Best Places To See Snow In India

The snow-topped mountains, cool breeze in your hair, and magnificent vistas are for the most part elements for an awesome winter occasion in India’s peaceful slope stations.

  1. Snow in India in Manali, Himachal Pradesh


As a high-elevation town, Manali pulls in a significant measure of consideration from voyagers from distant locations abroad who need to see snow in India.

Particularly notable is Snow Point, where you’ll discover lofty yaks standing tall and unperturbed, kids sledging down the inclines wearing their elastic boots, and a genial atmosphere to luxuriate in.

Because of  snowfall, a portion of the sights might be untouchable, including the well known Rohtang Pass.  There is Solang Valley,  a perfect place for experience sports like paragliding, outdoors, skiing, ice-skating and association with different explorers.

In case you’re heading out to Leh in Ladakh, Manali would fill in as the perfect beginning stage for your adventure. When we visited Manali we booked a Toyota Qualis to visit Rohtang Pass. 

  1. Snow in India in Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh


Home of the Dalai Lama Temple Complex, Dharamshala is a standout among the most visited slope stations in India. Sightseers can visit  Gyuto Monastery, for a tranquil.

With a huge Tibetan populace, there are likewise numerous spots of enthusiasm giving a look into Tibetan culture, nourishment, and legacy including establishments, workmanship exhibitions, and,  eateries.

The Kangra Valley is  lovely.

Snow Season: December – February

  1. Snow in India in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh


Another extraordinary place to see snow in India is in Shimla – the capital of Himachal Pradesh. Shimla is a very popular holiday retreat and is well know for it’s Victorian architecture.

Snow Season: December – January

Read Best Time To Visit Dharamsala and Shimla 

  1. Snow in India in Gangtok, Sikkim


When heading out to Gangtok, vacationers anticipate the harmony and quietness of the territory, lucky perspectives of Kanchenjunga and its cold pinnacles, and simple access to Darjeeling.

The most energizing spot to visit is the M.G. Street, named for Mahatma Gandhi, a sans vehicle zone, where you’ll have to lease a bike in the event that you wish to advance around town.

A licenses picks up you access to Nathula Pass and Tsomgo Lake amid February or March, which is the best time to see and experience snow in India without solidifying your fingers off!

Snow Season: December – March

  1. Snow in India in Pahalgam, Kashmir


Pahalgam is one of India’s most enchanting snow towns and additionally one of the greatest attracts for sightseers planning to see snow in India.

Situated at a rise of more than 2700 meters above ocean level, it is perfect for fanatics of winter sports like skiing. Keep in mind to taste a couple of the neighbourhood Kashmiri specialities like sheep rogan josh and Kashmiri saag.

Snow Season: December – February

  1. Snow in India in Gulmarg, Kashmir


Around 46 km far from Srinagar, Gulmarg is exceptionally available and in addition being a totally ravishing spot for skiing down snow-topped mountains. Ride on the world’s most noteworthy link auto (gondola) and keep in mind your camera!

In the event that you set out to wander further to a much colder spot, Ladakh is a decent decision. It’s touted as one of the coldest goals in India, so be set up for cruel conditions, solidifying winds and thick covers of snow on the ground!

Snow Season: December – March

  1. Snow in India in Auli, Uttarakhand


Hailed as one of India’s best skiing locations and best places to see snow in India as a rule, Auli, a slope station situated over 2,500 meters in the Himalayas, is gradually getting to be known as an all year traveler goal throughout the entire year.

 Be that as it may, in case you’re hoping to invest energy cuddled up in the midst of mountains hung with unblemished, white snow, at that point the long stretch of December would be the ideal time.

 A couple of days taking in the grand display of Auli, with its lively verdure and sections of land of oak and coniferous trees, truly helps put the marvels of the common world, and the need to protect them, in context.

There are a few attractions that you should visit amid your excursion including the fake lake – the world’s most astounding man-made lake – or the Nanda Devi and Trishul crests for their breathtaking vistas.


Numerous close-by goals including Joshimath offer a decent beginning stage for different experiences around Auli including the excellent ‘Valley of Flowers’.

Snow Season: January – March

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Read Best time to visit Kullu and Manali

Read Best Time To Visit Darjeeling

Read 20 places to visit in Leh Ladakh

Read 15 Beautiful Valleys In India


15 Things Not To Do In Thailand

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While the nation is bright and smiley, it’s possible that you may be unknowingly committing a social sin. Some are clear while others may be fuzzier.

Here are some of the 15 Things to avoid doing in Thailand.

  1. Think excessively – There are a few reasons and circumstances where you will be told, ‘Don’t think excessively”. From various methods for getting things done, to here and there apparently remiss well being principles and not having any desire to design too far ahead of time, regularly the Thai take will take the mai bpen rai (don’t stress over it) and sabai (simple and agreeable) approach. Due to a more Buddhist outlook and basically simply needing to keep things light and happy , you’ll be prompted not to stress over things, not to get excessively genuine and not, making it impossible to over think things

  2. Contact their head – Unless you’re in a cozy association with somebody, you shouldn’t contact or putting things over individuals’ heads. The head is considered the cleanest and most sacred piece of the body, so contacting somebody’s head is viewed as rude and will make others uneasy.

  3. Shriek around evening time – It’s a Thai superstition that shrieking during the evening is misfortune – you’re calling spirits. It might never again be a major ordeal to a few, however you’ll see numerous individuals getting to be uneasy if a shriek is heard after dusk.

  4. Get filthy – Appearance and neatness are critical. Indeed, even amidst the hot season you’ll see Thais carefully assembled and even physical workers will have clean garments. There might be a casual vibe here, yet not with regards to your appearance and how you deal with yourself.

  5. Raise your voice – Thais are normally easygoing and mild-mannered. However you can hear nonnatives a mile away. Hold your voice down in stores and eateries, and remain quiet in the event that you end up in a contention. Raising your voice or shouting won’t encourage the circumstance and causes everybody required to wind up humiliated.

  6. Make out – When in Rome you may make out in the city, however when in Thailand you shouldn’t. You’ll see that Thais regularly don’t clasp hands or embrace in broad daylight, so any kissing or additional closeness is impossible. It’s alright to sneak a little peck in anywhere.

  7. Take your garments off – Yes, Thailand is tropical. Yet except if you’re on a shoreline, in a specific sort of bar, or in your lodging room keep it concealed. It’s hot and sticky however, folks, that is no reason to run around with your shirt off – you don’t see the Thais doing it. Young ladies, cover shoulders, cleavage and knees while entering sanctuaries. It’s anything but difficult to keep a wrap on you for such places and means a universe of regard.

  8. Wear your shoes – Know why shoes are so well known here? All things considered, it’s hot, and you’re continually taking them off. Entering homes, sanctuaries, shops – even a few eateries and restrooms – you’ll be requested to remove your shoes and stroll around shoe less or with shoes.

  9. Embrace a priest – While men are permitted to be in contact with priests you’ll still more often than not observe them keep an aware separation. Nobody should remain over, or be situated higher than, a priest.

  10. Using your feet – Pointing your toes or the base of your feet at individuals, spots and things is considered to a great degree discourteous. Having your feet looking toward, sanctuaries, Buddha pictures or priests is particularly impolite and unsuitable. You’ll likewise be chastised for utilizing your feet to help close an entryway, venturing over or kicking something.

  11. Buddha images are sacred. Buddhism is the main religion in Thailand and images of the Buddha are considered sacred. Therefore, it is advised to treat Buddha images as sacred. It is also advised not to take Buddha images out of Thailand.

  12. Overstaying visa. Many foreigners travelling to Thailand overstay knowingly or unknowingly. It is advised not to overstay your visa. There are various immigration rules if you overstay your visa. You may be asked to pay a fine. If you overstay for too long you will be deported immediately.

    13.Avoid doing graffitiThere are many instances in which foreigners are caught for doing graffiti. Graffiti are writings or drawings done in scribbled way mostly in walls. Although everything may seem cool, graffiti in public places or walls is considered as a serious offence.

  1. Beware of local laws.

There are laws which prohibit speaking anything against the royal family.  Even a comment in social media post is considered bad. It is advised not to discuss anything about this topic.  If you are unaware and do something against this law in inebriated state you may be asked to give a solid explanation.

  1. Stand up for the royal anthem

Every day the royal anthem is played twice. It is advised to stand up for the royal anthem. 

If you follow the above rules you are almost safe in Thailand. Normally it is advised not to get into an argument with a local. This is true in any country. When you are a foreigner respect the locals.

Read 15 Things Not To Do In Thailand

Read 8 Movies To Watch Before Visiting Thailand

Guide To Travelling When Pregnant

Pregnant Woman

Although pregnancy is one of the most exciting things it can be quite challenging too. Here are some tips that can help.

Do not choose a far-off destination

Pregnancy can be challenging for women and long haul flights can make it stressful during pregnancy.   Therefore, choose a destination that is somewhere within a 2-3 hour flight distance.  It will also help if there isn’t a long airport transfer.

Choose a great destination

Don’t travel to any destination during pregnancy periods. Choose a destination wisely. It is much easier to travel and enjoy a holiday when you know that there are good medical facilities in that region. Do some research on the destination and see if it has good medical facilities.

Avoid going to destinations where there is a risk of catching a mosquito-borne disease like zika or malaria. Also, avoid going to destinations which requires vaccinations during pregnancy.

Traveling by automobile

Don’t drive if you don’t have to. If you drive you to need to push the seat as far back as you can. Wear a seat-belt always. Also, put the shoulder belt tight against your chest. This will help you to get ample comfort and safety while traveling. Further, try to feel the breeze. Keeping the windows slightly open can help ward off nausea.

Traveling by Airplane

Talk to a health care provider or your doctor at least a few weeks before the trip. Ask airlines about their policy regarding pregnant travelers. Most airlines do not allow pregnant women to fly after 36 weeks of gestation.  In case you have to fly you need to talk to your airline and get a letter from the doctor explaining why you need to fly.

In case you fly while you are pregnant ask for an aisle seat so that you can walk easily to the restroom. Also, drink water and bring your own snacks and medicines.  Further, take a copy of your prenatal record. In addition, purchase medical insurance so that it helps you and your family in case of an emergency. If you come prepared you are more likely to handle uncertain situations.

Here’s a Pregnancy Travelling checklist you can use. (source : babycentre)

Travel during 3 Trimesters of Pregnancy

Travel during First Trimester (Week 1- 12)

In this phase, you may feel sick particularly in the morning time. Therefore, it is very important to stay away from noxious odors, keep yourself hydrated, dress comfort clothing, and, use medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Travel during Second Trimester (Week 13-27)

In this phase you will feel better. The morning sickness has subsided and you begin to feel more energetic.  The bump may be more visible and you will find it easier to travel.

Travel during Third Trimester (Week 28-40)

This is the final phase of pregnancy. This phase is definitely the most important phase and you will have to more careful. You bump has grown bigger and you are feeling good. Most airlines won’t let passengers board after 36 weeks of pregnancy. And you should take extra precautions and care to avoid fatigue, heartburn, backache, swelling and other pregnancy related complications.

The above are some of the tips to travel during pregnancy.  In addition, if you find some better tips do let us know. If you are doctor you  are in a much better position to comment about it.

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10 tips for hiring a motorbike in Thailand

If you are planning to explore Thailand ( Read Best Things To Do In Thailand ), hiring a motorbike will provide tremendous assistance to you. In fact, it can be considered as one of the most popular and best methods available for the guests to explore the best of Thailand. On the other hand, all the tourists will be provided with the opportunity to explore Thailand at a lower price tag.

Following are 10 useful tips that you must keep in mind when you are hiring a motorbike in Thailand. If you keep these tips in mind, you will find it as an easy task to avoid frustration and hire the best for your traveling purposes within the country.

  1. How to find a motorbike

The first question that will come to your mind is how to find a motorbike to hire in Thailand. It is possible for you to find service providers that offer motorbikes to be hired in all towns and villages located around Thailand. You will be able to do your own research on the internet and figure out the closest point where you can rent out. You will usually be charged for motorbike hires for 24 hours of usage. Otherwise, you will be asked to leave your passport along with the service provider, which is never recommended.

  1. Select the best motorbike

When you are hiring a motorbike in Thailand, you will figure out that there are different options available for you to consider. In fact, the available motorbikes for hire in Thailand can be divided into three main categories as semi-automatic motorbikes, fully automatic motorbikes, and off-road motorbikes. You need to select the best motorbike type out of them based on your specific requirements.

  1. Get it at the right price

You should have a basic understanding of how much it would cost for you to rent out a motorbike in Thailand as well. Then you will be provided with the opportunity to avoid scams. For renting a semi-automatic motorbike or a fully automatic motorbike, you will be asked to pay around 150 to 300 Baht per day. But if you are hiring an off-road motorbike, you will be asked to make payment in between 600 to 1000 Baht per day. These are the average prices throughout Thailand and you should never pay more than that.

  1. How to stay safe

When you are riding the motorbike in Thailand, you should always wear your helmet. In addition, you need to have a copy of your driving license along with you. It is perfectly fine for you to keep your international driving license because it will not lead you towards any hassle. Most importantly, you should never ride the motorbike under the influence of alcohol or drugs. You should always ride it with responsibility.

  1. Get a high-quality helmet

Along with the motorbike, you need to ask for a high-quality helmet as well. The helmet can contribute a lot towards your safety on the road. You should never take off your helmet when you are riding the bike as well. Usually, the bike rental company will be able to provide you with a high-quality helmet upon request.

  1. Check the motorbike before you go for the ride

Before you go for a ride, you need to make it a habit to check the motorbike. It is better if you can snap some pictures of the motorbike with your mobile phone. If there are any scratches, you need to inform about them to the service provider as well. This is one of the most essential tips, which can help you to stay away from unexpected hassle at the time of returning your motorbike.

  1. Never panic during unexpected situations

When you are riding the motorbike, you will fall off from it. Or else, you will lose your helmet. In such instances, you are encouraged not to panic. You will be able to get back on your motorbike or find an alternative helmet at an affordable price tag. Even if there is a tire puncture, you will be able to find a mechanic in your region, who will be able to get the job done within a short period of time. You shouldn’t panic during unexpected situations because there are effective methods available for you to stay away from hassle.

  1. Be careful about motorbike burns

Most of the people who rent motorbikes in Thailand end up with motorbike burns. You need to be careful about this when you are getting in and out of the motorbike. You need to make it a habit to get in and get out of the motorbike from the left side. Then you will be able to make sure that your leg is not brushing against the exhaust pipe, which is hot.

  1. Drive slowly under rainy weather conditions

When you are riding your motorbike in Thailand, you will come across rainy weather conditions. When you come across such rainy weather conditions, you are encouraged to drive slowly as much as possible. It has been identified that most of the accidents in Thailand take place during the rainy seasons. That’s because the bike would slip after you apply brakes. If you are traveling on a gravel road, there is a high possibility for this to take place.

  1. Be aware of stray dogs

While riding the motorbike, it is important for you to be aware of stray dogs as well. There is a high possibility for the stray dogs to chase you on the motorbike. You should never get panic during such instances. You just need to beep the horn of the motorbike and slow down gradually. Then the stray dogs will walk away.

If you are on a trip to Thailand, don’t let a motorbike accident ruin your vacation.  If you want to explore the best islands in Thailand you can find it in the links.

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Bangkok’s 10 Best Museums

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Bangkok is normally not associated with museums but there are a surprising number of scattered museums across the city that appeals to culture enthusiasts. Tourists and locals hoping to find out more about Thailand can get good knowledge in Bangkok’s museums.

Jim Thompson House

Jim Thompson House
Jim Thompson House

Jim Thompson was an American who helped to revive the silk industry of Thailand.  In 1958, he began the construction of a new home to showcase his art collection which was one of his greatest architectural achievement.

When the creation was complete, he filled his home with a unique collection of items.  A significant collection of items from Laos, Cambodian and Burma are also seen in his home.

In 1967, he mysteriously disappeared from Malaysia’s Cameron Highlands and was not seen again. His beautiful Thai home and the mystery surrounding his disappearance, make the Jim Thompson house worth a visit. A pleasant restaurant and cafe are also available inside the compound. Guided Tours are available every day.


Hours: 9 am – 6 pm daily  Approximate Cost: 150 Baht

Address: 1 Khwaeng Wang Mai, Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10330, Thailand

How to get there: You can take the BTS Skytrain to National Stadium station. Exit and make a right on Soi Kasem San 2. If you walk straight around 200 meters and the house is on your left side. Another way is to directly take a taxi or a tuk-tuk from your hotel.

National Gallery Thailand

Located at Chao Fra Road in Bangkok’s historic Phra Nakhon District, this art gallery is housed in the building of the Royal Thai Mint. This museum holds Thai art to European influenced art to contemporary style arts. Apart from exhibitions, the gallery consists of a recreational area and an auditorium. The main collection focuses on national artists from the 17th century onwards.


Hours: 9 am – 4 pm Wednesday  to Sunday Approximate Cost: 200 Baht

Address: 4 Chao Fa Rd, Khwaeng Chana Songkhram, Khet Phra Nakhon, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10200, Thailand

How to get there: You can walk around 10 minutes from Khaosan Road. Another way is to directly take a taxi or a tuk-tuk from your hotel.

Bangkok Art and Culture Centre

The Bangkok Art and Centre is the hub for contemporary arts. It is located in a modern building across the MBK shopper center. Various programmes for art, music, cinema, performance, literature, education and activities take place in an environment of fun and recreation.

Website: Approximate Cost: Free

Hours: 10 am – 9 pm Tuesday – Sunday (closed on Monday)

Address: 939 Rama 1 Road, Wang Mai, Khet Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330

How to get there: You can take  BTS to National Stadium. BACC is located across the street from MBK shopping center. Another way is to directly take a taxi or a tuk-tuk from your hotel.

Art in Paradise, Tricky Eyed 3D Museum

Art in Paradise or Tricky Eyed 3D Museum is located at the 4th floor of Esplanade Mall, Ratchada road.  The original 3D Art in Paradise is two story gallery packed with crafty paintings in which visitors can take part in scenes. 

The artwork is awe-inspiring, and it is a great experience to visit this magical place. Besides, visitors can have an enjoyable time in the museum by taking pictures with 3D illusion painting.  The paintings in this museum are done by Korean artists.


Opening Hours: 10:00 – 22:00 ( Till 21:00)

Approximate Cost: Adult 400  Baht, Kid 200 Baht

Location: Esplanade Shopping Mall, 4th-floor

Address: Ratchadapisek Road, Din Daeng, Din Daeng, Bangkok 10400

How to get there: You can directly take a taxi or a tuk-tuk from your hotel.

Siam Niramit

Thailand’s rich history spanning seven centuries are recorded into a 90-minute production at Siam Niramit. The show is held at the gigantic 2,000-seat Ratchada Theatre. The Siam Niramit show brags an 11.95-meter proscenium which is the world’s highest stage, certified by Guinness World of Records.

The show is wonderfully structured into three acts: Journey Back into History, Journey Beyond Imagination: The Three Realms and Journey Through Joyous Festivals. The stage productions bring the magnificent past of Thailand through its professionally produced performance. The international buffet is an optional experience after experiencing the magic of the show.


Opening Hours: Showtime is 20:00. Approximate Cost: 1500

Address: 19 Tiamruammit Road, Khwaeng Huai Khwang, Khet Huai Khwang, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10310, Thailand

How to get there: You can directly take a taxi or a tuk-tuk from your hotel.

Madam Tussauds

It is one of the glamorous wax museums in Bangkok. What makes, this museum stand out is its craftsmanship and attention to fine detail. Celebrities, heads of state, great sportsmen, popular artists, and royalty are displayed in this museum as wax statues.

Some of the notable people whose sculptures are in the museum are Narendra Modi, Mao Zedong, Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth, Pablo Picasso, Dalai Lama and more. Professional photographers are standing on the front side and if you wish you can take a printed photo after you have finished.


Opening Hours:  10 am to 9 pm daily Approximate Cost:  600 – 1900 Baht

Address: 989 Rama 1 Road Khwaeng Pathum Wan, Khet Pathum Wan, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10330, Thailand

How to get there: You can take BTS to National Stadium and walk around 10 minutes or take a taxi from there. Another way is to directly take a taxi or a tuk-tuk from your hotel.

Royal Barges Museum

The Royal Barges Museum contains eight of the country’s most crafted vessels the Royal Barges.  These barges are often reserved for special ceremonies like the Royal Barges Procession.


Opening Hours: 9 am to 5 pm daily. Approximate Cost:  100 Baht

Address: 80/1 Arun Amarin Road, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, Bangkok Noi 10700, Thailand

How to get there: You can take a Chao Phraya Express boat to Wang Lang Pier and then walk a few minutes. Another way is to directly take a taxi or a tuk-tuk from your hotel.

Siriraj Medical Museum

Siriraj Medical Museum is a medical museum in Bangkok. The museum provides a useful resource for students and medical professionals. Often called the museum of death, this museum contains dead bodies and skeletons in preserved form.

The collection showcases various people who died from different medical conditions. Some of the  pieces include children skeletons, preserved humans who died from a rare medical condition etc.


Opening Hours:  Open at  10am to 4 pm. Wednesday to Monday

Approximate Cost:  200 Baht

Address: 2 Wanglung Road Khwaeng Siriraj, Khet Bangkok Noi, Bangkok 10700, Thailand

How to get there: You can take an Chao Phraya express boat to Wang Lang Pier and walk 10 minutes from there. Another way is to  directly take a taxi or a tuk tuk from your hotel.

Jesada Technik Museum

Founded by Jesada Dejsakulrit in 2007, Jesada Technik Museum houses the biggest classic car collection in Thailand. Located in Nakorn Pathom , a small town around forty kilometres away from Bangkok, this museum contains some of the best vintage car collection. 


Opening Hours:  Open at  9am to 5 pm  daily.  Monday closed

Address: 100 Moo 2 Ngio Rai, Nakorn Chaisri, Nakorn Pathom 73120
How to get there: You can directly take a taxi or a tuk tuk from your hotel.