Green Travel: 10 Tips to be Eco-Friendly Traveler


Green Travelling is about making small choices to help the environment. It is up to you, what image you want to leave on the destination. Every small decision you make will create a huge difference. It is like a ripple in a pond. If you will start with a positive notion then it will follow. If you start any negative and harmful notion. You will see the side effects of it later. 

 There are certain controls. For example, the chemical consumption in a hotel creates pollution. All hope is not lost. You can opt for a more Eco-Friendly system.

 We have suggested 10 Tips on How to become an Eco-Friendly Traveler.

1-Use Eco-Friendly green transport

 Many transport companies do not take notice of maintaining their vehicles. Opt for the Eco-Friendly vehicles.

 There is a high amount of carbon emission in takeoffs and landing of a flight. The fuel burn at a greater level at that time. Try to take a continuous flight to avoid this pollution.

 You should opt to travel on a hybrid or electric vehicle to cut down the use of gasoline. Traveling via local or public transport is also a good option. It is low cost and it saves resources.

2-Avoid plastic

 Plastic is a great cause of pollution in the environment. Plastic is non-biodegradable. They do not decompose. Plastic is dangerous for land and marine life. Many multinational companies and NGOs are working to make earth a plastic-free. You should take part in it. Do not travel with such plastic products that can cause harm. Always use the stuff which is reusable and recyclable. Carry your water bottle to refill. For example, shopping, choose an Eco-Friendly bag. Avoid the so-called disposable stuff and bring your environment safe product

3-Choose sleeping accommodations

 Due to the rise in awareness of being “Green,” many hotels opt for Eco-Friendly stuff. The U.S Green Building Council has set parameters for hotels. They check on water, energy-saving, environmental quality and selection of all materials. The hotels which pass the criteria get a certificate called LEED. On your visit to the hotels check for the certificate of LEED. Check for other certifications in other countries.

4-Do not waste any food

 Wasting food is unethical. You should either opt for a buffet or make your food. Tons of food go waste per annum. This create a lot of pollution in the environment. The food wastage has adverse effects on the climate. You as a traveler should keep it in check. Order only what you can finish. Food waste produces methane or more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. These greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation and heat the atmosphere. This increase in temperature causes climate change and global warming.


5-Go green when shopping

Prefer the local handmade souvenir. Do not buy anything that endangered a plant or an animal. It will boost thus making them go extinct. Use an eco-friendly reusable carrier bag for shopping. Look for the local traditional artifacts. You should not use plastic shopping bags as these bags are the major source of global warming. Avoid using paper bags as most of the paper comes from the tree cutting process. Use reusable bags as they are durable and can ensure many shopping trips.

6-Save energy

It is necessary to save energy. The energy generators emit a lot of radiation. These radiations are very harmful. You should reserve electrical energy. Even though you are paying for the room. It is necessary to light up the room. Switch on the lights you need. Keep in mind to switch off the light and all appliances before leaving the room. You should unplug all your devices. The use of programmable devices and lights can save a lot of energy.

7-Take the rules serious

When you enter a state or a region you should abide by the law to follow local rules and regulations. On traveling to the other country, you should learn their. You can learn important phrases as well. Always honor their rules and traditions. Seek the help of the locals if there is a problem. Their culture is important to them. So, respect their culture. Immerse yourself in the traditions of the locals. Try their clothing, food and living style. This will give you a great holiday experience.

8-Keep the area clean

It does not matter where you are going. You should keep the area clean. The waste you make is going to scar the face of Mother Nature. It is up to us to take care of cleanliness. There are many places where people do not care about throwing the rubbish. It is very bad for the environment and also it looks ugly. Make a habit of throwing everything in the bin. If you are going for a picnic then be careful to pack. Do not take plastic bags with you. Use tapper ware or reusable plastic and other utensils.   

9-Rethink the luggage

When you are going to travel for a long time the luggage should be the least. It is easy to carry a light bag. Flights get affected by over packing. You will carry your bag around from places. To ensure safe and easy traveling re-think what is important to carry with you.


10-Organize online

You can book your flight and hotel online. The online world is progressing day by day. Every field is now on the internet. Every company provides facilities online. You can work online to book a flight. You have to take a copy of your booking with you to show them. Uncountable trees cut on the global level for the manufacturing of paper. It is a digital age. Quit paper and use an iPad or notebook to write your blog or journals.



Go Green Think about a reservation at every step. It is not just your house. It is about the earth. Try to adopt all eco-friendly options. With the awareness spreading around, it is easy to go green now, it will a big impact on your life. All of these small changes will ensure the empirical effect on tourism.

