How To Cure Motion Sickness In Air Travel ?


Air travel may be relaxing for many. But for many, it is not. This is because many people are prone to motion sickness. The symptoms of motion sickness include nausea, dizziness, cold sweats, and headaches. In fact, motion sickness can occur to a person in any moving vehicle.

The first thing to battling motion sickness is to know what is. The motion sickness occurs when ears detect movements that eyes can’t register. This may work in the reverse if eyes detect movement and the body doesn’t. For example, you can become motion sick in a movie theater without any form of movement.

Although a doctor can give you better prescriptions on motion sickness, some common tips can also help you to overcome it. These tips will help you make your air travel comfier.

1.Choosing the airplane seat

Choose an aircraft seat in the front or near to the plane wings. These areas a more stable than the middle of the plane. This will help you cut down the body movement. Another seat you can choose is the window seat. A window seat allows you to see the horizon. This seat may also help you lower the motion sickness.

2.Using Air Vents

Using air vents in the airplanes can help you to relax if you are having motion sickness. The cool air directly on your face will help to cut down the dizziness you may be feeling.

3.Foods to avoid before or in the flight

If you are prone to motion sickness, you may avoid spicy and salty foods. Drink water and have a light meal. It is advisable not to eat new foods or oily foods that might upset your stomach. Another thing is to avoid consuming heavy meals in flight. 

4. Reading during the flight

This is something you must avoid. Although, you may think that reading will keep your mind away from the motion this actually aggravates the sickness. This is because your mind is looking at a stationary object but the ears are registering movement. 

5.Wear an acupressure band

Acupressure is the application of pressure at various points in the body so as to regulate the energy flowing through the body. You can purchase an acupressure band which will help you prevent motion sickness.

6.Have Ginger Flavored Drinks or Ginger Tablets

Ginger is great for digestion. Ginger flavored drinks like Ginger Ale can aid digestion and help reduce the feeling of nausea. Even ginger tablets can help to reduce this dizzy feeling.

7.Using Avomine tablets (but be careful)

Tablets like Avomine may help curb the feeling of vomiting. But be careful while using these tablets as they can cause drowsiness. This may have an adverse effect on your fellow passengers. However, it is a better option than going to the small toilet in the airplane. 

Some people are more prone to motion sickness while some are less. These tips will help you get over the feeling of motion sickness in air travel. These tips can also be applied when traveling long distance by train or bus.

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