10 Best Things to Do In Yangon


Yangon is the most stylish voguish city of Myanmar; it was the capital of Myanmar from 1948 to 2006.  Yangon is the largest city in the country where a lot of population lives. Most of the commercial and industrial activities of the state are carried out here in the abroad it was also known as Rangoon but soon the government urges that the Yangon name should call it. The history of this goes back to the British period, The buildings in the city are mostly of bricks, and the buildings are not more than 2 to 3 floors high. Law courts, offices of top officials and ministers are also situated here. This city is unique in its style having an amalgam of different things. Teak rice and tea are major exports of this- so it is also contributing to the economy of the country.

10 Best Things You Can Do In Yangon If You Are Visiting It the First Time

  1. Enjoy Sunset and Fascinating Lights at Shwedagon Pagoda

Most of the people love sunsets they want to end their day by watching the sunset. So if you are visiting Yangon go to this place and enjoy the sunset. It is built on a high hill so the scene of sunset will be more fascinating and attractive you should reach this place early, so you don’t miss out at any moment. Once you visited this site, you will wish to go again and again what a relaxing and beautiful place it is. It is the grandest and oldest Pagoda. The pagoda at night is shimmering with colorful lights as it is high above the hill so the whole city can watch this Pagoda at night as it shines at night too. You can reach this place by a local bus you can also book a cab. You don’t have to worry about the crowd there because there have four entrances. So one of the best thing you can do in Yangon is to visit this pagods.

  1. Having food at Yangon Streets

Local food is always loved liked and enjoyed by many people. So what will be more adventurous than having local food in the streets of the Yangon city? Here you will find the mixture of different tastes in one dish just like boiled rice is served with peanuts garlic onion with the toppings of chilies .acording to details 135 ethnic groups are here so you will enjoy diverse scrummy eclectic food at its street. Mohinga is the famous food one try is necessary as its ingredients include fish flavored with chilies pepper lemon garlic and served with glass noodles. So the second best thing is tasting local food.

  1. Enjoy Internal City with the Help of Railway

If you want to enjoy the internal city, you must refer to take a ride on the train which is the transport of many local people. The time of traveling by train is 2 to 3 hours, and during these hours you will observe different groups of people differ in their styles of eating dressing. You will also get information about the people living there by this step

  1. A Visit to National Races Village

The classiest place in Yangon where you can do your favorite things. Here you can enjoy traditional things and can get valuable information too in this village a lot of houses are made representing the cultural tradition of different groups like Kachin Kayin chin and Mou.

  1. Fascinating Kandawgyi Lake

Kandawgyi Lake is an artificial lake which was built by the British. Visit this lake should be on your list.

  1. Scream Enjoy At Utopia Tower

This is also worth visiting the place; it is a tower made up of bricks; it attracts a lot of people to its unique building. You should go there if you want to scream and enjoy the delicious food.

  1. Visit Karaweik Palace

Karaweik Palace visit should be your seven best things to do in Yangon rich in cultural tradition here you can discover different performances of diverse cultures here arts and crafts show also happens.

  1. Small Tea Shops By The Streets

Yangon is the producers of different types of tea, and many countries also import this tea, so there are many tea shops in Yangon city. You can go to these tea shops and can enjoy tea with beautiful sights of the city. The shopkeeper offers different types of tea.

  1. Sparky Balloon Ride in Yangon

If you are a person whose soul is full of adventure then balloon ride is the best thing to do in Yangon. You can enjoy different sights of the city through this ride.

  1. Myanmar Plaza Shopping Center

If you are a shopping addict, this is a great place to spend some quality time.


There are many places in Yangon where you can do more than ten best things.
