Mauritius Guide


Introduction to the country

The island country of Mauritius is 6 different islands found in the Indian Ocean. Unlike other countries which were colonized by a single country, Mauritius was colonized by different countries including Dutch, Britain, and France. The island country gained its independence in 1968. The official language of the country is English but a lot of people use their ethnic languages.
The most practiced religion is Hinduism and there is a good number of Christians too. The capital city of the country is Port Louis and it has a population of about 140, 000 people and it is actually the largest city in the country. It is one of the best places to visit in the world, a home to some of the rarest plants and animals.

When to Go? / Best Time to visit

Mauritius has a classic tropical climate that is normally warm all year round. Their winter is considered to be between May and October but the climate is usually still kind of friendly. The summer is between November and April and the weather is usually hot and humid.
Visiting Mauritius between January and March might not be the best decision as it is usually wet and you might not enjoy your holiday as you would have in other times.
The winds are the strongest between November and April and you might want to avoid the east coast. So if you want to visit Mauritius and have a good time without worrying about the weather, be sure to be there between May and December.

How do I get Visa?

For the Indians traveling to Mauritius, you will be granted a 60 day visa the moment you arrive in the country. But to be provided a visa you will need to meet some requirements which includes providing proof that you have a return ticket or enough money to buy one. You also need to prove that you have enough money to meet all the costs while you are in the country and also provide proof that you are eligible to reenter your country of residence. If you are planning to stay for more than 60 days, you will be required to apply for a visa prior your visit in Delhi.

Do I need Vaccines?

Yes, there are some vaccines that are recommended. the CDC recommends that you get vaccinated against, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, yellow fever, meningitis, mumps, rabies, measles and Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis).
It will also be very wise if you get vaccination against chicken pox, shingles, influenza and pneumonia. It is also very important to make sure you bring some mosquito repellents or mosquito nets because mosquito related diseases like chikungunya and malaria are prevalent in Mauritius.

Travel Safety

We can only be able to provide you with some advice to help you make your decision but we can’t really be able to provide tailored advice for individual trips. Generally Mauritius is a safe country with less things to worry about. One thing that we cannot rule out is that there are possibilities of terrorism although it is not a common occurrence. But it is better to be safe than sorry.
If you will be traveling by sea, you need to be aware of robbery around the Gulf of Aden. It is a serious threat and you might want to consider avoiding that area or you will face the risk of getting hijacked and used as a hostage for ransom. The roads are generally safe but if you are going to be driving in the country, make sure you have a driving license.

What to Pack?

Semi- formal clothes, some hotels in the country do not allow people to enter with jeans so it will be wise to have some dresses and trousers that are not jeans.
Prescription, there are pharmacies available but it is wise to pack your own prescriptions just in case.
Umbrella, the climate of the island is prone to rain showers from time to time.
Water shoes, sea urchins can be an issue off the coasts and the beaches of the countries.

Typical costs

The mid-range restaurants in Mauritius will cost you around 450 rupees which is around 10 euros to have a full meal. The food are super delicious and the services are very friendly. The cost of travelling around is between 20 to 40 euros a day. By having a budget of about 3500 rupees per day, you will be at the safest side.

Cost of Travel for Indian Travelers

If you are planning a seven day trip from India to Mauritius, with a budget of 65, 999 rupees you will be at a safe side.
Saving Tips
Stock up your sunscreen because the temperatures might be too high and require you to buy sunscreen.
Don’t exchange money on the hotels, exchange in advance.
Shop local.
Be flexible.

How to Get Around?

There are various ways to travel around while you are in Mauritius which include:
You can hire a car for rental terms and use it to travel around.
You can be sure of using a taxi and most of the taxi drivers are very friendly and they are going to guide you well.
You can use bus travel to get around in Mauritius. Bus travel is actually the cheapest way to travel around.
Scooters and bicycle.

Things not do do

Do not spend all your time on the beaches, there is a lot to see and do.
Do not go for bus trips after 6 pm. Because some places might not be accessible at those times.
Do not go hiking without a guide.
Do not trust google maps because they are not optimized in Mauritius.
Do not drive on the right.
Happy travels and be sure to make the best of your time in Mauritius.

