The Best Places To Retire In India


Chandigarh, is a popular senior citizen’s haven. It’s been planned with lots of attention to detail and has great access from all over the city and also neighboring areas.

It has a favorable climate, and the air is relatively pollution-free. Chandigarh also boasts many parks and gardens where natives walk to unwind, especially during springtime. The city’s residents take special pride in their gardens and make sure to keep them neat and tidy!

Chandigarh has excellent medical facilities, where the staff and doctors are extremely friendly and provide the best care to the patient. Along with the best medical facilities,

Chandigarh also has many clubs for seniors to go and be around people their own age. They can attend bingo games or play chess with others in the park like many other retired couples do in this city.


A traditional retirement city for people who live in Delhi, Dehradun has not lost its popularity among other retirement cities.

The recent development of Antara, a senior living community, has upped the allure of the city to its residents.

Well-connected by air and rail, city has excellent weather during the hot summer months. A low crime rate contributes to the city’s attractiveness and reputation.


Coimbatore is an ideal retirement destination for those who love the city life. In addition to a cosmopolitan culture, it’s relatively low in terms of cost of living, pollution, and climate.

It’s also very easy to find transportation around town and there’s a lot of construction going on so that should help with the rapid growth in infrastructure!

It is also regarded as one of the top retirement cities due in large part to its excellent healthcare facilities.


Pondicherry, former French colony known for a laid-back lifestyle and diverse culture. This place is an attractive retirement destination for single retirees.

It’s a city known for its spiritual connections because of Auroville, good infrastructure, and medical facilities.

Recently, Pondicherry has been offering facilities like Covai – that are known for providing a healthy and active lifestyle for senior citizens.


Pune is the ideal city to live in after retirement due to its climate (which is like an oasis in itself). It’s easily accessible from Mumbai and has a ton of amenities one should consider while making this choice.

Often tagged as the city for pensioners, Pune has started to increasingly feature a healthy mix of NRI populations with vested business interests in India.

In addition to being conveniently connected by road and rail and air, Pune is also gaining a reputation for high-quality medical care. There are plenty of things to do in various parts of Pune, plus clubs and community centers provide interesting meeting places for like – minded people.

Retirement homes are on the rise in popularity for senior citizens because Pune has been named one of the most livable cities in India.

Port Blair

Port Blair, which was selected by the government as one of the hundred cities to be developed as a smart city, is primarily an adventurer’s retirement haven, but it also has much to offer those who want to relocate near their family.

The flights here are expensive, but the connections to different cities – Chennai, Kolkata and Vishakhapatnam – is easy.

In a nutshell, and this may come as a surprise, but Port Blair is way more picturesque than Goa in the sense that it has far fewer late night revelers and clubbing options.



5 Awesome Countries To Retire In Asia

Asian countries are one of the most culturally diverse and beautiful places in the world. The region has many wonderful locations for people to retire, each place offering unique benefits for expats wanting to live somewhere exotic. Here you can learn about why the following five Asian countries made it on the list as the top places to consider when moving overseas.



Malaysia is located in the South Pacific, adjacent to Thailand. Malaysia is well known for its beautiful tropical beaches, rainforests and lively city life. The country participates in a dual-language system consisting of English and Malay. It can be difficult to learn, but it’s important to know both as Malay is the country’s official language.

Malaysia should also be a top priority for retirees. It’s relatively large in size, with every type of terrain and adventure you can imagine. If you want to head out, Asia will at your fingertips. Travelling between countries is extremely easy, making exploring the full potential of Asia a breeze


A close follow-up to Malaysia was Thailand. As Malaysia’s northern neighbor, there is no surprise that Thailand has landed in second as a desirable location for expatriates to retire    . Many studies have shown that expats are attracted to aforementioned Southeast Asian country due to its warm weather and tropical surroundings, white sand beaches, excellent golf courses and affordable prices.

Thailand is known as “The Land of Smiles”. Boasting low cost living, warm-water coastlines and tropical climates, the country certainly has a lot to offer those searching for the ultimate long-term retiree destination. The lovely tropical climate coupled with a tax-free system for income coming abroad for expats, a rich and untouched culture and relatively standardized hospital care make it an ideal place to enjoy; should you choose to retire in Thailand.


Of all the countries in Asia, Cambodia has long been on its way to becoming a major player for retirees. As more and more foreigners come to discover this country’s rich culture and unique history, many are seeking out retirement homes along the breathtaking coastline and in the tropical jungles. One reason why most people choose to retire in Cambodia is due to its warm climate (which comes hand-in-hand with natural beauty) and the ease of obtaining long term visas. In many other Asian countries, long-term visas may only be issued with a certain income or work status attached – not so in Cambodia! This allows retirees to relax further knowing they aren’t tied down by any restrictive visa requirements.


While on the hunt for new experiences, a change in scenery while staying within your retiree budget, Vietnam should be well at the top of your list. Similar to its neighboring cities and countries, Vietnam is known for its exquisite scenery and warm climate, but also offers a variety of healthy and delicious foods.

However, it’s challenging to get long term visas  or retirement visas.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has good weather year round. It is a good choice for people who are seeking tropical countries with warm temperatures or who might have to be relocated due to work. Sri Lanka also offers several popular cultural attractions, including beaches and plantations, which means that expats can get a variety of different experiences in one location when exploring their surroundings.

Sri Lanka is the perfect place to settle down in if you want to start a new life. Sri Lanka offers what they call the “Dream Home Visa Programme” which allows retirees over the age of 55 who meet the countries financial minimum for expats, a 2-year visa with the potential to renew.

How to choose the best location for retirement


Retirement is an amazing time in everyone’s life, but you’ll want to be careful about how much it changes who you are. You’ll want to make sure that certain aspects of your personality are retained, such as the fact that you are always going to enjoy spending time with loved ones and making new friends. Seniors may even yearn for a sense of adventure that was old and worn out by the hardships of life.

It’s not always easy deciding where in the world you want to retire in. You have a lot to consider, but most of all you need to make sure that wherever it is you spend your retirement, it will be accommodating and safe for your needs.

Some important factors to consider while choosing a better location for retirement.

Home environment

One of the most important things you live with is your home, which is a major factor in determining your overall well-being. Similarly, living in a safe and comfortable environment will also play an important role in maintaining your physical and mental health as you grow older. Unfortunately, most people do not pay enough attention to their home’s environment until it’s too late. Also unfortunately, risk of falling around the home is the leading cause of disability for seniors right now. This is why we believe that providing better lighting, an open floor plan, accessible bathroom access as well as single-story living to seniors can all add up to improve their lifestyles!


Everyone wants to live in a pleasant climate; a place where the weather is always forgiving. But remember, moving to a certain location strictly for better weather isn’t always the most practical reason for making such an extreme move. As you grow older, your lifestyle may change and it could be beneficial if you’re living close-by to your loved ones for more reasons than one – whether it’s to offer support during difficult life moments or simply just wanting to build stronger family relationships. So think carefully about the city/town you choose, as while it sounds great to live somewhere with great weather, what other hobbies do you have that will benefit from also choosing somewhere which has a productive career position waiting around every corner?

Healthcare Facilities

Another important factor to consider for you and your family is the availability of healthcare providers in the area. If something should happen to you, it can be easier and quicker to get to a nearby hospital or physician. Healthcare facilities can also offer long-term care options where they provide transportation if needed.


The health of the people who spend a majority of their days within its walls or surrounding grounds is very much dependent on the quality of air circulation and overall atmosphere one breathes inside. This includes noise, dust, allergens, pollution and industrial contaminants. The cleaner the air you breathe and the more peaceful your space is, contributes to your physical and mental well-being.

Crime rate

Cities that are safe during the day and at night are ideal for seniors who might need features like security gates to help them with emergency escapes.


It’s very important to be close to your loved ones and that you work in a city where you feel like you can reach everything including your family or friends. Cities that are easily accessible, via air, road and rail transport options is what contributes to making people happy in their decisions of working from home.

Local facilities

We all want to live comfortably during our retirement years, and a comfortable home is the first step to that. There are several things that can help us achieve this. Good lighting in our house as well as availability of public transport, good road conditions, safe walking areas and places to shop makes life so much more comfortable.


Living in places that don’t have as much traffic congestion as the big cities is a great idea for seniors for a variety of reasons. An easy commute not only saves you time, but also makes stress unnecessary and helps you live longer!

Social Interaction Friendly

According to research, senior citizens who face loneliness and have a lack of social interaction are at higher risk for a variety of health conditions. Due to this fact, it’s important that you look at how easy it will be for you to make friends and maintain a social network before choosing where and how you will spend your retirement years.

Living With Purpose

If you’re thinking about retiring to a town with almost perfect living conditions, then you may want to consider moving to someplace where there is easy access to enriching programs and civic participation activities in order to ensure that you have a purpose similar to those who are still actively employed in the workforce.


8 Of The Biggest Retirement Challenges

Being unprepared is not a good thing, leaving you to react as they pop up and essentially go with no plan at all.

Retirement can be a defining moment in your lifetime. Whether you want to deal with it or not, the problems are inescapable and the only way to change this is by planning ahead.

Some retirement challenges are

Rising Inflation

Inflation is robbing your money. As prices of goods and services rise, your purchasing power decreases little by little every year. One example of this is a loaf of bread that cost only $1 last year may cost $2 today, which requires twice as much money to be allocated for the purchase.

Drop In Income

An income gap forms when your income sources don’t fully meet your basic requirements. This can happen during the transition from working at a company to receiving a pension. For example. It is critical to have other types of reliable income sources to fill this gap and build confidence in the future.

Risk Of Volatile Market

When the market takes a dive and your business is affected, you might lose some of your biggest clients. It is a dangerous gamble to risk too much on uncertain outcomes when the possibility exists that one may lose everything.

Interest Rate Issues

When interest rates are low, the amount of money you need to fill income gaps increases because you are receiving less income from your money. Therefore, it is important to manage your money well and make smart investments that can generate returns later on.

Rising Healthcare Costs

Health care costs are constantly on the rise, and everyone is feeling the pinch. Although, insurance can cover a lot of your health care cost but it will not cover everything. Depending on the level of care the cost of treatment increases significantly.

Friends , Family, And Well Wishers

Suppose you have good number of friends, family, and well wishers. You wish good for them and want  to do good for them. Off course you can lend them some money you are comfortable with.

But if they have some major problem or if they need some bigger amount will you be comfortable lending them as retiree ?. Therefore, its nice to keep a special fund for friends, family, and well wishers too so that you feel good by helping them.

Long Term Care

This type of care is required when you are unable to care for yourself any longer. This may be a caregiver at your home, continuous care in a nursing home or some place in-between like a convalescent care facility for example.

Medical Advancement 

Medical Advancement  has increased our lifespan. For example average longevity of an Indian few years back was around 50 years but today is around 70 years. In the future longevity is expected to be even higher. This means you will need a longer plan if you want to add few more years to your life.

Being complacent with your retirement plan can leave you exposed to potential problems which could arise if you don’t have a proactive plan already in place. Defaulting to a reactive approach instead, means not having any sort of plan at all and this will leave you unable to save for the future.



Maldives Travel Guide

The Maldives is a tropical island country located in the South Asia Indian Ocean, 700 km (435 miles) south-west of India.

The Maldives islands are a chain of many coral islands and are home to breathtaking beaches, blue lagoons and warm waters ideal for swimming in. It is an ideal dream vacation destination with diverse aquatic wildlife.

With lodging that ranges from budget hotels to luxury resorts, there are a variety of choices available. There are many things to do and see here.

This travel guide is the ultimate guide to planning your next vacation in the Maldives.

Best Time To Visit Maldives

The weather in the Maldives is sunny throughout most of the year, but the dry season (November through April) is the most popular time to visit.

The wet season can be found between May and October. During this period, it rains approximately every month. The months of June and July have the lowest rainfall on average during the wet season. This is a popular time for surfers to be out in the water due to bigger waves in the sea from higher winds. This is also a good time to find better deals on hotels too.

What to pack for Maldives


Protect your skin from the harm caused by overexposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. To do this, you can apply sunscreen that is biodegradable if possible and consider switching to eco-friendly products altogether.

Lightweight/modest clothing

Pack light clothes that are made of fabrics like cotton or linen.

Make sure to adhere to the dress code. Wear clothes that cover your shoulders and upper thighs.

Snorkeling is breathtaking in the Maldives, and if you like exploring underwater reefs on your own, think of bringing your own snorkel with you.

Budgeting Tips

Accommodation Types

Hotels, Bed and Breakfast, Guest house and home stays, Chalets,  Cottages. Apartments,  and Boats are type of accommodation available in the Maldives.  While you can cheaper budget hotels for 800 Rufiyaas a night while luxury village can cost up to 80,000 Rufiyaas a night.

How to get around Maldives

Getting to Maldives

The Velana International Airport is the main airport and can be found roughly three miles from the capital city of Malé. From the airport, you arrive at a resort on an island via either a boat or a floatplane.

Things to do and see in Maldives

Take an island tour: If you’re interested in seeing how native islanders live, then a good place to start is by booking an travel tour of the islands. This can give you a glimpse into their culture as well as help you better understand what life on these islands may be like.

Scuba Diving : The Maldives has some of the best scuba diving locations on earth. If you visit their shores, you’ll be able to see sea turtles and sharks swim by, not to mention everything else in the sea.

Surfing: Maldives is an awesome destination for intermediate and advanced surfers.

Stay in over the water bungalow. It’s heavenly to stay in luxury on a bungalow standing over blue water.

Do’s and Don’ts In Maldives


When on an inhabited island, it’s best to dress respectably so as not to offend the locals.

Remove your shoes at the entrance to a home or building where religious events take place.

During the month of Ramadan be extra respectful.


Do not bring banned items.

Do not expect very high speed Wi Fi all the time.

Do not engage in PDA’s

Our recommended travel resources

Travel Insurance World Nomads Travel Insurance


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