Top 10 things to do in Kathmandu


Kathmandu is an awesome place to be due to its busy nature, beautiful features and most importantly its peaceful atmosphere. It is located in the center of Nepal and it’s the most visited city in the country as a result of numerous buzzing and fun-catching activities that take place in the city.

It’s not enough to be in Kathmandu, the important thing is to explore the land, engage in some interesting activities, learn new things about their culture and taste their dishes amongst many other things. Talking of exploring the land, we have come up with a list of ten most exciting things to do during your stay in Kathmandu

Before the list is unveiled, it is important to let you know that a nose mask is highly needed in all your trips, this because the roads are somewhat dusty and unhealthy during hot weather conditions.

So much for the talk, here is the list of top 10 things to do in Kathmandu, Nepal:

Visit Swayambhu Temple and reach its top

Swayambhu temple is an ancient temple which has been in existence since the 16th century. Often called the “Monkey Temple”, Swayambhu is one of the oldest temples in the whole of Nepal. Irrespective of its age, the temple still remains strong, attractive and important to the people of Kathmandu.

It contains a massive 300 rock-hewn steps that lead to the top. Endeavor to get to the top of the temple as that will give you the opportunity to view the whole of Kathmandu Valley.

A walk around the temple is equally useful as that provides you the chance to see many monkeys and also learn what they represent in Kathmandu’s history

  1. Take a trip to Bhaktapur and explore the UNESCO World Heritage City

Traveling to Bhaktapur shouldn’t take long as it’s said to be a just 30 minutes journey — depending on your location and the flow of traffic. Bhaktapur is known as UNESCO World Heritage City and it is made up of many interesting areas including Nyatapola Temple, Taumadhi Square, Durban Square, and Dattatreya temple.

All of these mentioned outskirts deserve your attention as you won’t regret doing so. You could equally take a look at 55-window Palace and Pujari math. The most interesting thing is that you can trek around these areas because they are close to themselves.

  1. Pashupatinath Temple is a must-visit for you

Pashupatinath Temple is the most sacred temple — not just in Kathmandu but — in the whole of Nepal. It is equally the most visited temple in the country as a result of its sacred nature. Many Hindus across the world often come to the Pashupatinath temple during the Maha Shivaratri festival.

Meanwhile, entering into the temple will cost you some amount of money, but the enjoyment and knowledge you will derive are worth more than the price you pay.

  1. Stop at Ason and Mangal Bazaars for shopping

As a visitor, you will need to bargain a lot with sellers in this area because they tend to increase the prices of goods for non-indigene. Notwithstanding, they sell the best of products when it comes to food, spices, goodies, street foods and other chewable products that will make you feel more comfortable while exploring the land.

  1. Pay a visit to Thamel District

As much as it’s safer to visit the Thamsel district by cars, it is very beneficial to take a walk around the city. This is because you will have a full picture of how beautiful the city is. It is one of the best places to visit in Kathmandu because it renders you the opportunity to see beautiful parks and eateries such as the Garden of Dreams.

  1. Explore the Shivapuri National Park

Shivapuri National Park is another attractive place to go during your stay in the Asian country. Should you decide to have a break from experiencing day-to-day hustling life in the city, you’re recommended to visit the Shivapuri National Park because of you will see some interesting features like the trail that runs through Vistas and forest.

  1. Fly past Everest

Whenever you’re tired of hiking, you can decide to board a cheap plane that will take you around Mount Everest – the highest mountain in the world. Buddha Air and Yeti Airlines are the best companies who rendered such service to tourists and they are relatively cheap and reliable. Isn’t that awesome? This is one of the pleasures you derive for exploring Kathmandu.

  1. Taste Kathmandu’s cuisines

What’s the essence of being in a strange land and not feel the taste of their meal? This is why it’s important you go for Momo — a Nepalese favorite dish. Momo is a delicious dumpling you will surely ask for more whenever you have a bite of it.

  1. Explore the Boudhanath Stupa

This is one of the largest stupas in planet earth, and it will be a great privilege to explore Boudhanath Stupa. There are many shops around the stupa; hence, you can buy some materials for yourself.

  1. Explore Taleju Temple

Located at the northern side of the Durban square, Taleju Temple is a great place where many Hindus stay. It is not open to the public; however, you are privileged to enter due to the fact that you’re a tourist willing to learn about Nepal’s culture.

You can’t regret traveling to Kathmandu because of their more fun-filled activities to make you feel comfortable and lively.

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