20 Sustainable Travel Tips For Backpackers


Sustainable Travel is an environmentally aware form of travelling the world. It’s all about considering the environment with choices we make and choosing to lessen our impact wherever possible. The whole idea of sustainable travel is to travel the world while lessening the impact of carbon footprint.

It doesn’t have to big changes but little changes here and there can add up to make a difference. Although sustainable travel might seem idealistic it is not. You will soon begin to feel good when you see the positive impact.

Sustainable Travel Tips

Choose a green destination

Doing some research into which countries are more sustainable to visit. By visiting these countries and investing into sustainable and ethical tourism practices you are encouraging other nations to do the same.

Fly Non-Stop

This isn’t the way I would recommend a budget backpacker. By booking a non-stop flight you are helping the world reduce its carbon footprint. Most airplanes use much of the fuel during take off and landing. A non-stop flight will have less take off and landing resulting in fuel savings.

Pack Light

Packing light and travelling light is one of the most sustainable things that we can do. More weight means more fuel and less sustainability.

Use E Tickets

It’s a quite well known fact that we should save paper whenever possible and recycle it after we use it. Using e-tickets through security means using less paper.

Use Public Transport

If you are going to doing a lot of moving around travel destination consider making use of public transport. Instead of using domestic flights use the bus.

Road Trip If you’d rather avoid public transport why not make a little road trip out of your adventure. When travelling with a group of friends this will be more sustainable.

Use bicycle to explore local areas. It’s sustainable and can keep you fit and active as well. This phenomenon can be seen in Europe. 

Get a Refillable Water Bottle

water tap

Having access to safe drinking water is not only a backpacking essential but it is also a life essential. If you are backpacking in a country without safe drinking water you can spend less amount on plastic bottles.

Avoid Straws

Straws is again made up of plastic. Avoiding straws can help maintain ecological balance.

Eat Local

A well-known backpacker rule is to eat local or go where locals go. Not only you will find the best food in your area but it will also the cheapest food. However, do not drink locally made liquor. 

Buy Local

Any form of expensive food you will find will either be imported at a great cost and environmental expense. Buying local will reduce the carbon footprint.


Recycle wherever you are.

Pick Up Trash

If you are feeling you are going the extra mile why not pick up some trash.

Ask Questions

Ask restaurants, ask hotel or hostels. May be this would help to travel more sustain-ably.

Flip the Switch

Whenever you go in and out of your accommodation remember to flip the switch. This will save much of the electricity. Also, remember to turn off the switch every time you put off the switch.

Avoid Plastic Bags

If you are planning to buy something from super market bring plastic bags with you. In many countries the government has already banned plastic bags. Mass tourism has led to enormous use of plastic which is very bad for the environment.

Minimize Water Usage

In many part of the world water is a scanty resource. Minimize its usage will help to maintain a sufficient water supply for everyone. Therefore, try to use as little water as possible.

Once you start to live a sustainable travel lifestyle it will definitely impact the people around you.

Avoid buying products made from endangered plants/ animals

Do not buy anything from endangered plants/animals. In some countries buying such products is considered illegal. Even if it’s not illegal in other countries it’s ethically wrong to buy such products. 

Learn the local language

Learning the local language is something you need to practice. You will be amazed how learning even a few phrases will change the way locals treat you. 

Travel on marked hiking trails

Marked hiking trails are there for a reason. Once you stick to the path you avoid harming native flora and fauna. 

Take showers not baths

Showers use 10-30 gallons of water while baths use more than 100 gallons. Hence, shower instead of a bath. 

Read Common Backpacker Illnesses And Diseases
