Top 10 Places to Visit in Paro, Bhutan


Paro is a beautiful place in Bhutan. It is very much liked and visited by tourists and travelers from all over the world. It has some rice fields and generates millions of tons of rice per year.

People have a religious and spiritual affiliation with this place. There are almost 155 temples are located at different places in Paro, Bhutan. An international airport is also located here. It also facilitates some of the standardized hotels and resorts.

  • Tiger’s Nest

Tiger’s Nest in Paro also known as Taktsang Monastery from their local people. It is also famous for its showing of unauthorized or unofficial kind of symbol. There you walk or take a trip to there.

There are a café shop and little restaurant along the way from where you can take some tea and snacks. It is there for some refreshment purpose so that people enjoy their trip while having at a great place.

  • Drukgyel Dzong

The local people also know the Drukgyel Dzong as the “Fortress of Victory.” It is known because of its historical importance. Its archaeological significance is remarkable as the UNESCO enlists it in the World Heritage Sites. Therefore, people come here to enjoy and learn about this place.

  • Festival Ground

The festival ground in the Paro city, Bhutan is very special because of its cultural shows. If you have come on a trip to Paro, Bhutan and have never seen these cultural and traditional programs, then you have missed the most significant part of Bhutan, whenever you plan to travel Bhutan then must visit these festival grounds. You will learn about the culture of the local people if this country.

  • Craft Market

The local craft market is famous for its handicraft and hand-made things. It is not important to always look for larger shopping malls and branded clothes.

You better understand the local culture by walking and wandering through these local streets and local shops. These show the true nature and color of Bhutan.

  • Restaurants

There is a number of the five-star hotel in Paro, Bhutan. But I will recommend eating from local restaurants as these local restaurants provide local dishes which are best liked by Bhutanese.

Some of the restaurants you can visit include Bukhari Restaurant, as well as Tou Zaiga Restaurant. You can eat local cuisine, as well as Ema Datshi. These local restaurants and hotels are more liked and visited by travelers then expansive five-star hotels.

These provide cultural and traditional foods to eaters and food lovers. Local restaurants are more lit up during evening walk or night dinner. People like these.

  • National Museum of Bhutan

The national museum of Bhutan is well recognized for its historical significance as well as its present maintenance. It is known for its preservation of the culture of Bhutan.

Many of the Buddhist saints and leaders teachings and worked is also preserved in it. It has also preserved old stone armaments used by soldiers. There is also crafting, and old scriptures present in it.

There is also some of the old figures of animals, humans and saints are kept-up. Every year millions of visitors come over here to visit this national museum of Bhutan.

There are also educational trips arranged by schools, colleges, and universities. These educational trips also include some research work for national and international students. Therefore, it has gained immense popularity among the viewers.

  • Zuri Dzong Fort

The Zuri Dzong Fort is located in the valley of Paro, Bhutan. This fort is well praised for its five-story building. Although, there is not any large and tall building in Paro. Therefore, this fort is famous for its giant structure and multi-story building.

Double walls protect it in all its sides, as well as the bridge is also present to support it. It has historical significance. This fort is very much recognized and familiar among travelers and tourist from all over the world.

  • Rinpung Dzong Monastery

The full name of Rinpung Dzong Monastery is Rinchen Pung Dzong Monastery. The meaning if its name is “Fortress on a Heap of Jewels.” This is popularly known for its protection against the Tibetan invasion is the past, as well as in the present.

Therefore, people use to visit this place to see it. Tourists come at this place to learn about the defense facility created by this place. This monastery is very much famous among the travelers, and tourist guide also tells the visitor to must visit this place.

  • Tamchoe Monastery

This monastery is also named as “Tachog Lhakhang” by the local people of Paro in Bhutan. It was constructed in the 15th century. It has got damaged due to the flood which has occurred in 1969.

But it was reconstructed or restored in the year 2005. Therefore, it has retained its significance among travelers. Tourists come at this monastery to spend some good time and to look at its beauty.

  • Kyichu Lhakhang

It is also a monastery in Paro, Bhutan. It was constructed in the 7th century. If you want to have some peaceful time, then it is best for peace.

It relaxes your mind and tranquil your soul. Travelers and tourist love this place because of its serene and calmness. Bhutan is famous for such kind of monasteries in many of its areas.

From the detail mentioned above it can be said that Paro, Bhutan has some of the most adorable and remarkable places in the country. There is a large number of temples and monasteries.

These are because of the religious nature of the people. People over here have a more spiritual attachment with these places. There is some other cultural, arts, dance, local dishes, and local crafts, which are all appreciable and considerable.

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Top 10 Places to Visit in Kandy, Sri Lanka

Kandy is one of the travelers most preferred places in Sri Lanka. Tourists and visitors from all over the world come here to watch lakes, mountains, hills, and landscape.

It is also famous for the spectacular museum, factories, restaurants, and hotels. Some of the sacred places like the temple of the tooth and other sacred Buddhists places have made it tourism spot for the world.

  • Museum In Kandy

Kandy is a beautiful place in Sri Lanka. There are two museums which are world famous for its importance in the assets and heritage of Sri Lanka. These are named as “Worlds Buddhist Museum” and “Ceylon Tea Museum.”

These museums have played a positive role in the contribution of the preservation of national culture. These have also gathered a large number of travelers around it. Therefore, these are some of the best places to visit in Kandy. People enjoy being in here.

Spice Garden

Kandy, Sri Lanka is world recognized for the cultivation of spice. It produces millions of tons of spice each year. Different variety of spices are cultivated in Kandy.

Some of the most famous and largely produced spics include cinnamon, Aloe Vera, cardamom, peppers. Different kinds of oils and their seed and plants are also placed in soil.

Some of these spices are used in making traditional medicines. In Kandy, turmeric and curry leaves are also found in gardens. These curry leaves are used in daily meals.

  • Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden in Kandy is a significant national asset of Sri Lanka. It is best to memorize as the abundance of preservation of flowers, plants, trees, especially bamboo forests. A large number of animals like monkeys are also present there.

Different species of birds like bats, parrots, and many more are also present there. The Botanical Garden is famous for its collection and selection of beautiful orchards. Hence, visitors love to see this place and fascinate from the beauty of this garden.

  • The Big Buddha

Another place people visit is The Big Buddha. Sri Lanka. Standing at the top covers a more significant portion of the area for beautiful sightseeing.

If you ever plan a trip to Kandy, and without having a visit to Big Buddha then your trip is not completed without seeing this place. At night this place is more illuminated than the surroundings making it more visible and fascinating — travelers from all over the world like to come to this place.

  • Temple Of The Tooth

Another great place to visit is the Temple of the Tooth. Up till now, it is maintained like national heritage. It is recognized as a sacred place for the Buddhists people and Buddhists community.

This place is holly for them because the tooth of Buddha is preserved at this temple. Therefore, it is called as Temple of the Tooth.

  • Restaurants

There are many standardized restaurants and hotels in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Some of the well-known restaurants and eating places are Kandyan Muslim Hotel, and Lounge Bar. Many local foods are dishes that are available in these.

Ice Cream Parlor also gathers a larger number of crowds. There is a long list of ice cream flavors present in this parlor. Therefore, ice cream lovers never miss this spot. People love to come here with friends and families.

They have a good time being here. Licensed Grill is another restaurant known for its delicious food and dishes. Café Divine is also well-crowded place in Kandy because of its offer of variety to the customers and client. Tourists and travelers love to visit this place.

  • Kandy Dance

The culture of Kandy is eminent for its Kandy dance. This dance art was performed in the Kohamba Kankariya rituals. In the beginning, it was practiced by the Indian Shamans, and they have originated it.

Now it is well incorporated in the local culture of Kandy. It is now performed by the local dancers as well in their cultural and traditional functions and programs etc. Tourists and travelers come here to enjoy their arts.

  • Tea Factories

 Another great place to visit in Kandy is the tea factories. Sri Lanka is worldwide known for its tea, and coffee plantations. It is ranked 4th in the world list of tea production. Kandy has many tea factories in its areas.

The Embilmeegama Tea Factory is eminent in Kandy. There are almost three million tons of production of tea per year in Kandy, Sri Lanka.  Therefore, people organized such trips to watch the working of these factories.

  • Kandy Lack

Kandy Lake is a freshwater lake in Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is one of the human-made lakes in the world. Experts beautifully make it. It is located in the center of the town. Near-by places include the Royal Palace Park.

Visitors come here to have fun with their kids and families. Therefore, this place has gained very much fame in the country as well as in the world. This lake also incorporates many creatures and freshwater species in it. 

  • The Kandyan – Hotel

The Kandyan hotel is the top rated hotel in the Kandy, Sri Lanka. It is the first choice of travelers who come here and in this hotel. It provides the best foods and dishes, and a very relaxing, calm, and pleasant environment to its clients.

You need to book your room before arriving, and reaching this place because this hotel most of the time stays full due to its high rate of demand. There is a daily booking at this hotel. Hardly any room left free in each day.

Staff is very responsible and respectful towards its clients and customers. Therefore, people love to book rooms in this hotel.

It is likely to be said that Kandy provides many of the best places to visit and have a good time being here. You never regret plan your trip in Kandy.

It incorporates places like museum, factories, fields, local markets, local restaurants, and top-rated hotel as well, also include fun spot and much more. You will be grateful for your trip to Kandy.

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Read Top 10 Places to Visit In Galle, Sri Lanka

Top 10 Places to Visit In Galle, Sri Lanka

Galle is a historical city located on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka. It is world renowned for its Galle Fort. It has also remained the colony of Portuguese, Dutch and Britishers.

Therefore, you will find a lot of Dutch architecture and crafting in Galle. The Galle Fort incorporates many historical reserves which makes it eminent for the world travelers and tourists.

Galle city has developed and maintained for tourism purpose. It has proved beneficial for the tourism industries and companies. Each year’s travelers are growing with increasing rate. This city provides excellent services and tourist’s spots.

  • Japanese Peace Pagoda

The Japanese Peace Pagoda is a beach in Galle, Sri Lanka. It’s surrounded by magnificent and glorious mountains and hills all over it which give this beach a more splendid look to its spectators.

This place has proper recognition for its cultural representation. This is historically famous for its cultural and art functions on the beach. Therefore, it has become an eminent tourism spot for beauty lovers.

Its natural beauty makes it more charming for the visitors. Therefore, if you ever plan to visit Galle, then must add this plan in your places to go list.

  • Scuba Diving

 Scuba Diving is renowned in Galle, Sri Lanka at the Sandy beach along with its coastal areas. Its coastal areas make it more brilliant for the scuba diving lovers to have fun in this place.

There are coral reefs also present. If you want to have an experience of this, then you can ask sea horse divers to take you little farther to enjoy diving.

This place is also well-known for its historical importance. British ship Rangoon had got sink in this coastal sea. Therefore, it is a world-recognized place of the Galle, Sri Lanka.

  • Beach In Unawatuna

The beach in Unawatuna is famous for its beautiful and charming nature. The natural glory of the beach attracts nature lovers. Men and women come on this beach to feel good. They come for morning and evening walk.

There are some restaurants located at this place which offer drinks and some delicious seafood. People come over here to relax and for some peace of mind and soul.

  • Beach Town In Galle, Unawatuna

 The beach town in Galle, Unawatuna is distinguished for surfing. Surfing in the ocean makes it an adventurous spot. Men and women who are more adventurous and daring love to surf here.

Families also come here to watch these wonderful and trilled activities of the surf lovers.  Therefore, if you visit in Galle, Sri Lanka then must add this beach in your places to go list.

  • Amangalla Hotel In Galle Fort

 The Amimangalla Hotel in Galle Fort is renowned for its historical link and importance. It was considered as Dutch building because it was constructed during the time of British presence here.

Sri Lanka has remained a colony of British in the past. Thus, there are many buildings and places which are considered as Dutch manufactured. This is one of these places. It is eminent for tea also. People who came here also visit this hotel.

  • Galle Things Roti

 The Galle Things Roti is a prominent location in Galle, Sri Lanka. This restaurant is prominent for its Kottu Roti. Kotti Roti is its traditional dish which includes roti, cheese, eggs, chicken, and vegetables.

Tourist and travelers who visit this place ask for this traditional dish. They enjoy sitting with residents of Galle and explore more about their traditional foods and dishes.

  • Dutch Architecture

 The Dutch architecture is very much seen in Galle, Sri Lanka. As Sri Lanka was once a British colony, therefore, there are many buildings which have been made by them. Some of the prominent are Maritime Archaeology Museum.

This museum is very eminent among the visitors and spectators. It has preserved old usage techniques of numerous things. There is Groote Kerk is also present which is a tourist attraction spot for the travelers. If you plan to travel to Sri Lanka, then this place is you are looking for.

  • Galle Lighthouse

 Another important place to visit is the Galle Lighthouse. It can be seen from distant areas in the night due to its lights and prominence. Men and women who are travelers prefer to see this Galle Lighthouse.

It is controlled and maintained by the Sri Lanka Ports Authority. It is also included in UNESCO world heritage sites list. Therefore, it has gained global acceptance.

  • Dutch Reformed Church

 Also, The Dutch Reformed Church is one of the holy places in Galle, Sri Lanka. This place is of significant importance for Christians. Thus, it is well maintained and respected by the locals as well as international spectators.

This is a sacred location for religious people. They gain spiritual healing from this church and recall their god. People from different countries who come in Galle see this church.

  • Meera Mosque

 Further, The Meera Mosque is a significant place to visit for the Muslims. All the Muslims visitors and tourists come here to offer prayer. It’s white building beautifully structured. Its white color adds up to its beauty and attraction.

It is a holy place for religious people. It also has a historical significance for the local as well as other tourists. This is one of the tourist spots for global travelers. People enjoy their time here and gain peace of soul and healing vibrations in all its surrounding.

It can be thought that Galle, Sri Lanka offers some of the world prominent and glorious places to visit. It immensely adds up to your life experience of world traveling.

Galle receivers millions of tourists and sightseers each year. As this seen that the tourism industries of all the countries are growing from time to time. The Galle has also attained immense popularity among the masses.

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Top 10 Places to Visit in Wayanad

Wayanad district in Kerala State is a rural area, but it incorporates magnificent natural places. Some of the most viewed sites are mentioned below.

  • Meenmutty Waterfalls

 The Meenmutty waterfalls are the largest waterfall in Wayanad, Kerala State. It is at the height of 1000ft. It inclines down into three stages, making it marvelous for sightseers. This waterfall along with hills and mountains provides a beautiful location for trekking. It is 2 kilometers away from the Ooty road.  If you love to see such splendid beauty of nature, then this is the best place for you.

  • Wayanad Heritage Museum

 The Wayanad Heritage Museum is the largest museum in Kerala State. Thus, it has gained immense popularity among world travelers. It is located near Ambalavayal.

This museum has preserved the artifacts and stone armaments. Thus, if one wants to learn about the history and local culture of this state, then this museum is the best suitable place for him or her. It is divided into four blocks named as; Veerasmruthi, Jeevanasmruthi, Devasmruthi, and Gothrasmruthi.

  • Thirunelly Temple

 The Thirunelly temple is a very sacred place in Kerala State. It shows the tradition of Kerala, and its rituals are performed here. This temple is historically known due to the Lord Vishnu. 

It has gained the eyes of world travelers. Thus, if you ever plan to visit Kerala, then your trip is incomplete without having a sight seen of this temple.

  • Tea & Spice Plantation

 In the northeast of Kerala is Wayanad which is world famous for its tea plantations and tea gardens. It has built some hotels and restaurants along the way to the garden so that the visitors can take some rest and relax before or after having a trip to these gardens.

There are also many spice gardens which include the following spices like; cloves, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom. Tourists love to see these gardens due to its splendid beauty.  

  • Pookot Lake

 The Pookot Lake is a freshwater lake in Wayanad district of Kerala State. It is located fifteen kilometers away from the Kalpetta. The blue lotuses are also present there. This lake contains freshwater fish species. This also includes Pethia Pooko creatures in it.

You can also hire a boat to see beautiful views inside and outside the lake. At some distant, a park for kids is also situated. There are some shops in the market for buying traditional foods and other material things from it.

There also built an aquarium for the preservation and showing of freshwater creatures. Your trip to Kerala will be incomplete if you do not visit this lake.

  • Banasura Sagar Lake

 The Banasura Sagar Lake is famous because it is recalled as the world largest earth dam on this planet. It is situated at a distance of fifteen kilometers away from the Kalpetta. People used to travel this lake to have fun with friends and family members.

  • Neelimala View Point

 The Neelimala viewpoint in Wayanad, Kerala state is famous for its natural beauty. It is worldwide known for its coffee plantations. There are some of the ginger plantations are also cultivated.

Thus, it has so much to offer to humans who are beneficial for health. From the top of Neelimala View Point, you can also see Meenmutty waterfalls, which looks marvelous.

  • Edakkal Caves

 The Edakkal Caves is famous for its unique pattern of stones present inside the cave. It is located near Ambukuthi Mala. This cave has historical significance due to the people of Neolithic and Mesolithic age lived in it.

The explorers have also discovered the figures of humans and animals of old ages. All these features have made this place so significant for the people who belong to a different background. People feel excited to go inside the cave and have an on-hand experience.

It is also famous due to the Lord Ram arrow which splinted the cave.

  • Muthanga Wildlife Sanctuary

 Wayanad is a rural area; therefore, is it famous for its features. The Muthanga wildlife sanctuary made it attractive for the tourist. People who are animal and forest lovers, this place is best for them. The presence of the elephant has generated Project Elephant Site which is the specialty of this wildlife sanctuary.

  • Chembra Peak

 Chembra peak in Wayanad is located near Meppadi. It is located at the height of 6,900ft. This site is natural marvelous; each turn you take while climbing the mountain unfold the beautiful landscape.

From the top Chembra peak, you can also view the sight of Karapuzha dam, Vaithair, and Banasura Sagar dam. This is a perfect place for beauty lovers, explorers, as well as for trekkers. 

It can be anticipated that Wayanad district is although a rural area, but it has some of the marvelous beauty of the world. Thus, this place has gain immense popularity among world travelers and tourists. People from all over the world love to visit these places in Wayanad in Kerala State.

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Top 10 Places to Visit in Uttarakhand

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Uttarakhand is a state in the north of India. Uttarakhand is famous for some things like its culture and traditions, its arts, Ganga Aarti and holy dip, temples and pilgrims, holy sites, animals and wildlife, mountains and hills, and many more.

It has gained the attention of travelers and tourist from all over the world. The number of tourist guides is also increasing due to the increase in the number of visitors.

Uttarakhand is a suitable place for trekking, mountaineering, photography, spending holidays, and relaxation. Visitors come here for peace and tranquility.

The natural healing of this place gives them immense pleasure which proves useful for their physical, mental, and emotional health. Therefore, this place is highly recommended by those who have visited once.

  • Valley Of Flowers And Hemkund Shrine

 This valley is known for a large number of flowers and gardens. This is also the best place for trekker lovers. This is a holy place for Sikhs as well as for Hindus. Hemkund Shrine is a sacred place for Sikhs community.

The best suitable months for traveling this place is between July to September because during these months the weather of these places become so pleasant that visitors enjoy and feel good being there.

  • Dhanaulti

 The Dhanaulti is a natural place best for nature lovers. This place can be visited in winter as well as in summer also. In winter, the hills and mountains in its surrounding are snow covered, while in summer, the weather is so pleasant that the cold wind breeze gives so lovely feeling to the visitors.

One can also so jungle camping in Dhanaulti. Its deep forests and trees also give immense pleasure to forest walk lovers. Therefore, it is a highly recommended place to visit for travelers and nature lovers.


  • Chakrata – Hill City

 The Chakrata hill is the best place for peace lovers. This place is covered with hills and mountains around it. The waterfall along the hills gives pleasing sense to its sightseers. Thus, people come here to spend some quality time with their loved ones.

The chirping of birds, the sound of water, warm of sunset, this all is the perfect package for nature lovers. One can also see Budher caves from the top of this hill. Thus, this is a highly recommended and viewed place.

  • Munsiyari – Bike Lovers

 The Munsiyari is the most loved place by bikers. One cannot easily reach the top by car or bus. But the bikers can reach at the top on the bike.

Thus, this place is most viewed by bikers. The snow-covered Himalayas can be seen from this place, gives it a beautiful look. The Panchchulli Peak can be seen from here.

  • Auli

 The Auli is very famous for its magnificent location and view. It is love for skiing and touches the sky and talked poetry to the sky. Their overall scenes are so mesmerizing for the spectators. One can also do snowboarding in Auli.

Its snow-covered hills and mountains give a pleasant feeling to its seers. A religious shrine of Badrinath located near-by this Auli also increase its significance for the religious afflicted people.

  • Chamoli – Adobe Of Gods

 The Chamoli is so magnificent in its beauty that viewers called it the adobe of gods. They call it so because of its immense natural beauty. A large number of shrines and temples are also present in Chamoli. It has historical importance due to Hindu Mythology.

This place is also famous for the Chipko Movement in the past. This place is also known for Gharwali traditions. One can reach there through cable car ride. Its weather incorporates heavy monsoon season also. Thus, it has attracted a larger number of tourists towards itself.


  • Rishikesh And Haridwar


These two places are important for Hindus as well as for other travelers. These are sacred for Hindus due to the presence of Ganga and pilgrims in Haridwar. Other travelers enjoy the diversity of culture and human nature.

People gather here for Ganga Aarti and make a holy dip in Ganga which is their religious ritual. Some talk to gurus for guidance and spiritual healings. Ashrams are present in Rishikesh where people come to stay for peace and healings.

  • Nainital And Ranikhet

 The Nainital is famous for Naini Lake. This lake is surrounded by hills and mountains which adds to its beauty. Tourists visit this place to have great fun and experience in life. There also occurs monsoon rains give is mesmerizing for rain lovers.

Nainital zoo is also a tourist point for many. At Ranikhet, a temple is situated which is important for religious people. People come here and ask prayer to their gods. Nainital and Ranikhet are best suited for trekkers also.


  • Landour

 The Landour is a heritage property. It is located near Mussorie. Many travelers and tourists come here to spend a good time. They talk to local people of Landour to know more about the culture and to discover more near-by places.

It is also known for homemade marmalade, cheese, bread, and jam. People buy these homemade things and enjoy their meal. The Char Dukan servers and their delicious Pizzas and Pancakes to travelers and tourists. There are other near-by places which can be visited and explored.

  • Binsar

 The Binsar is a place in Uttarakhand which is usually less traveled by the tourist. There are some areas worth visiting. For example; the near-by wildlife area is magnificent for animal and nature lovers.

From the Binsar top, one can also view Nanda Kot, Kedarnath, Nanda Devi, and Chaukhambha. This place is also famous for mythological history.

It is rightly said that Uttarakhand State in India is known for the Himalayas, pilgrims, temples, Ganga Aarti, wildlife, and many more significant things. The number of visitors is growing in Uttarakhand with each passing year.

Residents have also become aware of the coming of foreigners; that is why they treat them with much respect and dignity. This also increases the acceptance of diversity by the residents.

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