8 Educational Benefits That Students Can Gain From Travelling


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It is a consensus that classroom learning is excellent but not enough to supersede the quality of knowledge that can be acquired through traveling.

When students visit a place that is different from where they have always been familiar with, they are not just likely to have the time of their life. But, they are also at liberty to learn new languages, be acquainted with new cultures, and get in touch with how things are done differently according to beliefs and values of people.

Whatever has been taught theoretically within the classroom walls can be made up for practically when student travel is encouraged. In-depth insights on art, science, commerce, and history among other things are dug out while on the journey to see the world. The educational benefits of student travel  are numerous and not limited to the following;

Cultural learning.

Until other places are visited and other people are contacted, there may be a controlled believe that everyone has to behave the same way as you. Visiting other people and getting acquainted with other people’s cultures help much to see that just someplace near your state can have a different belief and cultural practice.

It is not only limited to acceptance. Traveling and having to live with people of different culture leaves you no choice but to learn their culture, especially if you will be staying long with them. Culture diversity should not have to mean social difference- some of the students may not learn this fact unless they travel.

Language learning.

This is another great benefit of traveling around the country. If any student has to go round the country, the student must be ready to not only learn different languages of each country but also be mentally and emotionally prepared to put the learned words into practice.

Traveling around gives students the chance to learn as many languages as possible, provided the words will be needed in the countries.

Imagine a student who has only been communicating in English all his life has a privilege to visit China. He does not need to love Chinese before he picks one or two Chinese words.

Culinary learning.

Just as there are diverse cultures and languages scattered around the world, there are also different food types and method of cooking. Food is universally fundamental to human growth so you may have to adapt to the kind of food that they eat where you visit. Not only will you need to change, but you may also need to learn how to make the dishes.

Better learning experience.

The fact remains that a lot more about what has been taught in the class is learned from traveling with the one that taught you and the people you have been learning with. There is a chance that some of the things you have talked about in class will be encountered as you travel with this set of people. It will be a lot easier to teach from the things that can be seen. It also serves as an excellent opportunity to share the same space with your superior and inferior. You all get to interact and learn more about each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

This makes you gain an amount of confidence that may be useful for a future relationship with your teacher and colleagues.

Improve social skills.

When students travel together, they are forced to be in the same place and within the same walls sometimes. If this happens for an extended period, even the shy ones come out of their shell out of no choice.

Before long, all the people that have been privileged to go on the travel become friends. The shy ones now see family and close friends in the stead of just colleagues. I think this is a huge breakthrough. It could even mean that an end has come to their timidity.

At the end of the journey, all of the people that traveled together, including the teacher would have learned to tolerate and relate with one another.

Improves teamwork.

Traveling with someone or a set of people makes them my team member. If as a student, I have been chosen with two or three other colleagues of mine to go to another environment for whatever reason, they are the people I am familiar with. Hence, they will be the people I identify with either for a project, for shopping or as we go to a restaurant. Having people around that, you can call a team makes everything go even more smoothly than imagination.

Together, everybody achieves more.

This is also true for a group of students as it is right for a group of workers.

Increase selfawareness.

This is particular to the students who have just reached adolescence. They are still at the initial stage of self-discovery and will need a lot of getting out and exposure to know the things they enjoy doing

If a student has only known the classroom walls and home all his life, he may be limited without even knowing his limitations. A getaway or student trip exposes this one to a lot of things out there, and they soon find out some basic things that they find pleasure in. Some of these things they find comfort in will make them more aware of themselves and ultimately help in the process of self-discovery.

Improve travel skills.

Continuous getting away with your group is bound to expose you to some necessary travel skills.

When you are traveling, you learn how to take essential things over mundane things. You also learn how to pack light, how to brace yourself up for the means of transportation and how to make reservations in the place you are going to.

You learn more as you travel with your colleagues and teacher. Do not shy away from this adventure.

The following importance cannot be overemphasized. Getting better in all ramification is what real learning is about, and if traveling is a means to this end, then students should do more traveling.
