10 Things You Should Never Do at The Beach


Beaches are always one of the places where people would like to spend their holidays. There is nothing better than going out for seafood after you spending your entire day lazying on the beach and feeling the smoothness of the sand.

Unfortunately, unless you live on a private island, then you will have to know how to share your holiday with everyone else. Or, at least not do some things that people will judge you for being rude.

Underneath is a practical guide and etiquette lessons that will make your beach day more fun for you, and the others as well:



  1. Do not Ignore Local Customs

When you are traveling, always be respectful and observe the local customs. This includes the manners of dressing and public behavior. There are some things that might be alright in your local place but is frowned upon in other countries.

For example: sunbathing with your birthday suit is not common in some areas in Europe and Australia. Do your research of the place before you actually go there. And most importantly is try to listen to the locals. When the tide is high, then do not insist to go to the waters, when the locals said to better avoid it. It can be a matter of life and death for you.


  1. Leave your phone out

It is your holiday! But yes, we all have been that person who is inseparable with their phone. Most of us, in fact, are even addicted to social media. However, not having your phone out is actually better for your phone. There is a chance that your phone might freeze up because of overeating. Not to mention that water and electricity are never a good combination.

If you really want to listen to music while you are laying out, you can keep your phone in an insulated pouch or you can simply wrap it tightly inside a towel. But the best thing to do is just to disconnect for a moment and actually enjoy your holiday.

  1. Forget sunscreen

We all know the dangers of skin cancer yet we all have fallen victim by forgetting to buy or bring sunscreen because we are worried that they might stand in the way of us and our beautiful perfect tanned skin. However, you have to rethink whether a tanned skin is worth the risk of getting skin cancer. And don’t worry, experts said that even an SPF 30 sunscreen that is strong enough to block out most of 97% UVB radiation is too low to be in the way of you getting some color.

In addition to cancer, not wearing sunscreen can also contribute to early signs of aging, like dark spots and wrinkles

Most of the sunscreen only protects from UVB rays, which can cause sunburn but not UVA rays, which can cause wrinkles. When you are purchasing your sunscreen, make sure that it contains protection for both UVA and UVB rays. Ensure to apply it after swimming and every two hours you spend in the sun.

  1. Drink alcohol

Alcohol is often synonymous with sun, beach, and holiday. However, do you know that actual alcohol would dehydrate your body? Yes. Not to mention that you would be spending your time under the sun which can further increase the risk of dehydration. Alcohol works by raising your body temperature and increase your risk of overheating. Not to mention that it is actually illegal to drink booze on many public beaches and you can actually get tickets by doing it.

  1. Do not let your dog roam unattended

Okay, let’s be honest. Dogs are cute. They truly are. Not to mention that they are always happy whenever they get plenty of space to run around. But, the problem is although most of dog breeds are swimmers, they are still vulnerable to riptides just as easily human do. Bring a leash for your dog and ensure that if he escaped, his tags show your name and contact information.

Not to mention that not everyone is a fan of dogs. So it is just being polite to people who are using the beach as well.

  1. Play music out loud

A lot of people go to the beach to escape from their hectic life and just enjoy the moment. Well, they were enjoying. Until you came and started playing your music out loud. Do not be that annoying person who plays their music out loud in a public place. Instead, the next time you head to the beach ensure that you bring your headphones along with you.

  1. Ignore warnings

Even when they are no one around, do not try to ignore the warning. On the coastlines, there are usually various warnings such as riptides, strong currents, and jellyfish. They are there to keep you safe. Heed any posted signage and monitor the color-coded flags throughout the day. Each place or state can have its own flag system color.



  1. Leave behind trash

This is one of the etiquettes that should be obvious enough but unfortunately all of us would have seen someone just throwing their litter all over the place. They throw it into the sand and worse the water. The world is currently facing an epidemic where most of our trash ends up at the sea instead of our landfills. You do not need to add the number of trash that is already there. Ensure that you throw away your trash to te dedicated trash can. Remember to tear apart your plastic soda rings and pitch your styrofoam.

  1. Smoke

Cigarette butts themselves are actually harmful to the environment. They do not biodegrade in sand, and can leach toxic chemicals and carcinogens into the water. Not to mention that the breeze would carry your smoke everywhere, to everyone else’s face and lungs.

  1. Feed the seagulls

There are a lot of people who got into the habit of feeding seagulls. Actually, not only it is annoying but it is unhealthy for the bird. These birds need to forage and stick to a natural diet. Handouts of bread, fast food can make them sick and lead to overcrowding in places that humans frequent.

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