7 Tips For Flying With Your Baby

Summer is already here, and surely many parents will take the opportunity to go on a trip to that wonderful destination. But traveling with a baby is a challenge for even the most experienced parents, and it can end up throwing back those plans.

Air travel can be a really exhausting task. Many parents try to tire their children before getting on the plane, which may work or may leave our baby excited and regret the rest of the flight. For this, it is more advisable that the baby does not have any kind of stimulus inside the plane.

If you are traveling to an area with a different time zone than usual, to make the trip the least traumatic for the baby, modify your sleep schedules a few days before the trip and expose it to the sun when you arrive at the destination.

If you are flying with your baby to a country with a very different gastronomic offer and in which it may cost to find the food you need, it is advisable to take a small supply quota to avoid more than one headache once there.

If you are going to stay in a hotel, you can ask in your reservation to include a cot in your room. Or, if you find it more comfortable, you can always bring your own portable crib that the baby is more familiar with.


Here are 7 tips to make your baby trip go like clockwork!

  • Notify the airline of your baby’s presence

On long-haul flights, baby cots can be made available to travelers in all classes. The number of baby cots being limited on a flight, it is essential to warn the airline as soon as possible of the presence of your baby. Know moreover that a baby menu can be proposed to you. For ease of movement, a folding stroller is often permitted up to the plane. This one is then recovered at the descent of the plane or the delivery of the luggage. Other types of strollers and baby carriages are generally registered as baggage.

According to the airlines, children under two do not always have an assigned seat. Your baby will have to travel on your lap. You will also have to hold it in your arms during the take-off and landing phases, and in case of turbulence. Babies are restrained by a specific belt attached to the attendant’s belt. If they have their own seat, babies must travel in a homologated “hull” type car seat. It must be certified for air travel and be adapted to the dimensions of the seat of the aircraft. It is the parents who are responsible for installing it.

  • Remember to moisturize it well

The air is dry and pressurized in the cabin, it is essential to regularly hydrate his child. Provide enough milk powder and water. Mudguard will also allow him to reduce the pressure changes in his ears and avoid crying. To regulate the pressure in your ears, you can also use a pacifier. You can finally instill a few drops of saline into your child’s eyes if they are dry.

  • Reassure of your baby condition

If you are not reassured by plane, know that your baby will be too certainly worried. The stress being communicative, it is necessary to think to be serene before and during the flight. Your child will be calmer and less angry. Do not hesitate to talk to him and reassure him during the take-off and landing, or to take a walk by taking him in your arms along the path, during the flight.

On the other hand, some parents sometimes worry about “disturbing” other passengers when their baby is crying. But tell yourself that they will understand. Once again, it’s not guilt that you can calm your child. Regardless of the remarks or looks, keep your self-control while waiting for your child to calm down.

  • Allow enough exchange

Diapers, cleaning wipes, baby bottles, jars … Remember to take enough for all the trip without forgetting the return. It is essential for the child to feel good during the entire flight. In addition, do not hesitate to wash his face from time to time. It’s always good!

 You can also change your clothes regularly, especially if the wait in the departure hall has been long. The interior of the cabin being air-conditioned, it is necessary to think to prepare warm clothes to avoid that your child is cold. Note that if he has a cold, it is better to consult a doctor before departure to clear his airways. In case of otitis also, seek the advice of a health professional, to avoid pressure pain during take-off or landing.

  • Take some toys

To keep your baby busy, remember to take his favorite toys, not to mention his comforter! They will be your best allies to avoid crying and anger. Also remember to take a small book, adapted to his age, to read a story to him and draw his attention to something else, when he begins to worry.

  • Help baby sleep on the plane

If you have to make a long trip, it is best to choose a night flight because your baby can sleep well. A not-so-good idea would be to make sure that the baby gets tired before the flight to make him sleep later: he may be grumpy on the plane and it will be more difficult to sleep. The best approach is to behave as usual.

If a baby is used to being in direct contact with parents, it will become easier to get used to the plane where babies tend to travel on a parent’s lap. If you have the means to buy an extra ticket for your baby, you can bring a homologated car seat to install comfortably. On long flights, it is possible to book a free cradle in advance.

Little Globetrotters also recommends carrying a baby carrier to walk the aisle of the plane and help your baby fall asleep while feeling safe.

  • Plan a baby carrier.

Some companies ask that the strollers be put in the hold as soon as the registration. With the baby carrier; you will have no problem of hold or cabin. In addition, the baby carrier can be useful on the plane: baby can stay against you during the flight; you only have to slip his little belt between you two.

How to crush it on couch surfing ?

There are other sites fairly competing with Couchsurfing but the online platform has existed for the longest time hence large clientele and trust from hosts and travelers. These sites were started by people who got tired of spending their holidays at hostels ( Read Myths About Staying In Hostels )

Besides, the founders of this idea were driven by the need to connect with the communities. The need to go deep in new places and discover the culture of the locals can only be possible if you make friends with the locals.

Couch surfing is not for saving on your accommodation expense! Although it automatically comes in, you should be driven by more than cutting costs. The sites offer you a great opportunity to make new friends, connect with a new environment, and deeply engage and participate in a new culture.

As a traveler, the post of your intention to travel to a specific destination and ask if there is anyone ready to host you. Hosts are readily available to respond to your requests. The service is popular today in the tourism industry.

However, some people complain of no responses to their requests sent to hosts. It all depends on your approach! In fact, I would not respond to an email if you give me a reason to think you are creepy and looking for a way to avoid paying for the hotel and probably food.

The essence of host-traveler services on couch surfing is to encourage social activities and interaction with members of the community you are visiting, not cutting costs.

On the least, your profile has to complete and updated. Show that you care and interested in knowing and helping the community. Here are some tips on how to succeed at couch surfing:

Get Recommendations and Reviews

Couch surfing allows posting of reviews and recommendations from friends, previous guests, and other hosts. Of course, the more positive reviews the better. Reviews give you an idea of the host and what to expect.

If most of the reviews indicate the host is fun and safe, you would want to request to stay there because you will probably enjoy your sat too. No one wants to go to a creepy host.

In the same way, hosts need to be sure you are not creepy or will steal from them. it is important to get positive reviews from previous hosts as well as people you’ve met in couch surfing.

If you are new on the platform, get friends to post positive reviews about you and recommend you as a friend. Friends on the platform with positive reviews can help you get a good host.

Update your Profile Pictures

Your profile picture should be as recent as possible. Let it match your age; if your profile indicates you are 25 years old, the photos should correspond. This shows a host you are active and a real person.

Besides, upload photos of your travels and fun with friends. No one wants to host an unsocial traveler. Photos of your previous trips prove that you are a traveler ( learn about photography ), out to have fun and meet people. The more photos you upload the better.

Detail Your Profile

It is important to complete every aspect of your profile; it shows you are serious on the site. You can also go to the extent and add details about yourself in a descriptive manner.

Hosts want to have an idea of the traveler they will be hosting. Do not keep your potential host guessing of who you are based on the email you sent. You two are strangers, a host would want to feel secure and convinced before replying to your email.

Be a Host First

One of the ways to win a host on your next travel is showing you are a great host too. This not only posts positive reviews on your profile but also instills confidence in your potential host. It portrays you as a generous and fun loving person. No one would turn you down.

Hosting someone does not necessarily mean having them in your house. You can act as a tour guide and help a traveler by showing them around town. Take the traveler to a party or bungee jumping in your region. A positive review from a traveler is a sure way of getting hosts.

Attend Meet-ups

Social proof is one of the key requirements on couch surfing. The idea is not only to travel and staying with people but being part of a community. Even if you are not traveling, take time and meet locals and make friends, get to know them.

Every city has its own kind of activities and events that target people on Couch surfing for the sole purpose of bonding and refreshing. Attend local events and any kind of meet-ups. In fact, not all reviews come from people you have stayed with.

A stranger you met last weekend and made a friend can get to the site and post positive comments about your personality. Positive reviews and recommendation are un-replaceable on the platform. The effect of these two is crucial to success on couch surfing.

Great Couchsurfing website you can use.

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Feminine WordPress Themes





Feminine WordPress Themes

They form a significant percentage of online entrepreneurs. They have taken to the Internet and made a major impact by their web presence especially as bloggers. This is a global phenomenon, which has spread from the developed world into third world and the Arab world too. A good portion of the most successful web presence has women to thank women for their achievement. It is evident that women on the Internet invest their passion, hard work, and skills. This explains why many blogs and websites have feminine themes. The result is a rise in the need to align products to femininity.


Web Hosting

To help boost your business by finding feminine appeal, you may need to begin by searching for the most popular free WordPress themes available. You will be surprised by the vast amount of useful information you will find. They will give you the ideas of power and functionality of feminine themes. You will be able to provide your WordPress audience with the feminine touch to your business. We have compiled a list of feminine WordPress themes to help you get started.


WordPress may not have been the pioneer website in blogging but its consistency has made the most renowned and reliable. It penetrated the market and became the most successful. WordPress became so famous that it was as a synonym for blogging. As the leading choice for serious bloggers, it offered many features that helped them grow famous and relevant on the global scene. Perhaps what made it very famous was its ability to syndicate its blogging script for other websites as well as rival firms to utilize their resources. It quickly became the most used blogging platforms worldwide. It was most downloaded and most frequently used.


Today, there are at least 100,000 new WordPress blogs launched daily. The company is responsible for handling at least 70% of content management systems globally. The rivals share the rest of the content management with Drupal managing approximately 20% and 6% for Joomia. WordPress powers approximately 18 million websites.


WordPress’s popularity emerges from its ability to offer a user-friendly environment. It is easy to use and to customize. The features can be utilized even by an amateur in programming. The configurations are simple and the themes and plugins easily accessible online. Since themes are the basis of an attractive blog, they have high demand. For example, by the end of 2015, there were approximately 120 million themes downloaded. They make blogs unique and special because they create the surrounding according to the bloggers preference. WordPress offers most of the themes free of charge. For premium themes, however, you will get excess features at a cost.




To choose the best feminine WordPress themes, you need to consider some specific factors. Note that WordPress is a fully free CMS platform that gives its users the opportunity to create and manage their blogs. It combines CMS and open source blogging applications via web hosting server.


Consider the following facts: A quarter of all websites around the globe are powered by WordPress. This translates to 80 million websites. It is therefore, the world’s most popular blogging platform. At least 20 % of the world’s top 1 million internet sites rely on WordPress.


Most people assume that a website theme only plays the role of attractiveness to make it flashy. However, the role of a theme exceeds making your website grand image. A theme not only highlights the look and feel of your website but also create a huge impact on visitors. With a lasting impression, you blog will gain more fame and attract the loyalty of visitors. For example, if your website focuses on women’s fashion, you will focus on creating a first impression of fashion from the first screaming look. In such a case, make sure you have a feminine word press them. It needs to clearly represent the nature of what you intend to communicate to the world.


The theme should not only create a first impression on the home page but also be consistent throughout the website. Your pages should not clash but be unified to portray the same message to visitors. Consistency is vital in attempting to create an impact on your visitors.


The Themes


Here are some of the ultimate feminine word-press themes you need.


The Beautiful


The beautiful is the most attractive feminine word press theme available. The Theme allows extra customization’s to make it unique but you would prefer it’s pretty color schemes. It is an impressive beautiful theme with attractive clean white flowery background. There are crisp red fonts and cute feminine images. It easily integrates with social media accounts to help you share and spread your website.


Dorothy WP Theme


For female-centric blogs, Dorothy WP theme always seems to work. It is best used if you are focusing on crafting photos to give them an outstanding background. It is very responsive and can allow changes to make it unique according to your preferences. It also allows addition of a logo or background image for customization.


MH Magazine Feminine Theme


This theme is designed for magazines. It comes in various shades and tones that fit a wide variety of preferences. It can help you portray beauty and femininity. It is a perfect one for you if you are planning on a fashion blog. It may also serve in cosmetic, lifestyle, and beauty blogs. You may use it for any female topic with impressive results.

Read How To Become A Fashion Blogger


10 Popular Mobile Wallets In India

10 Popular Mobile Wallets In India

Mobile wallet is a new concept in India and has surpassed credit card usage and is slowly becoming a traditional form of payment.  Mobile Wallet in simple terms is a wallet where one can store cash for digital transactions. Wallets are increasingly becoming popular because of the speed of transactions.

If you directly use net banking for your transaction you may be asked to enter information related to your pin code.  This is not the case in  mobile wallets. 1-click and you are done. And that 1-2 second lead makes way for  mobile wallets in India.

Here is a list of some of the popular mobile wallets in India.

  1. PayTM

PayTM is  the larget e-Wallet in  India offering it’s customers to make quick digital payments.  Launched in 2010, PayTM is owned by One 97 Communications Pvt. Ltd  and is  backed by companies like Alibaba Group, Softbank etc. PayTM allows you to load money and make payments to merchants who have tie-ups with the company. Apart from e-commerce PayTM wallet can also be used to make prepaid mobile recharges, shop grocery, pay mobile bills, buy clothes, laptop and more.

Also, Paytm has numerous features related to travel, entertainment and food. For example, you can book a bus tickets, movie tickets, flight tickets, train tickets or even hire cars & bikes. The app allows to book event tickets, hotels, amusement park tickets, movie tickets and  food delivery options. 

Another great feature of Paytm  is the Paytm mall shopping. Starting at Rs 1 you can shop your way out inside the Paytm application. Various products like shirts & trousers, grocery, home appliances, electronics, beauty & grooming etc. can be purchased inside the application.

Further, another useful feature in the Paytm app is the Deals section. If you want spa or salon deals open the application, click on more and then go to deals you will find numerous deals. These deals give significant price cut to the customer. 


Download paytm Android App

2. MobiKwik

MobiKwik slowly went on to become the 2nd largest E-Wallet in India behind PayTM. MobiKwik has around 1.5 million merchants and 55 million customers. The good thing about MobiKwik is its cool user interface. Also, the company gives free cash in the form of Super Cash for some purchases.  I personally prefer MobKwik and mostly do my transactions through MobiKwik E-Wallet.

Download MobiKwik Android App

3. FreeCharge

FreeCharge is another mobile wallet company in India. This company is growing but has fewer merchants. One good thing about FreeCharge it gives free cash discount for certain transactions like Mobile Recharge. Overall the App is good and user friendly.

Download FreeCharge Android App

 4. Phone Pe

Phone Pe is a payment wallet which was later acquired by Flipkart. The app gives good cash discounts on online Bill Payments. If you are frequent Flipkart customer do use this App.

One of the important features of the Phone Pe app is the money transfers. You can transfer money to a contact, to self, and to another bank. 

Also, Phone Pe can be used to recharge and pay bills. You can recharge your mobile phone, pay electricity, post paid, landline, broadband , gas, water, data card, insurance, municipal tax bills using the Phone Pe application

Download PhonePe Android App

5. BHIM E-Wallet

BHIM EWallet is an Ewallet developed by the National Payments Corporation of India. BHIM app can be used to transfer money between various bank accounts. BHIM App supports 13 languages currently.

Download BHIM E-Wallet Android App

6. State Bank Buddy

This is wallet system by the largest bank in India, the State Bank of India. This wallet is good for SBI customers. However, non SBI customers can also use this App.

7. Ola Money

Ola Money is a wallet offered by the Ola Cab Booking App.  This wallet makes it easy to pay for Ola Cab Rides. However, this app can also be used to pay for phone bills, electricity bills, prepaid recharge and so on.

Download Ola Money Android App

8. Airtel Money

Airtel Money is an e-Wallet by telecommunications company Airtel. This app can be used to pay for phone bills or prepaid recharges if you are an Airtel customer.

Download Airtel Money Android App

9. Jio Money

Jio Money is an wallet by Reliance Jio. This app can be used to store some cash for online payments like recahrging a Jio mobile or paying a postpaid bill.

Download Jio Money Android App

10. Amazon Pay

Amazon Pay is an wallet of the e-Commerce giant Amazon. Like Phone Pe this App can be used to get discounts if you are a Amazon customer.

Amazon Pay is slowly becoming one of the most preferred application. Thanks to it’s marketing team. With a great marketing and reach out Amazon Pay has started giving numerous discounts. Amazon Pay has tied up with many vendors that give discount if the bill is payed through Amazon Pay wallet. 

Download Amazon Pay Android App

How To Become A Fashion Blogger

How To Become A Fashion Blogger
How To Become A Fashion Blogger

Have you mastered the art of capturing the perfect OOTD picture (while ensuring that it looks completely unintentional)? Do you dream of becoming the next Kim Kardashian? Do your friends constantly call you for fashion advice? If your answer is yes to any of the above questions then you’ve probably already thought of becoming a Fashion Blogger.

But how exactly does one go about doing this, with every other person calling themselves a Fashion Blogger, how can you stand out from the rest? Luckily for you, this is the perfect guide on all things fashion and blogging!

Being a Fashion Blogger sounds like the most glamorous and exciting job ever. But behind the aesthetic pictures and perfect selfies, there is a ton of hard work and dedication. The basic job role is to dress with the latest trends in mind, take lots of high-quality pictures and to write exciting fashion articles that go with your pictures. You then consistently upload content on to your blog and hope to draw in like-minded followers.

Once you’ve established yourself as a successful Fashion Blogger, companies will eventually contact you for collaborations and hopefully paid advertisements as well. Now more than ever, high-end clothing brands are looking for fashion bloggers to get their products across to the customers instead of the traditional approach where actresses or models would be offered the task. Hence now is the perfect time for you to showcase your fashion blogging skills!

To start off as a blogger, first, come up with a creative and unique name for your blog. This is going to be your identity on the internet – you don’t want to sound like everyone else and you also have to make sure that the name is easy to remember!

Try to think of something that can be used to describe you and before finalizing on it run a quick google search to ensure that no one else is already using it; you don’t want to be labeled a copycat. Once you’ve done this try to purchase your domain; the first step in branding your blog is to buy and register the name as a domain name.

Now comes the important part – content. Being part of a highly saturated industry, you need to have something that will set you apart from the rest and this is where content comes into play.

No one becomes a successful Fashion Blogger overnight, you will have to work at it for months and maybe even years. Therefore, you have to be passionate about what you’re doing, you need to find out what drives and motivates you. Before creating content do lots of research, find out what your niche is: which category of people are you aiming to attract (teenagers, young adults, working women or housewives).

Perhaps you want to cater to a wider audience and while there’s nothing wrong with this, it’s best to start off with baby steps. Once you know who your audience is going to be, start thinking of topics. You should target to come up with high quality content that will engage your followers and keep them coming back for more.

Try to write on topics that are relevant today and will garner traffic to your blog. The best advice would be to remain as true to yourself as possible, this will automatically ensure that your blog is unique since its highly unlikely to find two people that are exactly alike.

If you have the means to do so, consider hiring a web designer. Having your site designed by a professional will immediately set you apart from other amateur Fashion Bloggers. Ask your designer to create a user-friendly interface and to design the site ( 5 alternative CMS solutions to WordPress )in a way that will make people want to follow you. Link your blog/site to all of your social media accounts to make it easier for people to find it.

Another important aspect is the photography, pictures play a huge role in fashion blogging. It is recommended to use a DSLR camera for your pictures as this will ensure that the pictures are of good quality. Try to include a range of different pictures: new trends, seasoned colors, accessories, outfit ideas (mix and match, color block, etc.) and lots of OOTDs/OOTNs.

OOTD stands for outfit of the day and these pictures ( Image Optimization Techniques For SEO ) are perhaps the most important ones, following are some tips to ensure you capture the best pictures:

Look away from the camera, try to make your picture look as candid as possible. Laugh for the pictures, a smile is said to be the most attractive quality a person can have. Move around while your picture is being taken; play with a strand of hair or sip a cup of coffee.

Keep the pictures different, try not to repeat the same thing too often. You can draw inspiration from Fashion Bloggers who have already established themselves.Having only a blog is not enough, to ensure maximum engagement, create accounts on all social media platforms ( 10 Responsive Social Sharing Plugins ) and then link them to your site.

Remember that consistency is key, there may be days during which you might feel like giving up but nothing worth having comes easy. Create a schedule and stick to it, maybe even put up posts about when you’re going to write next so that your followers remain informed.

Branding is the next step in your journey, now that you have an attractive blog work on the business side of it. Use Google  to monitor traffic and get an idea of the days and times during which most people visit your site.

Make use of SEO techniques, attend networking events, befriend other bloggers and start drafting and then sending proposals to local businesses that might benefit from hiring you. Try to include a short video or a resume of yourself so people can learn more about who you are.

Remember that failure is part of becoming successful and you might have to deal with a few rejections before you find someone that wants to work with you. Happy Blogging!

Read Feminine WordPress Themes