15 Things Not To Do In Thailand


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While the nation is bright and smiley, it’s possible that you may be unknowingly committing a social sin. Some are clear while others may be fuzzier.

Here are some of the 15 Things to avoid doing in Thailand.

  1. Think excessively – There are a few reasons and circumstances where you will be told, ‘Don’t think excessively”. From various methods for getting things done, to here and there apparently remiss well being principles and not having any desire to design too far ahead of time, regularly the Thai take will take the mai bpen rai (don’t stress over it) and sabai (simple and agreeable) approach. Due to a more Buddhist outlook and basically simply needing to keep things light and happy , you’ll be prompted not to stress over things, not to get excessively genuine and not, making it impossible to over think things

  2. Contact their head – Unless you’re in a cozy association with somebody, you shouldn’t contact or putting things over individuals’ heads. The head is considered the cleanest and most sacred piece of the body, so contacting somebody’s head is viewed as rude and will make others uneasy.

  3. Shriek around evening time – It’s a Thai superstition that shrieking during the evening is misfortune – you’re calling spirits. It might never again be a major ordeal to a few, however you’ll see numerous individuals getting to be uneasy if a shriek is heard after dusk.

  4. Get filthy – Appearance and neatness are critical. Indeed, even amidst the hot season you’ll see Thais carefully assembled and even physical workers will have clean garments. There might be a casual vibe here, yet not with regards to your appearance and how you deal with yourself.

  5. Raise your voice – Thais are normally easygoing and mild-mannered. However you can hear nonnatives a mile away. Hold your voice down in stores and eateries, and remain quiet in the event that you end up in a contention. Raising your voice or shouting won’t encourage the circumstance and causes everybody required to wind up humiliated.

  6. Make out – When in Rome you may make out in the city, however when in Thailand you shouldn’t. You’ll see that Thais regularly don’t clasp hands or embrace in broad daylight, so any kissing or additional closeness is impossible. It’s alright to sneak a little peck in anywhere.

  7. Take your garments off – Yes, Thailand is tropical. Yet except if you’re on a shoreline, in a specific sort of bar, or in your lodging room keep it concealed. It’s hot and sticky however, folks, that is no reason to run around with your shirt off – you don’t see the Thais doing it. Young ladies, cover shoulders, cleavage and knees while entering sanctuaries. It’s anything but difficult to keep a wrap on you for such places and means a universe of regard.

  8. Wear your shoes – Know why shoes are so well known here? All things considered, it’s hot, and you’re continually taking them off. Entering homes, sanctuaries, shops – even a few eateries and restrooms – you’ll be requested to remove your shoes and stroll around shoe less or with shoes.

  9. Embrace a priest – While men are permitted to be in contact with priests you’ll still more often than not observe them keep an aware separation. Nobody should remain over, or be situated higher than, a priest.

  10. Using your feet – Pointing your toes or the base of your feet at individuals, spots and things is considered to a great degree discourteous. Having your feet looking toward, sanctuaries, Buddha pictures or priests is particularly impolite and unsuitable. You’ll likewise be chastised for utilizing your feet to help close an entryway, venturing over or kicking something.

  11. Buddha images are sacred. Buddhism is the main religion in Thailand and images of the Buddha are considered sacred. Therefore, it is advised to treat Buddha images as sacred. It is also advised not to take Buddha images out of Thailand.

  12. Overstaying visa. Many foreigners travelling to Thailand overstay knowingly or unknowingly. It is advised not to overstay your visa. There are various immigration rules if you overstay your visa. You may be asked to pay a fine. If you overstay for too long you will be deported immediately.

    13.Avoid doing graffitiThere are many instances in which foreigners are caught for doing graffiti. Graffiti are writings or drawings done in scribbled way mostly in walls. Although everything may seem cool, graffiti in public places or walls is considered as a serious offence.

  1. Beware of local laws.

There are laws which prohibit speaking anything against the royal family.  Even a comment in social media post is considered bad. It is advised not to discuss anything about this topic.  If you are unaware and do something against this law in inebriated state you may be asked to give a solid explanation.

  1. Stand up for the royal anthem

Every day the royal anthem is played twice. It is advised to stand up for the royal anthem. 

If you follow the above rules you are almost safe in Thailand. Normally it is advised not to get into an argument with a local. This is true in any country. When you are a foreigner respect the locals.

Read 15 Things Not To Do In Thailand

Read 8 Movies To Watch Before Visiting Thailand
