10 best things to do in Vientiane


Vientiane is the capital of Laos, are you considering paying a tourist visit to this delight of tourists? There are several interesting points of reference that you can take from this city.

If you do not know where to go when you come to this city; then you can sit back and enjoy what we have on these pages because they are tips that we have put together to guide any tourist that wants a feel of the best of this city. They consist of 10 of the best things that you can do when you come to Vientiane. Enjoy.

1. Buddha Park, Vientiane

If you are a religious buff and you are on the lookout for a place where you can meditate and ask for special favors from the spirit world; then you must visit Buddha Park. There are over 200 statues here.

You will be awed at the sight of the Buddha image which is a 40m high reclining intimidation structure. The entrance to this temple is designed like the mouth of a demon. Coming here will make you fulfilled.

2. Half Day Vientiane City Tour

If you are to truly get to see the best of this city; then you need to go on a guided tour. The most exciting of the tours is the half-day bicycle tour of the city.

You will get to know the interesting points in the city and an opportunity to interact with the locals milling around you who are ever friendly and willing to explain to you whatsoever you want to know about the history and the culture of the people.

3. Bicycle Adventure

If you want a feel of raw adventure; then you can rent a bicycle and go on an adventure ride of the city. Get on the muddy road in the city and get to know the best of this city that is surrounded by mountains.

You will get willing hands who will show you the way and can speak perfect English. All you need is the right bike meant for the Vientiane roads and the benefits will be yours.

4. The Cooking Class

A tourist will always care about food during the course of his stay on a tourist visit. The city of Vientiane is known for its delicacies which always makes tourists salivate when they come here on a tourist visit.

It is not a bad idea if you go for a cooking class and get to know the secrets of the ingredients that make the delicacies. You will have something to take home after your visit.

5. Patuxai Victory Monument

A worthy tourist visit is not enough if you did not get to know the history of the people; their past that connects with the present. One of the best places to connect with the conscience of this city is through Patuxai Victory Monument.

A visit here will invoke feelings of heroism in you. The statutes of those that laid down their lives for the freedom of their land stand tall here.

6. Vientiane – Pha That Luang

This is a must visit the air-conditioned shopping mall. It is the only one of its kind in the city. This place is loaded with the best in electronics. If you are a lover of electronic gadgets; you will have your hands full here-you will shop until your pocket is dry.

There are other wares that will catch your fancy in this shopping mall. Tourist comes here to avoid the tropical heat that is relentless outside.

7. Wat Ho Phra Kaew

This is one temple that dwarfs the rest of them all. It was once the personal chapel of the Lao royal lineage. This is the home of the Emerald Buddha after it was snatched from Thailand.

This temple is open every day of the year and the opening hours is between 08:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00.

8. Night Market

Your visit to this city will not be complete if you do not experience the scene of the night market. More of such markets are coming up and you are going to experience something that you will love to remember for a long time to come.

The heat of the day is gone with sunset; this city takes a different look under the illumination of the brightly shining lights. Security is not an issue. Shop to your delight; eat to your delight!

9. Lao Herbal Steam Sauna And Massage

Health is wealth. You can go for a physical shape up of your spine by paying a visit to the Lao Herbal Steam Sauna And Massage where you will get what we call massage for real.

The feeling that you are going to get here is very authentic. The building that houses this must-visit house of massage does not come with the glory expected from it; we can tell you that it is only the outside view; when you get inside; you will see the true worth of it.

10. COPE Visitor Center

We are closing up on the interesting places to be while in this city with a visit to COPE Visitor Center. If you truly desire to get some depth about this city; you will get that through what you will learn here; you are going to see more through films and documentaries.

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