8 Best Things To Do In Hyderabad


Hyderabad is known for its marvelous palaces and forts with biryanis and Haleem ( Read 11 Hyderabadi Dishes That You Won’t Regret Taking ) among many other indigenous cultural things. The city thrived during the reign of Nizams when it was the grandest in the region.

Today, traces of its popularity remain and it is easy to see why it was one of the grandest and most attractive in the world. It was not only artistic but also a cultural and information center like Mecca.

You may learn more about the city and its magnificence with this guide. Here are some places and things you can do in this old city to have the most fun.


This name suggests ‘four minarets’ and is a symbol for the city, which carries its reputation. There are many theories to explain the reason for its erection. For example, one of the theories states that it was meant to mark the end of the plague while another theory states that it commemorates the beginning of the second Islamic millennium.

Regardless of the theory, Charminar retains its significance as one of India’s most widely visited and acknowledge landmarks. Waking up to the sight of the views of the city and various markets in the area selling jewelry and other handicrafts. You will definitely find it fascinating and a place you can spend more time repeatedly.

Hyderabadi Biryani

paradise restaurant hyderabad

The world’s best Biryani is in this place. At some point, it was the only place you could find real Biryani with all the spices and quality. Today, the influence has spread to the rest of Northern India and other parts of the country. ( Read Top 20 Indian Food Recipes )

Long grains of Biryani and basmati rice are available in every farm and store in the region. It is easy to buy the specific type of rice and soak them in a concoction through the night.

To be sure the rice is cooking well, the cooking pan is sealed with dough and steamed with hot coals. You cannot tell the resulting flavor; the mix of spices and flavors is a complex taste.

One of the best places to eat authentic Hyderabadi Biryani is the Paradise restaurant in Hyderabad. 

 Golconda Fort


Be sure to get to the Golconda Fort, which was the capital of the Golconda kingdom. It the ruling place between the 14th and 16th century. It’s location attribute to its popularity, you have to go up the hill to witness the architectural magic of this place.

One of the interesting features about this Golconda fort is the sound effect. A simple hand-clap at the entrance can spread to more than a kilometer away, which is a pavilion.

The architectural design was built with this sound effect in mind as a security feature. It was the warning sound to royals in case of an attack or any suspicious people approaching the castle.

If you are thinking of spending your vacation in India or passing through the country, you must see this. It is a 12th-century history. ( Read 10 Best Things To Do In Rajasthan)

Chowmahalla Palace

The white marble floors and crystal chandeliers distinctly identify this 18th-century palace. It is renowned as the residence of Asad Jahi dynasty.

Royal guests were taken to this place for an experience with the North Indian culture and other aspects of entertainment. The design of the courtyard is unique; it is a combination of four courtyards that attribute to its name.

The hall is not only a sight to behold but it is also rich in culture; exhibits of Nizam’s life from 1911 yellow Rolls Royce are in the walls of the four courtyards.


Indian culture is also characterized by art. Like Bidri is a metalwork artistic style that involves alloy of copper and zinc under a silver layer.

While it is a 19th-century making, it is still beautiful and ranks in the art galleries to date. Locals in Karnataka state still produce unique artwork from metal because of its popularity and recognition beyond Indian borders.

Zinc as a raw material in art is Indian idea although the whole metalwork idea is linked to Persia. The art has spread to Hyderabad; you can buy the same quality here.

Makkah Masjid

The name of the Mosque, Makka Masjid, was built for 77 years with specific soil from the holy city of Mecca. This is the whole hype about the mosque; the bricks are not from any ordinary soil.

The capacity of the hall is also impressive as per the 16th century standards; it can hold up to 10,000 people at one time. 

Hussain Sagar

hussain sagar lake

The river was built late in the 15th century as part of Musi river. While it was an artificial lake, it was reliable and the main source of water in Hyderabad. As the population grew and demand increased, two more lakes were built.

In the middle of Hussain Sagar is an 18-meter monolith statue of Buddha. It is fitted with lights for visibility at night. To date, tourists still take a trip with boats to the statue and back. It is a 30-minute sail one-way. ( Read Fast or Slow Travel: Which is better ? )

Salar Jung Museum

It is one of the 3 Indian National Museums, which currently ranks as the largest antique owned by an individual. The museum hosts the best treasures on paint. You can visit anytime from 10 am to 5 pm.

With a variety of things to do in Hyderabad, a trip to this city would definitely be memorable. Be its monuments. recreational places, adventurous activities, visiting popular attractions of Hyderabad will keep you entertained throughout the trip. ( Read Best Weekend Getaways near Hyderabad )

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