10 Best Things To Do In Venice



Venice is among the top tourist destinations. The city is associated with a rich cultural history. The friendly locals will enhance your stay here. I know the first thing you think about when traveling is the place to visit, how about the things to do?

I have selected the best destinations and suggestions on the best things to do while in Venice.

1. Go to the Art Museums

You should probably start touring Venice from this Museum. It gives you an idea of the beauty and history of the city. You will learn about Napoleon and how he influenced art in the city. You are likely to meet other tourists here; the museums are a must for visitors.

2. Visit Bridge of Sighs

This is probably the most spectacular construction in Venice. It is easy to access the bridge from the center of the city. It is attached with a rich history of convicts that had to travel through the interrogation rooms after a sentence. Most prisoners went through bridge were sentenced to death; it the inspiration behind the name “bridge of sigh.” It is also associated with beautiful designs.

3. Tour the Venetian Ghetto

Be sure to visit the Jewish district. Don’t be the first tourist in Venice to leave without getting to the Ghetto. The name Ghetto is of Italian origin because of the age when the Jews were restricted from accessing the city. The area is still dominated by Jews, which explains the several synagogues and restaurants with Jewish cuisines. There is a lot to learn about Jewish culture in the Ghetto.

4. Relax at Piazza San Marco

The square is open for locals and foreigners. It is home to the Basilica di San Marco, Doge’s Palace, Byzantine marvel, and the Torre dell’ Orologio. It is an ancient and majestic structure; you are likely to find it flooded if you go during winter. Wooden platforms are set to help people move around the restaurants.

5. Attend an Aperitivo

The first tip to enjoy your stay in Venice is living like a local. The locals have a tradition to go for an aperitivo in the evenings. there are wide varieties of drinks and snacks with a  traditional taste. Typically, the drinks have bitter alcohol. Be sure to taste the cocktails while on a rooftop bar, it is the tradition in Venice; drinks and snacks on a rooftop in the evening.

6. Climb Campanile

Make sure you visit the tallest and oldest building in the city. The 1902 disaster had destroyed the building but was constructed with original design and materials thus maintaining its status. Design of bell tower is exactly the same as 100 years ago. Climb to the top to enjoy a view of birds and Dolomites.

7. Ride on Ferry to the island

Venice has 3 beautiful islands; Murano, Torcello, and Burano. The three surround the city hence easy to access. They all have distinct features that make them famous; like Murano is renowned for the beautiful glass. A ferry ride guarantees you a view of the cathedral that was built in the 7th century.

8. Taste the delicious foods

Venitian food is dominated by seafood. It is far from boring. The locals are creative and use natural spices to make each meal unique. Location of the city guarantees you fresh fish on a daily basis. Be sure to taste Baccalà Mantecato, which is a combination of potatoes, cream, and garlic on salted cod. Other foods include meatballs and Goose.

9. Shop at Rialto

Rialto is the source of all seafood. Its proximity to the sea guarantees freshness and variety. Be sure to taste fishmongers; it is a significant part of the Venetian cuisine. Vegetable stands have a wide variety and quality products. Apart from food, you can shop for handbags and shoes at designer shops in the city.

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