Seven Surprising Facts You Need to Know about Green Tea


Green tea is a familiar beverage in our society. Most of us are well aware of green tea and its usefulness. Green tea is commonly used in outside of Asia. Asian people doesn’t like green tea. But the European and American people prefer green tea over anything. Because it is helpful for their health. Now, we will discuss seven surprising facts which you need to know about green tea. It is given below:


It was invented in China

Green tea was first invented in China. It was hugely used there. People of China invented this unique version of tea. It is a very healthy beverage. It was invented from an experiment. When the experiment worked out, green tea was invented. Green tea was not very popular back then. People didn’t like it very much because of its taste. It was rejected by most of the companies to sell. But nowadays green tea is very popular throughout the world. Chinese didn’t lose their hope that time. This is why they end up having success at the end. The credit of its invention goes to China. Green tea is a great medium of dieting and other physical health related issue. It is quite famous in these days. People around the world drink it very much.


The best time to drink green tea is…

Green tea is one kind of beverage. So you can’t just drink it anytime you want. You need to choose a right time to drink tea. It will be better, if you choose a time for drinking green tea. Green tea is commonly used all over the world. But most of the people drink it whenever they want. They don’t drink it time. If you drink green tea at the perfect time, then you can have the best chance to make it useful for your health. The right time to drink green tea is after having a lunch or dinner. It is the most suitable time to drink tea. So, we should try to drink green tea at these times.

There are thousand varieties of it

You will find a lot of varieties of green tea out there in the market. Green tea is a common beverage of our world. It is mostly used for dieting and good health. There are a lot of varieties of green tea. Each and every varieties are different from the other ones. There are also difference between their effects. These varieties were invented in various countries. There are a lot of countries who had incredible contribution to these inventions. They were responsible for the development of the varieties of green tea. It has a great effect to the green tea market.

All Teas Are Made From the Same Plant

Green tea are made from the same plant. Most of us are unaware of this fact. We don’t know it. But it is a fact that all teas are made from the same plant. First of all they plant a green tea tree and then take care of it till it grows up and then use all the leaves of it to make teas. All teas are made from the same plant. It is always the same. They don’t change it for a single time. They always keep taking teas from the same plant. It is a very surprising fact. Because no one ever imagine that all teas can be made from the same plant.


What Makes Green Tea Unique

There are a lot of thing that can make green tea unique. This is why people drink it quiet often. This is why people like green tea over other tea. It has a unique taste. Because of it some people love to drink this popular beverage. They find it quiet tasty also. This is why they also suggest people to drink this unique tea. It has a lot of usefulness. It can make our skin glow. It can help our extra calories to burn. It can delay the symptoms of aging. These thing can only be done by the green tea. This is why it is pretty unique and useful for the people. This is why people are getting attracted to it more and more. This is why they are also referring it to their friends and families. Because of its uniqueness, green tea is becoming more and more popular day by day.

Green tea can improve your mood

Green tea is also useful for our moods. It can improve our mood anytime. If you have issues like mood swings then you can have green tea. It is the best solution to problems like this. It can improve your mood while you are angry, sad, happy, etc. It is quiet helpful to get away from sorrows. It is also helpful to get rid of your anger. Green tea is hugely used by the people because of this reason. They want to change their mood. So, they prefer to take a sip from cup of a green tea and improve their mood. Especially people in Europe and America who suffer from these issues take a lot of green tea to drink.

Green tea isn’t always green in color

It is kind of a fun fact that green tea is not always green in color. It is brown most of the time. It is not called green tea because of its color. It is called green tea because of the leaves of the green tea tree. Green tea tree is much greener than other tea trees. This is why people called it green tea. Chinese named it green tea for the first time. It has not been changed yet. The name is still the same in this date. But yet most of us are completely unaware of this little fun fact.

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