7 Benefits Of Beach Therapy For Wellness


The sea and the beach have fascinated man for millennia, especially when he first found that he was unable to go any further, than the shallow waters.

Man did not know what lay beyond the edge of the beach in the vast body of water that lay in front of him sometimes calm, whilst at other times lashing in all its fury.
It took man a very long time to realize the joys of the sea though the beach would have been a place they would have had fun and frolicked.

We know now what lies beyond the seven seas, but the beach continues to fascinate us, just like it did, our prehistoric ancestors many millennia ago.

There is something about the beach that draws many towards it when they seek some relaxation from the rigors of modern living especially in built up urban cities.

The beach wherever it may be and its pristine environs dictate a sense of calmness, solitude and offer’s a healthy option to rejuvenate before you would go back to the grind.

They should be feeling good if not they would not come time and again to go through the same routine accompanied by their family and friends.

Let us see what the beach and sea has to offer in the form of natural therapy that could bring back some lost vigor and rejuvenate us. Here are the  7 benefits of beach therapy for our wellness.

Boosts Vitamin D

The soft warmth of the morning rising Sun would provide us the much needed vitamin D, which most of us living in suburban areas are rarely subjected to.

The rising Sun would also gently warm up our bodies which is similar to being in a Spa but this is a natural therapy with the other benefits that the environment has to offer.

If you are staying longer it would be imperative that you wear a protective sunscreen because there is a distinct difference between the early rising Sun, and the mid day harsh one.

This is the reason why Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin”.  Vitamin D is important for fighting infections and is a key ingredient for the healthy functioning of our immune system. ( Benefits Of Vitamin D )

Fresh salty air

Breathing in long drawn fresh salty air is good for our lungs and the total well-being of our body which would help expand the lungs to optimum.

Deep continuous slow breathing would help our respiratory system and the circulation of this air through our body.

Our lungs are generally accustomed to polluted urban air but long deep air mixed with a tinge of salt would surely be a good breathing therapy.


Unlike running on a hard surface the soft beach sand would dig our feet a few inches into the sand this would put additional effort for us to remove it and place the next step.

This takes a fraction of effort but it has a positive effect on the lower legs and muscles of the feet and it is necessary that you run bare feet to derive the full benefit.

The exercising would bring heavy breathing which would add to the additional expansion of the lungs which would need to be exaggerated to ensure optimum benefits.

Jogging on the soft beach sand is very much healthier than running on hard tracks or asphalt which could even damage muscles and sinews but not on the beach.

Warm beach sand

Lying down buried in the soft salty sand of the beach is a very popular therapy many practice because this provides evenly spread warmth in salty sand.

This is also comparable to a spa therapy and would allow the body to receive evenly spread warmth which would be quite rejuvenating.

Select an area where the beach sand is wet and cover the body with it as this is better than dried sand further away from the waters.

Let the wet salty sand dry up on the body which would provide a very soothing effect which would provide the right warmth the body would love.

Warm salty waters

Keeping yourself dipped in salt water especially when the Sun is up and water closer to the beach is warm is something we may not have anywhere else other than whilst in the sea.

The salt water therapy is a good stimulant to the body and when it is warm it would rejuvenate blood circulation to optimum levels.

Salt water is accepted as a good body therapy and the Sun warming up the water would add to the comfort which would be incomparable to none.

It is medically advised that immersing oneself in salt water has a good effect on our bodies and doing this regularly would keep you healthy. This is also known as thalassotherapy. Sea water is rich in mineral and is an excellent source for treatment of skin sores, bug bites and cuts. Trace elements of magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium and iodide found in sea water are absorbed through the skin which helps in the treatment process.

Look miles into the horizon

Looking into the horizon is a very good exercise for the muscles in the eye and this is especially good for children who are daily with their computers or within four walled classrooms.

The muscles in their eye have less exercise as they tend to focus less on objects far away this is the reason children at a very young age wear spectacles.

Looking into the horizon and looking at objects closer would exercise and provide ample exercise for the muscles in the eye.

Children living in apartments are very vulnerable to the problem of not having sufficient exercises to their muscles in the eye, which has become a very grave issue indeed.

The sudden long and short focusing of the eye muscles would hold them in good stead as it would ensure that they refrain from wearing spectacles till old age.


Relaxation on the beach especially in the early morning and evenings would give you total relaxation which is good for those stressing out at work and unable to spend some time on their health.

The sea breeze would do you a world of good, it would be better than any other “fresh air”, which you would breathe anywhere else.

Fresh air mixed with salt water is good for your health and with such a vast area it is very unlikely to have any pollutants.
