Is Hitchhiking Illegal

As a backpacker, you should not miss hitchhiking in your toolkit.

It happens everywhere in the world and it is one of the best ways to travel free. You can save lots of money on a foreign land if you learn the art.

While you can do it anytime, you should be careful about where and when to do it. First, find out if your location allows such practices. Also, research on the security of the area with respect to hitchhiking.

In this article, you will find out if it is illegal to hitchhike and how you can do it to save on cash and make friends.

Is it illegal?

There is no standard answer to this because countries differ in laws. Even in the US, it depends on the state you will be in. It is important to familiarize with policies before you think of hitchhiking.

Also, there are common mistakes to avoid; like trying to hitch a ride on a freeway is calling for trouble. Find an appropriate place. Hitchhiking might be allowed in the state but your choice of place will land you on the wrong side of the law.

Nevertheless, most countries and states in the US have no restrictions on hitchhiking. In the few states where the policy exists, it will not be strict. Motorists barely know of the law and you will less likely be in trouble.

Still, you need to familiarize with laws of where you intend to visit before you consider hitchhiking. 

There are varying opinions about hitchhiking. Some people think it is a huge risk and you might get yourself kidnapped and killed while some think it is the best way to travel with low a budget. Therefore, just like any other practice, hitchhiking has its advantages and disadvantages;


  • It is the best for backpackers and travelers with limited funds

  • It is an opportunity to make friends and learn about the culture

  • Builds your communication skills, which is crucial for any traveler

  • It is an every time challenge for a backpacker that gives you a sense of satisfaction on every success

  • You save a lot of energy by riding other than walking


  • It takes time. There is no guarantee you will hitch a ride after 5 minutes. You might have to wait for hours to be successful with one. You would be better off with options.

Is it safe?

I know the media has played a significant part in shaping your perceptions about hitchhiking. The truth is hitchhiking is safe; the scenarios highlighted on the media are extreme and should not be a basis of disregarding this technique for backpackers.

The stranger is often associated with danger but it is not always practical; actually, the painted risk does not coincide with statistics.

The main highlighted scenario in hitchhiking is getting picked up by a serial killer. This is a theoretical risk with a low and almost zero probability. I mean, a criminal would not be driving freely expecting to rob you.

There is a low (really low) probability of getting involved with a criminal from hitchhiking. Criminal cases related to hitchhiking are non-significant in the US murder and sexual assaults among other risks linked to hitchhiking.

You don’t have to fear.

It is only a notion we have been exposed to by parents and society since childhood. This might have saved us a lot of trouble as kids and we appreciate but it is not proper to taint the picture with no factual basis.

Children might be predisposed to the car incidents and should avoid strangers; still, most abductors are never strangers. They are people with specific intention and objective meaning well renowned by the family or target.

In contrast to the stranger-danger notion, hitchhiking is actually safe because you are dealing with a stranger. Familiar people commit most kidnap crimes including sexual assault and murder. You should be more worried about a familiar car than with a strange one.

Also, backpackers don’t live a paranoid life. Yes, the rate of crime is increasing in the world and there is every reason to be cautious.

But for a backpacker, everything is a risk; the thought of leaving home to a foreign land alone should be dangerous but this is how you discover and experience the fun part of life while others are confined in their work-home life.

Also, people are naturally good; there is still an impressive percentage of humanity in the world. There are slim chances that you would be involved with a criminal while hitchhiking.

Now that you are convinced and feeling safe, here is how to do it like a pro

Hitchhiking Tips

Obviously, there are some risks to hitchhiking but you can manage and still enjoy your backpacker experience. Here are some tips;

Choice of spot

Don’t bother stretching out your thumb on a road with fast cars. Consider a service station or lay by to increase your chances of getting picked. If you think it has taken too long, start walking to a different spot.

Go with your gut

You also have a right to say NO if someone stops but you feel it is a weird deal. Come up with a quick excuse and decline politely.

Take a picture

Picture the vehicle’s plates and text a friend. Just in case.

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Ten tips to rent a car abroad

Get an International Driving Permit

Be that as it may, in nations like China, you have to apply independently for a grant.

Book your vehicle ahead of time

There are a few vehicle rental organizations at most significant air terminals over the world. Anyway amid pinnacle get-away season there is enormous interest for vehicles.

This could mean not just long hold up times, hope to hold up 60 minutes, at times more at mainstream occasion goals. Intense interest likewise implies that your odds of getting a vehicle ultimately may be thin, so book ahead of time.

Pick your vehicle and rental office cautiously

This is essential, you frequently need to lease a vehicle that you probably won’t get the chance to drive in India, for example, a convertible or an extravagance vehicle.

However, before you set out, pick the vehicle that suits your requirements the best. It is safe to say that you are going with children and a great deal of gear?

All things considered, in the event that you will be, you ought to pick something that suits your prerequisites, in Europe that would mean something like the Ford C-Max.

It can get extremely warm in Europe and America amid summer and keeping in mind that a convertible is a cool vehicle, it can get sweltering inside. Because of the rooftop component, they have increasingly constrained baggage room.

Likewise, in certain nations in Europe, the noteworthy town focuses are exceptionally limited, a bigger vehicle may not be anything but difficult to move in these restricted lanes, particularly given that driving on the left-hand situate is unnatural to a large portion of us.

Prepare to be baffled that you don’t get your vehicle of decision

Take full deterioration protection

Presently this is a marginally dubious tip, including full deterioration protection that lessens your abundance if there should be an occurrence of harm or robbery to zero.

It can practically twofold the rental expense of your vehicle however it guaranteed total genuine feelings of serenity for me. 

Some vehicle rental firms are infamous for charging clients for even little scratches, so indeed, on the off chance that you would prefer not to stress, guarantee you do this.

In the event that you don’t take this bundle, since it is costly, guarantee you check the vehicle altogether and in great lighting for any previous harm.

You would prefer not to be charged for earlier harm. All things considered, it may not be an awful plan to at any rate take ‘halfway’ inclusion for harm or robbery.

Full to Full

Second driver or not?

Check the expenses of an extra driver before leaving. Don’t assume you can spare a couple of dollars or Euros by doing this on the guileful. 

Pursue the guidelines

Driving in most parts of the world is cool and you should realize your street seems great. At the point when to give way, when to not surpass and furthermore know about speed limits. 

Likewise, most nations are strict about youngster security, so kids must be put inside tyke seats or on sponsor seats. You can lease these seats at vehicle rental offices, yet do book them ahead of time.

Plan your stopping and courses ahead of time

Likewise, numerous towns and lodgings have ‘paid’ stopping just, remember that before you set out.

Converse with the lodgings where you are remaining ahead of time to make sense of stopping.

The majority of all, have a ton of fun

A driving occasion is an occasion all things considered, and an occasion is about fun.

10 Tips To Rent A Car Abroad 

Top 5 Cab Service Providers In India

Top 5 Cab Service Providers In India

In the early ’90s hiring a private car for transport was something not within the reach of an average Indian.  The cab/car had to be booked a day in advance. Another alternative for public transport was Auto. But today, people have more options. Customers can now choose from riding in an Auto to riding in a chauffeur-driven car at an affordable cost. The emergence of a mobile application is one of the major factors. For example, people can now book a ride easily with an app like ola cabs app.

Here’s a list of top 5 cab service providers in India.

  1. Meru Cabs

Meru Cabs have been the face of radio taxis in India since 2007. What I liked about Meru Cab  Service is the quality of the service. Meru Cabs has an elegant fleet of vehicles that customers can book at an affordable cost. Another important feature of Meru Cabs is the reliability of its drivers. It may be a little expensive for an average Indian. However, it’s a great choice if customers are willing to spend a bit more.

2. Ola Cabs

One company that is making headlines is the Ola Cabs. Ola Cabs has an amazing fleet of vehicles. One good feature of Ola Cabs is the availability of its service even in remote locations. Another great feature in Ola is the Ride Sharing Feature.  Customers can save up to 50%  if the  Ride Sharing Feature is used. Further, fares can be paid in cash or by the Ola Cabs App.

3. Uber

Uber is a giant in the cab services industry. One good thing about Uber India is that Uber gives amazing discounts to its loyal customers. Choose UberX if you are looking for affordable options or Uber Black if you want luxury cars. For me, I can say that Uber gives a decent service.

4. Easy Cabs

Easy Cabs is another cab service company operating in a few cities in India. Although not that popular, there is a perception that the company gives good service.

5. Taxi For Sure

Taxi For Sure is yet another good taxi service. Recently, Taxi For Sure was acquired by Ola Cabs.

Certainly, the cab service providers have changed the landscape of transport in India. In the future, there will be more options for customers and it will also help drivers get decent pay.

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