are several interesting points of interest in this city whose memories can last you a lifetime.


Do you know how you can make the best out of the little time that you to spend in the city? After reading through these travel tips; you will be able to make the best out of your visit. Enjoy.

1. Rumtek Monastery

This tourist haven of attraction is situated at 6000 ft. It is decorated with attractive relics gotten from the age’s past. The somber atmosphere in this Monastery will give any tourist another perspective to life.

If you desire an atmosphere where you can commune with the spirit world to ask for favors and several others that you needed to pull through in life.

2. Yak Ride

Oh, what an experience; riding on the back of a tamed beast! That is what you will get when you go for the yak ride. They are beautifully decorated and has the ability to take you through the rocky-rough terrain of a road.

If you want to enjoy the yak ride; then target the periods- March to May and September to December.

3. Trekking in Goecha La Trek

This is yet another attraction that you will get from this city. If you a lover of raw adventure, you must partake in this form of adventure that will take you about 90 km distance and through a height of 16,000 feet.

However, considering the distance involved; this is only meant for the strong; bold and highly adventurous tourist. The ideal months for this trek are April to June; October and November.

4. River Rafting

This is available in River Teesta and its tributary Rangit. A feeling of the chilly waters and the turbulence of the river provides an atmosphere that will interest any tourist that takes part in river rafting.

If you combine this with camping, you will surely get an experience of your life which you will live to relief for a long time even after the visit.

5. Bird Watching

If you are an enthusiast of nature, then it will be a great adventure that you will live to remember for your life if you partake in bird watching in Kewzing.

This dense forest is a paradise of birding and what you will see on the ground will leave you with your jaws dropped. This is home for about 200 species of bird. Arm yourself with your binoculars and you will get to see the beautiful scenery that you have never encountered before.

 6. The Night Life

Activities around during the day might not excite the heavy socialite but when the cover of darkness falls, this city will take an entirely new outlook. You will love the nightlife because there is something for everybody most especially at Gangtok.

The casinos, pubs, bars, and nightclubs all combine together to make this city an exciting place to be under the cover of darkness.

7. Mountain Biking

Can we leave out mountain biking? No, this is one pastime that will add glamour to the quality of what you will get on your tourist visit. When you are biking along, you will savor the beauty of the entire city.

If you want to catch full fun, then plan your adventure for the months of April; May; mid-September to October. Depending on your fitness level, you will be having more than seven strenuous trails to embark on.

8. MG Road Shopping

Your visit would be incomplete if you did not visit this area of the city for shopping. There are several items of international standards on sale here. If you have the ability to haggle on price, you will get some of the items at ridiculously low rates.

The atmosphere provides something very lively; you will get to fill your bag to the brim with fond memories of Sikkim. Most of the items are the best handcrafts that you will ever get to see in the world.

Virtually everybody takes tea. The idea of a single location where one of the best teas in the world is produced should excite any visiting tourist. That is what you will see at Temi. The tea here is gotten solely through natural means.

No fertilizer is added in the process of producing the tea. When you visit this factory, you will interesting lessons to take home on tea processing direct from the source.

A stay in the British Bungalow which is open to the tourist is an experience that will definitely add color to your tourist visit. This factory produces 100 metric ton of organic tea annually.

10. Khecheopalri Lake

This is our last point on the list of 10 and it represents a sacred place for Hindus and Buddhists. This lake was believed to have been blessed by Guru Padmasambhava.

If you ask the locals about this place, they will tell you their belief that it has treasures hidden in its belly. If for nothing but for the sake of curiosity, then you must visit this lake before you leave Sikkim.

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