9 Weekend Getaway Planning Tips


Sometimes long vacations can be exhausting, time-consuming and costly. So going for a small weekend trip can be adventurous, rejuvenating, memorable and economical as well.

Picking some friends or family members and going for a short trip can be a better option than digging a hole in your pocket for long vacations.

It seems to be an easy task to plan a weekend trip but it is not. Planning a short weekend trip also needs a lot of planning to make it successful and memorable for life.

You have to take care of budget, lodging, what to eat and where to eat and many more things. But it doesn’t mean that it is not doable. Below are some tips which can make your trip easy, enjoyable and memorable.

Choose a destination

This is the first and most difficult step, as many of us are not able to pick up a destination. You must keep in mind that it is your weekend trip, so you need to choose a place which suits you.

thailand beach

In case, you like water then plan for a trip in places like beaches and if you are in love with sightseeing, then choosing places near to you that have mesmerizing views would be the best option.

Always keep in mind, you are going for a short weekend trip and this means you need to choose your destination wisely. Never dwell for places which require a travel time of more than 5-6 hours.

A travel time of more than 5-6 hours will take over the time you are willing to spend at the location enjoy the beauty of the place.

Keep your luggage light

Most travelers don’t know how to keep their luggage light weighted even when the trip is very short. If you are among one of these, this is what you should focus on.

If you are going to hit the road by your personal vehicle, over-packed bags are not much of a problem as you can always put everything in the backseat of the car.

Over-packed bags start creating troubles when you have a flight or a train or any other public means of transport.

You have to first carry the highly weighted bags to the station, then you have to walk down the whole station carrying those bags and then there might be a situation when you have to lift those bags up to put them in a proper place.

So, always carry clothes that are sufficient for 2-3 days and try to avoid extra items which are not necessary as much as you can.

Book Accommodation In Advance

Hotel Room

This is another very crucial thing as you are planning a trip only for 2-3 days. Choosing accommodation very close to your destination would be your best decision.

It is always advised you to pick up an accommodation that is in a walking distance to your destination. Moreover, it is better if you choose an accommodation prior to your journey.

It will be convenient for you and will also prevent you from last time headhunting of hotels. There are a plethora of options for how it can be done. It can be done by online hotel booking or directly contacting the hotel authority for bookings. One more important thing, make sure the place is economical and hygienic.

Choose a travel partner ( or a group )

You must always be fastidious about your travel partner as it is a major factor in the success of the plan. Good travel partner can either be your family members or friends or your colleagues.

A weekend getaway is a good opportunity to spend some quality time with family especially when you find yourself too busy at work during weekdays. A good company always brings happiness and makes your trip more memorable and enjoyable.

Budget Well

This is the most important thing of all. Though you are going just for a weekend, it can still be very expensive if you have not planned it properly.

So, it becomes really important to plan out a budget so that you can avoid extra expenses. Assigning a budget to the trip compels you to avoid extra unnecessary shopping and buying other luxury items that are of a little or no use to you.

Pack some snacks and medicines

First Aid Box

It is good to carry some snacks like fruits, dry fruits, some biscuits with you as it will keep you energetic throughout the journey. You should keep you away from unhealthy and unhygienic food.

Keep basic medicines like paracetamol, antidiarrheal etc. with you as you might not find chemist nearby you when you need it the most. Keep an anti-allergic spray and insect-bite spray with you all the time.

Capture memories

Capture your memories in your camera and make your trip unforgettable. Put your phone on airplane mode as unwanted calls might disturb you during your pleasure time.

You are spending quality time with your loving ones so avoid such calls, email, messages, etc. Rejuvenate yourself during the trip so that you can focus on your office work with more energy than before.

Put your phone off or on Airplane mode

Make sure you are really enjoying the weekend trip. Make sure you put your phone off or on airplane mode. Tell your colleagues or business partners that you will be unable to receive business-related calls during the weekend trip. 

You can put the phone on during the night time or early morning to see if you have received an emergency message or call from your friends/family. In this way, you will soak up more in the environment and you will be able to enjoy your trip.

Have a rough plan for each day

If you really like to get the most out of your trip, we recommend you to come up with a rough plan for each day. Plan a rough itinerary that will help you utilize your trip better.  For example, you can make a list of things to do on Day 1 and then a list of things to do on Day 2.  

Read Best Weekend Getaways near Ahmedabad
