10 Simple Ways to Blend with Locals


When you are traveling, you can definitely feel that you are someone that is different. Starting from manners, appearances will make you feel different and apart from the local population. The way the local people live is sure as interesting as everything else. When you blend into the culture, you can gain an intimate experience of travel, and it may even help you be safe.
Underneath are 10 simple ways to blend in with the locals:



The first thing before anything else is you have to want to make the effort. People are genuinely interested in someone who takes an interest in their cultures, experiences or services. The simple thing that you have to do first is open with the local people. Show them how their culture and language fascinates you. By showing that you embrace and accept the differences, and taking time to explore the language and history, it will work on your favor.
We all know that it is far easier to communicate in English, a language in which most people would have known how to speak it. However, you can always make the effort to start learning a simple and basic phrase of that language. This can be as simple as “good morning” or “thank you” however, people usually appreciate it.



To be able to blend it, you have to look the part. Before you pack for your trip, ensure that you spend adequate time online researching about how people in that particular place dress. For example, in most of the Muslim country, it is a taboo to walk with shorts and revealing dresses. You can find tips in local street style blogs for inspiration. You can also search in Flickr using location tags.
Do research on the country’s dressing etiquette. If you can really get the items, then try to dress with modesty. The point is, make an effort and research well.

Common Etiquette and customs

Another important point that you have to research before arriving is the common customs and etiquette. Know that each country has its own custom. Being polite to the local people will just help you adapt easier to the place. Examples of customs that you have to pay attention to; pointing with index finger in Asian countries, giving something from your left hand in most of the Southeast Asian countries are considered rude, and so forth. This way, you can reduce the chance of you causing a cultural faux.

Avoid tourist gear

There is nothing that can shout “a tourist” like the gears. You know what we are talking about. Yes, we are talking about water bottle holster, a vest covered in external pockets or a fanny packs and hand sanitizers. If you want to blend in properly as the locals do it, then before leaving, take a look at the items that you have packed. Ask yourself whether a local would actually use it.

New culture

In each place, there will be a new culture. Meaning, new food, new customs. And with all the global brands that are opening their stores in a lot of new countries, we fall under the native trap. Meaning, we would prefer eating something out of a McDonald’s rather than eating enjoying something local. Sure, sometimes the spices might not be suitable for your palate. There are even some countries that are safer for you to eat in an official establishment.
But if you are really traveling to experience something new, then take the risk and get out of your comfort zone.

Touristy places

In some countries, there are packages that are provided to ensure you will be able to experience the country. The packages combine tour passes for museums, dining experience at a well-established restaurant, and so forth. The problem with these packages is you are more unlikely to blend in with the locals if you take them. If you want to truly live like a local, venture out of the touristy places. You can talk to them and ask which places are best to visit. Anyone would certainly point you in the right direction!

Find the locals

The next step is to find a place where a local person would hang out. Go to the internet and browse for cafes, restaurants, shops that are most visited by local people. You can go there and start conversing with local people. You are more likely to discover something new that is seldom discovered by any other tourist.
Make a point to find out what is the nature of the city that you are visiting. There are cities that are seemed more alive at night, so adjust your schedule accordingly.


Increase your culinary experience by eating the food of the local people. If it is a well-known cuisine, you can even start preparing yourself before your departure. Try to eat your nearest local restaurants that sell that local cuisine. You will be able to get at least a rough idea of how the flavor would work in the cuisine, what kind of cuisine, etc.

Eating like a local means that you also have to find out the dining custom of that country. For example, it is well known that you should know plan your chopstick into a bowl of rice in both china and japan, and not to go out for dinner before 8 P.M in India. 10 Food Destinations In Asia Worth Travelling For


Pace yourself accordingly

Each country carries its own pace differently. There are countries and cities that are modern and fast-paced, there are countries that are slow-paced. Whichever country that you visited, ensure that you adjusted your pace accordingly.

Know when you have been beaten

Even tho you have spent a lot of effort into researching, there are some aspects of yourselves like skin 10 Foods that You Can Eat to have Glowing Skin that you will not be able to change. However, it does not mean that you have to throw in the towel, in fact when the locals know that you are making such a huge effort, they would certainly appreciate it.

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