10 Best Things To Do In Copenhagen



There are many attractions in Denmark’s capital that you can enjoy. If it is your first time here, it is wise to first find a guide so you can make the most use of your time while in the city. We sampled out the best destinations within the city, which are a must-see for tourists and convenient for many people. Here is a guide to help you visit as many places as possible at affordable prices.

1.The Nyhavn

A walk along the old harbor of Copenhagen will give you a feel of the vibrant city past the classy restaurants. There are many colorful townhouses sustained from the 18th century. Their architecture is unique and attractive but is often crowded all year round. You may instead sit at nearby bars to enjoy the quayside of the relaxed atmosphere, music, and food. At the end of the harbor is a memorial anchor to commemorate the soldiers who died in the Second World War.

2. The Little Mermaid

A sculpture of the children’s fairytale, the little mermaid, sits by the shore. It is found at a prime location for tourists too. The statue, which is made from bronze and granite, is over 100 years today and still amazes both local and foreign tourists.

3. The Round Tower

Walking to the top of the oldest observatory in Europe is a great adventure in this city. It was built towards the end of the 17th century and offers a spiral path 200 meters to the top of the 36-meter tower. From here, you can view a wide panorama of the city from the seaside to the busy streets. The best route will be via the Oresund Bridge, which connects Copenhagen with Malmo in Sweden.

4. National Museum

The collections of the national museum in Copenhagen include artifacts from the Viking age, to the classical eastern antiques. The Danish modern collection also fills the museum to capture the attention of a range of visitors. This museum is located in the Prince’s Palace, which was built in the mid-18th century for the royal family. Today, it is accessible by the general public who wish to get a feel of the luxury life of the ancient royalties.

5. Carlsberg

The famous Carlsberg brewery has its original home here in Copenhagen where for almost 200 years, it has sustained its significance to the public. The elephant gate will welcome you to the remarkable architectural design of the brewery. The world’s largest beer bottle is found here too and a sculpture garden surrounding it.

6. Christiansborg Palace

Copenhagen has more royal palaces to explore than you would have thought. After a great fire at the end of the 18th century, the renovation of the Christiansborg gave it a new look and feel to amaze visitors. Activities include horse riding and long walks in the multi-chambered castle.

7. Shopping

Stroget street is the place to shop if you want to get the best quality of stuff in Denmark. It is an entire kilometer of stores with international brands with products ranging from luxury electronics to jewelry and clothing. Performers such as acrobats and musicians also love the street.

8. Amager Beach

The two-kilometer stretch of the island is home to Amager Beach Park where you can relax all day. Here, the local families love to have fun in the shallow waters while on the other side, dunes form. The lagoon forms an exciting place to relax, which is also perfect for skaters and cyclists.

9. Home of the Danish royalties

The Amalienborg Palace has four complex identical buildings, which are also the official residences of the medieval Danish royal family. The public can still access, in part, the current queen’s residence. Margrethe II ascended to the throne in 1972 and has since lived in the building, which was completed in the early 18th century. There is a statue of King Frederik V for a feel of the past glory.

10. World’s Largest Amusement Park

Dyrehavsbakken is Copenhagen’s version of an exaggerated of an amusement park. It was first opened in 1583 in the northeast of the city and remained relevant to the public through the centuries. In fact, there is a wooden roller coaster, which is still in use since it was installed in 1932. This amusement park is now located in modern-day green woods and is the place to play games, relax, and enjoy snacks.

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