Best Weekend Getaways From Pune


Pune happens to be one of the vibrant young cities in India. With youth comes the zeal to work and party. In order to help it’s young crowd keep it’s work and fun intact, we have come up with a list of weekend getaways.

Here’s the list.


Kune Falls, Lonavala

Courtesy: TravelAdvisor

Not exactly a hundred kilometers from Pune, Lonavala can be delighted in on the multi-day trip and in addition an end of the week trip. Valleys and slopes, cascades and rich greenery possess large amounts of Lonavala. An unquestionable requirement visit for any individual who adores nature, Lonavala is likewise well known for the chikki, a customary Indian sweet produced using jaggery and peanuts.10 Best things to do in Lonavla


Three hours from Lonavala, the slope station of Khandala has been made well known by Bollywood motion pictures and tunes. As anyone might expect, Khandala is as prevalent as Lonavala, with numerous individuals wanting to cover both the spots in a solitary excursion. Other than the greenery and wonderful slopes, the place is made much more lovely by the downpours. The storms are the most mainstream time to visit both Khandala and Lonavala.


The city of Wai is arranged on the banks of the Krishna River and was known as ‘Virat Nagari’ amid the old ages. Wai is in the Satara area of Maharashtra, and scarcely 90 kilometers from Pune. There are open doors for a few donning exercises in Wai, including pontoon building, trekking, kayaking, and stargazing.

Lohagad Fort

Which means press post, Lohagad Fort was before the bastion of Shivaji and is currently a famous vacation spot. The fortress is situated on a slope, sitting above the Pavana River. The Bhaja and Karla Caves found near the post are another fascination for those meeting the Lohagad Fort. Trekking to the fortress and to the caverns are the absolute most prevalent exercises in the locale.


The man-made town of Lavasa is circumscribed by pleasant slopes and cultivates, and gets its name from the lake that the place covers. This slope city is near 25,000 feet, and an extremely mainstream home base spot for the more youthful populace. Lavasa appreciates picturesque perspectives and a surrounding atmosphere on account of the Western Ghats. A portion of the exercises to enjoy are trekking, outdoors, rappelling, climbing, and arrow based weaponry.


An exceptionally well-known stream boating spot around Pune, Kolad is a minor town in the Raigad region that draws swarms of visitors whenever of the year. The Kundalika River offers waterway boating openings, as well as the street along the stream,  is a famous running trail. The picturesque perspectives and reviving blue waters are combined with an invigorating atmosphere lasting throughout the year.


Mahabaleshwar is an end of the week escape and excursion spot in Maharashtra, encompassed by evergreen woodlands and valleys. This is additionally the place accepted to be the beginning of the River Krishna in the antiquated Mahadev sanctuary. The Pratapgarh Fort worked by Shivaji is scarcely 20 kilometers from here. A portion of alternate attractions in the area incorporates Kate’s Point, Arthur’s Seat, Wilson Point, Needle Hole Point, and the 3 Monkey Point.

Malshej Ghat

This mountain pass is home to a few distinct types of feathered creatures and an assortment of vegetation. There is a different scope of natural life in the backwoods of the district. The cascades are full amid the storms, making the magnificence of the place wake up. Various sanctuaries and hollows are likewise situated in the region. A portion of the exercises to enjoy are bird watching, trekking, and getting a charge out of the staggering perspectives of the cascades.

From outdoors and trekking to spending a tranquil end of the week restoring and unwinding, these excursions around Pune are impeccable to calm both personality and body.

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