5 Foods That Can Help Lower Your Risk of Diabetes

There is no concrete cure for diabetes but there are several procedures that can help a diabetic manage their condition more effectively. A lot of our risk when it comes to diabetes is genetic. But there are a number of lifestyle factors that can play a significant role, too. For example, things like exercise and healthy diet can reduce the risk of diabetes in each of us. So what exactly constitutes a healthy diet? Well, here are five foods to include every day:


Chickpeas and lentils are so versatile and good for reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes.

A diet rich in foods that are high in fiber and protein can jumpstart your weight loss efforts, which will help to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Plus, they’re also packed with beneficial vitamins and minerals like folate, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, and vitamin K that can promote optimal health.


All vegetables are good for you, but you should eat more non-starchy and green types if you want to prevent diabetes.

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts nourish you with essential vitamins and minerals to keep your body running smoothly.

Aside from fiber and protein, cruciferous vegetables contain a compound called sulforaphane that has been found to decrease inflammation as well as protect against damage of blood vessels all in one.

Additionally, spinach is a great source of magnesium which helps ensure your body uses insulin to manage blood sugar levels.


Eating fruit on a daily basis will decrease your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

To reduce the risk of diabetes, turn to fiber rich foods such as apples, berries and citrus fruits.


Eating oatmeal can help keep you full a long time, and may even help prevent you from snacking before lunch. Fiber found in oat meal can help you to keep blood sugar steady and help you lower the risk of diabetes.


Eating a high-carb diet (which is exactly what we would expect from consuming food items that are also high in sugar) causes insulin levels to heighten in the body, which can lead to diabetes.

The more you snack on refined carbs, the higher your insulin levels will become, which means your blood sugar spikes after each carb intake and it makes it harder for our body to do its job of regulating blood sugar.

To curb those afternoon carb cravings, snack on foods high in protein and fat-such as nuts-to keep you full until dinner time.

Additionally, nuts are high in polyunsaturated fats which slow the development of type 2 diabetes.


15 Cancer Fighting Foods To Include In Your Diet

Many people are curious whether or not certain plant-based foods can help prevent cancer and/or slow down its progression. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans contain many health promoting phytochemicals that you cannot get from a dietary supplement. Below is a list of the top anti-cancer foods to put on your plate:

Whole Grains

Hundreds of compounds in whole grains, fruits and vegetables may help lower the risk for diseases. Fiber, for example found in many fruits, vegetables and whole grains may help prevent colorectal cancer. And saponins and phenols from fruits and veggies may lower the risk of cancer. These dietary choices offer the best protection when combined with regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, a smoke-free lifestyle, and participating in recommended cancer screenings.

Green Tea

This tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants that can help protect against cancer. In fact green tea has three times more catechin than black tea. Drinking it regularly has been linked to a lower risk of cancer.

Citrus Fruits

Eating citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, grapefruits and oranges may be associated with a lower risk of cancer in some studies.

Citrus fruits are  known for their high vitamin C content. Research suggests that vitamin C is an antioxidant and may reduce the growth and spread of cancer cells, as well as act as a therapeutic against certain types of cancer.

These studies suggest that including a few servings of citrus fruits in your diet each week might lower your risk of developing certain types of cancer.


The phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” actually rings true more than one would think. Apples contain polyphenols that have anticarcinogenic properties.


Blueberries are high in anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties and may be associated with a reduced risk of cancer.

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Spinach,  kale, and similar dark green leafy veggies are outstanding sources of several cancer-fighting compounds including carotenoids. These compounds studies have shown to stop cancer cells from growing.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, have many health benefits. These include providing you with vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese.

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables also contain sulforaphane, a compound found in plants that fight against certain types of cancer.


Garlic, chives, and leeks are in the allium family of vegetables. They contain sulfur compounds that fight cancer and antioxidants known as quercetin.


Turmeric, a delicious spice that has been used for centuries for both culinary and medicinal purposes, has also gained attention for its health-promoting properties. Curcumin is the active chemical in turmeric that can have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and even anticancer effects.


They contain beta-carotene which scientists believe may protect cell membranes from toxin damage and slow the growth of cancer cells. And carrots deliver other vitamins and phytochemicals that might prevent cancer.

Fatty Fish

Salmon, mackerel, and anchovies are not just tasty but they provide humans with certain essential nutrients we need in our bodies every day – including Vitamin B12, Potassium, and healthy fats.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is loaded with health benefits, so it’s no wonder it’s one of the staples of Mediterranean cuisine. In fact, several studies have even found that a higher intake of olive oil may help protect against cancer and heart disease.



Flaxseed is a healthy, high-fiber addition to your diet. Scientists have studied flaxseed and found that it can help lower bad cholesterol levels in your blood and even fight off some forms of cancer.


Beans are healthy. They may protect against colorectal cancer, according to some studies.


Cabbage is the perfect addition to a variety of dishes, but it may not be as widely used by everyone.

In a recent study, researchers established a link between the foods you consume and their ability to impact your risk of cancer. While every individual’s cancer risk since there’s no one size fits all approach to cancer prevention, eating lots of veggies (preferably plant based!) can help reduce your risk according to recent studies.

5 foods you should not eat if you want to reduce cancer risk

Ideally, we would all follow a diet that’s proven to reduce cancer risk. A plant-based diet is definitely a step in the right direction when it comes to staying healthy. However, it can be difficult to constantly avoid meat and other heavy proteins because let’s face it - they taste good!

Processed Meat

Processed meats are generally meats that have been treated in some way to extend their shelf life or improve the taste. They include bacon, hot dogs and pepperoni. Also remember deli turkey slices are a no-go.

Processed meat can be risky because it contains preservatives like nitrates and nitrites. Both of these substances have been linked to cancer. They are available in cured meats, but they are not necessarily any better.

Processed meats are not safe, but one of the main reasons why they’re so bad for us is because they’re often cooked at high temperatures.


When the body metabolizes alcohol, it creates acetaldehyde. This chemical causes DNA damage and can grow out of control by creating tumors in cells.

Alcohol is linked to elevated cancer risks like esophageal, liver, breast, colorectal and other cancers. For cancer prevention, it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether.

Charred Meat

Meat cooked at high temperatures, burnt or charred has shown a strong link to cancer. This is because of the high temperature that creates carcinogenic chemicals called HCAs and PAHs which can cause damage to our bodies.

When cooking animal protein, be sure to use low-heat methods. You could add flavor by using a moist heat method like braising or steaming.

Sugar sweetened beverages

Studies have shown that drinking sugar-sweetened beverages such as soda and fruit juice, may contribute to weight gain. Additionally, being overweight or obese may lead to an increased risk for several cancers.

If your drinks are high in calories it makes it much harder for you to achieve energy balance. That is, when you take in the same amount of calories as you burn off in physical activity or during exercise.

When you take in more calories than you burn through activity, it contributes to weight gain.

Processed Foods

Almost all diets will tell you to avoid processed foods and the reason for that is because most of these foods are not healthy for your body.

Processed foods usually contain a lot of preservatives which can make one feel hungrier and eager to eat more.

Processed foods often contain preservatives that can make you hungrier. The calories within these foods may also turn out to be more than processed foods cooked at home.

Only two out of every ten cases of cancer are directly linked to being overweight or obese. This is greater than that of cigarette smoking.

If you want to reduce your risk for cancer, it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating right and exercising. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week and eat a plant-based diet.

5 best islands around Phuket

Phi Phi islands are usually referring to a group of islands that belong to the territory of Thailand. The most famous Phi Phi island is in fact named Phi Phi Don island. The total group of these islands counts up to 6 islands. Phi Phi don island is the only one that is populated. The reason this island stands out is the food shops, bars, and few clubs to take care of their visitor’s hospitality.

The other five of the Phi Phi islands are as well exceptional in their own way; limestone rock formations, fissile corrals and other landscapes that create a tourist attraction point.

Koh Phi Phi don island is the most attractive for the usual that; and tourists. It has so much to offer with soft and warm beaches, pool parties and night gathering and much more. Here is the list of 5 other islands of the Phi Phi island family;

  1. Bamboo island

This island is only five kilometers away from Koh Phi Phi Don island. It is pointed towards the northeast of this famous touristic point. While the Koh Phi Phi Don is all about the parties and drinking, you may want to change your mood after a few days of leisure on this island. This is where bamboo island comes to play.  The name bamboo has been taken from the many bamboo vegetation, which is literally translated from the Thai language Koh Mai Phai. Since the bamboo plants are not a big fan of saltwater like the palm family, it has resided in the center of the island. This island is small and circular. Many people hire a ride there to get their perfect photos in the world nature of this island. There are no structures on this island except a ranger camp that can offer you food and drink. A bamboo island is also a famous place for water sport activities such as snorkeling and scuba diving. The reason is that the lack of presence of human beings, as well as noise pollution of the bars and restaurants, makes perfect habitable reefs and marine life surrounding the bamboo island. If you are a fan of camping, you can tent out overnight in this place.


  1. Koh Khai Nok

Coming back to Koh Phi Phi Don, another island is located at a distance of 25 kilometers to the northwest. Most of the people visit this island on the way back to where they started from; Phuket. The reason is a nearby direction as well as being closer to Phuket that the Koh Phi Phi Don. It would only take about 15 minutes to reach the town afterward. The most particular aspect of this island is the shape-changing feature. It changes due to the very essence of its formation. This island is mostly formed from sand and some rock.


You can find many facilities on this specific island including bars, water sports, shops, and restaurants. Anything that you require in such a place can be offered to you. This place is most reputed for its snorkeling and beautiful marine life on the surrounding.

  1. Koh Bida Nok and Nai

These are in fact two islands that are considered as one. They are cliff formations of limestone rocks. They are located to the southern part of Koh Phi Phi Don, but not only; they are also the most southern island of all the Phi Phi island family.

These twin islets offer one of the most beautiful scuba diving spots in the world; they have the most amazing underwater scenery in Thailand. If you are willing to go for such a challenging diving experience, you can expect to see some sharks, colorful species of tropical fishes, along with some other interesting marine life like coral and underwater and escape.


These two islets are also one of the high diving peaks of the world; there is a 35-meter drop down to the sea. If you are a diver who likes the channeling, or if you are an individual who wants to tick off a big one from the bucket list, you can go for this free fall diving.

  1. Koh Yao Yai

This island literally translates to English as on a long island. The name has been driven from the natural form of this island. It is located between Phuket and Koh Phi Phi Don and it is difficult to miss. This island is considerably large compare with another member of the Phi Phi island family.

If you like to imagine how it was life on these islands before being swamped by the tourist and enhance by tourism culture, this island can provide you with gateway back in time. The only population on this island are few fishermen as well as resorts that are extremely simple, but hearty. There is no me, modern structures built on the island. This virgin beauty offers a deeper cultural understanding of the true Thai population that has been living in southern Thailand.


  1. Mosquito island ( Koh Yung in Thai )

This funny-sounding island is located close to the bamboo island. As the chain of the north to the south family of Phi Phi islands are in question, this island holds the place as the most northern island. This island is not so popular due to the infestation of mosquitoes, around this place offers the most beautiful coral reefs of all the Phi Phi islands. Although many prefer to jump off the boat and then get back on the boat and leave. Mosquitoes do not let anyone feel welcomed there.



Phi Phi islands are a group of islands that are often mistaken for Koh Phi Phi Don island; which is a part of the 6 members of these island groups? You could visit some or all of these islands to avoid missing out on a more natural side of Phuket when visiting Koh Phi Phi Don island.


10 Foods To Try In Phuket

Phuket is an extraordinary destination. It has all to offer, including; local food, fun, and active nightlife, beautiful nature, calm beaches, water sports and many more. As a tourist, it is best to emerge yourself with a Thai experience on your visit to Phuket; visiting temples and culturally made dishes are two relevant and deep-rooted in the local authenticity. You may be familiar with generalized Thai food outside Thailand. However, this food varies with particularity to the areas of Thailand. Phuket is not exempt from this. You may be requiring some explanation about the dishes before ordering them, and sometimes even about how to eat them. Food tasting can add to your cultural understanding of Phuket while offering a deep sense of belonging to the place. This is the magic of food that has been passed down a thousand of years. Here is a list of local staple food in Phuket;


This dish literally translates to spicy shrimp soup. It is a perfect starter as it heightens your senses with a blend of Thai spices. The work of Thai spice mixing is much similar to the perfume.; once you inhale it, you want more of it.

You can sense a hint of lemongrass, red chili powder, galangal, lime tree leaves, shallot onions, fresh lime juice and of course the most common Thai flavor, the fish sauce. This dish considered a versatile dish and can be fit together with many other dished. No matter what is your main course order, you can heighten your taste buds and get an endorphin shot from these spices by ordering Tum Yum before. You can expect the sour and spicy flavored bouncing on your tongue when you have sipped a spoon of the soup.



This is the Thai style fried noodles with sprouts. This is probably the most famous Thai dish in the world. Although, here in Phuket, they make it a bit different from their fresh tropical ingredient, high-quality fish sauce and what is probably the geographical effect on every dish- local authenticity. Unlike the Chinese noodle, Thai noodles are short and thin. You can treat yourself to a restaurant that permits you to watch the skillful chef stir the material together in a wok. You can see a combination of steam and smoke with harmonic movements of the chef’s hand that occasionally adds in spices and spring onions. It is likely for them to add the vegetables at the one in order to preserve their freshness.


The rhyming dish is indicating the type of curry dish. From the first look, it looks like a vibrant reddish. However, fear not; the red color down comes only from chili, although the major part of it is dry chilly powder. This spicy gravy usually contains meat or fish. The perfect blend of aroma of this curry will not keep you waiting. The rich after taste of coconut in this dish makes it a particular flavor of this area. It is usually garnished with lime leaves on top and served with white rice. Most of the people eat this dish as a main course.


Som tam is the green papaya salad that is spicy and tangy. Green papaya or te papaya itself may be unfamiliar to your taste buds. But this food is not only delicious but is considered having many benefits from the locals. Especially if you are treating yourself with the occasional drink, this salad helps you to cool down your liver.

From the taste aspect, there are many that are a fan while others can’t bear the taste. This salad is enriched with green papaya, chicken protein, shallots, lemongrass and is flavored with garlic and spices.


Chicken in coconut cream is a taste of heaven. This dish is prepared slowly. They simmer the chicken in coconut milk for long hours and with low heat. If it is not spicy, it is not that food. They incorporate fierce chilies in this dish.


Stir-fry morning glory has definitely a poetic name. This is a dish made from a local species of plants. It has a hollow stem and delicate lived; this plant is either steam or stirs fried. It is usually flavored with garlic, oyster and fish sauce, and whole chilies.


This is a green curry dish that uses chicken as its main ingredient. It is enriched with coconut and green curry paste together with eggplants and bamboo shoots. Creating a phenomenon flavor. It is usually garnished with coriander and sweet basil as well.


Yam Nua is a beef salad made that style. It is a handful of bursting flavors. Taking a bite of this food is nothing like any other salad or food, although it has a familiar essence. A perfect blend of the fresh ingredients of shallot onions, mint, fresh lemon juice. Dried chili coriander and of course the hero of the dish beef strips that would melt in the mouth.

 Thai Seafood

You travel cannot be a marker as that travel without the fresh seafood. Due to its location, Phuket is known for its amazing seafood mixed platter. A sliced lime, some shallots topped with fresh leaves of lime. You can just taste the freshness of your food.


The Thai fried rice is made similar to its noodle counterpart; bean sprouts, fish sauce, shallot onions, egg and other ingredients that may vary according to the chef’s taste. This spicy rice can be eaten along with other dishes or on its own; it is filling and flavorful.


Tradition food in Phuket is characterized as Thai special ad spicy food, treat yourself to amazing street food and particular award-winning restaurant to be introduced to an array of food.