Guide To Travelling When Pregnant


Pregnant Woman

Although pregnancy is one of the most exciting things it can be quite challenging too. Here are some tips that can help.

Do not choose a far-off destination

Pregnancy can be challenging for women and long haul flights can make it stressful during pregnancy.   Therefore, choose a destination that is somewhere within a 2-3 hour flight distance.  It will also help if there isn’t a long airport transfer.

Choose a great destination

Don’t travel to any destination during pregnancy periods. Choose a destination wisely. It is much easier to travel and enjoy a holiday when you know that there are good medical facilities in that region. Do some research on the destination and see if it has good medical facilities.

Avoid going to destinations where there is a risk of catching a mosquito-borne disease like zika or malaria. Also, avoid going to destinations which requires vaccinations during pregnancy.

Traveling by automobile

Don’t drive if you don’t have to. If you drive you to need to push the seat as far back as you can. Wear a seat-belt always. Also, put the shoulder belt tight against your chest. This will help you to get ample comfort and safety while traveling. Further, try to feel the breeze. Keeping the windows slightly open can help ward off nausea.

Traveling by Airplane

Talk to a health care provider or your doctor at least a few weeks before the trip. Ask airlines about their policy regarding pregnant travelers. Most airlines do not allow pregnant women to fly after 36 weeks of gestation.  In case you have to fly you need to talk to your airline and get a letter from the doctor explaining why you need to fly.

In case you fly while you are pregnant ask for an aisle seat so that you can walk easily to the restroom. Also, drink water and bring your own snacks and medicines.  Further, take a copy of your prenatal record. In addition, purchase medical insurance so that it helps you and your family in case of an emergency. If you come prepared you are more likely to handle uncertain situations.

Here’s a Pregnancy Travelling checklist you can use. (source : babycentre)

Travel during 3 Trimesters of Pregnancy

Travel during First Trimester (Week 1- 12)

In this phase, you may feel sick particularly in the morning time. Therefore, it is very important to stay away from noxious odors, keep yourself hydrated, dress comfort clothing, and, use medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Travel during Second Trimester (Week 13-27)

In this phase you will feel better. The morning sickness has subsided and you begin to feel more energetic.  The bump may be more visible and you will find it easier to travel.

Travel during Third Trimester (Week 28-40)

This is the final phase of pregnancy. This phase is definitely the most important phase and you will have to more careful. You bump has grown bigger and you are feeling good. Most airlines won’t let passengers board after 36 weeks of pregnancy. And you should take extra precautions and care to avoid fatigue, heartburn, backache, swelling and other pregnancy related complications.

The above are some of the tips to travel during pregnancy.  In addition, if you find some better tips do let us know. If you are doctor you  are in a much better position to comment about it.

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