Feminine WordPress Themes






Feminine WordPress Themes

They form a significant percentage of online entrepreneurs. They have taken to the Internet and made a major impact by their web presence especially as bloggers. This is a global phenomenon, which has spread from the developed world into third world and the Arab world too. A good portion of the most successful web presence has women to thank women for their achievement. It is evident that women on the Internet invest their passion, hard work, and skills. This explains why many blogs and websites have feminine themes. The result is a rise in the need to align products to femininity.


Web Hosting

To help boost your business by finding feminine appeal, you may need to begin by searching for the most popular free WordPress themes available. You will be surprised by the vast amount of useful information you will find. They will give you the ideas of power and functionality of feminine themes. You will be able to provide your WordPress audience with the feminine touch to your business. We have compiled a list of feminine WordPress themes to help you get started.


WordPress may not have been the pioneer website in blogging but its consistency has made the most renowned and reliable. It penetrated the market and became the most successful. WordPress became so famous that it was as a synonym for blogging. As the leading choice for serious bloggers, it offered many features that helped them grow famous and relevant on the global scene. Perhaps what made it very famous was its ability to syndicate its blogging script for other websites as well as rival firms to utilize their resources. It quickly became the most used blogging platforms worldwide. It was most downloaded and most frequently used.


Today, there are at least 100,000 new WordPress blogs launched daily. The company is responsible for handling at least 70% of content management systems globally. The rivals share the rest of the content management with Drupal managing approximately 20% and 6% for Joomia. WordPress powers approximately 18 million websites.


WordPress’s popularity emerges from its ability to offer a user-friendly environment. It is easy to use and to customize. The features can be utilized even by an amateur in programming. The configurations are simple and the themes and plugins easily accessible online. Since themes are the basis of an attractive blog, they have high demand. For example, by the end of 2015, there were approximately 120 million themes downloaded. They make blogs unique and special because they create the surrounding according to the bloggers preference. WordPress offers most of the themes free of charge. For premium themes, however, you will get excess features at a cost.




To choose the best feminine WordPress themes, you need to consider some specific factors. Note that WordPress is a fully free CMS platform that gives its users the opportunity to create and manage their blogs. It combines CMS and open source blogging applications via web hosting server.


Consider the following facts: A quarter of all websites around the globe are powered by WordPress. This translates to 80 million websites. It is therefore, the world’s most popular blogging platform. At least 20 % of the world’s top 1 million internet sites rely on WordPress.


Most people assume that a website theme only plays the role of attractiveness to make it flashy. However, the role of a theme exceeds making your website grand image. A theme not only highlights the look and feel of your website but also create a huge impact on visitors. With a lasting impression, you blog will gain more fame and attract the loyalty of visitors. For example, if your website focuses on women’s fashion, you will focus on creating a first impression of fashion from the first screaming look. In such a case, make sure you have a feminine word press them. It needs to clearly represent the nature of what you intend to communicate to the world.


The theme should not only create a first impression on the home page but also be consistent throughout the website. Your pages should not clash but be unified to portray the same message to visitors. Consistency is vital in attempting to create an impact on your visitors.


The Themes


Here are some of the ultimate feminine word-press themes you need.


The Beautiful


The beautiful is the most attractive feminine word press theme available. The Theme allows extra customization’s to make it unique but you would prefer it’s pretty color schemes. It is an impressive beautiful theme with attractive clean white flowery background. There are crisp red fonts and cute feminine images. It easily integrates with social media accounts to help you share and spread your website.


Dorothy WP Theme


For female-centric blogs, Dorothy WP theme always seems to work. It is best used if you are focusing on crafting photos to give them an outstanding background. It is very responsive and can allow changes to make it unique according to your preferences. It also allows addition of a logo or background image for customization.


MH Magazine Feminine Theme


This theme is designed for magazines. It comes in various shades and tones that fit a wide variety of preferences. It can help you portray beauty and femininity. It is a perfect one for you if you are planning on a fashion blog. It may also serve in cosmetic, lifestyle, and beauty blogs. You may use it for any female topic with impressive results.

Read How To Become A Fashion Blogger

