Food Photography Guide


Food photography is just like still photography. The only difference is that your subject is not alive. Food is part of most cultures around the world. Food culture tells the story of the people. Food photography aims at capturing the stories that food tell. It is a form of art and thus needs photography skills. Thus, it is not just shooting food photos. It involves finding the right lighting, props, and color to your food. A good example of food photography is on cookbooks and recipes. These usually display colorful pictures of foods, which are always attractive. They have a balance between the background and the image itself. Food photography is becoming more common. People are shooting cooking processes, restaurants, and foods. The invention of social media has also made this field grow. Platforms like Instagram make it possible to share these recipes. It is a good way to connect with other chefs and other foodies. Using YouTube, one also posts videos on cooking tutorials. They are a great way of sharing information. This calls for photographers to learn better skills. Beginners need tips to help them start as photographers. Veterans also need tips to improve their skills. This is the perfect place for you to learn the skills to make your work better. Below are tricks for taking beautiful photos of your food:

1. Shoot under natural light

Natural light is the main ingredient for still life photography. Avoid using artificial light for your foods. This is because it changes the color and texture of the food. Also, avoid using flashes when taking food photographs. They produce artificial light, which is poor for food photos. Daylight is especially very lovely for food photography. Thus, place your table close to a window where there is natural light. The images will appear with their natural color and will look better. Another option is shooting outside. Natural diffused light is soft and is more neutral. It maintains the color of the background and cutlery used. Note that you should shoot out there is warm weather. Too much sunlight casts sharp shadows on the food. These shadows distract the focus on the food. So, choose this option when there are some clouds in the sky. They act as natural diffusers, hence making the shadows softer. Another option is to use a diffuser. For example, you can place a white bedsheet over the window. This will soften the light and take great pictures.

2. Shoot from different angles

Most photographers make the mistake of shooting from one angle. Experiment from different heights. While the above angle is a good shot, it is not the only one you can use. Go down to the plate level and take a good shot. Changing aspects helps you capture food from different perspectives. There are various angles that one can use for the best shots of food. It requires you to master the art of taking pictures of food. Some of the best angles include the up-close angle. This gives you a closer look at your food. It is the focus of your image. The other angle is one that images appear diagonally. Position your camera such that the image starts from one end of the camera to the other. You can also shoot from above. This way, the image is placed at the center of the camera. It gives it a graphic look. You can also shoot from above with perspective. The image fills the frame in this case. It is important you forget the rule of thirds now. Move around your subject to get better angles.

3. Shoot while the food is still fresh

The best shots of food are those taken while the food is still fresh. Also, food has a natural color when it is still fresh. Its appealing look fades with time. As a photographer, you must be quick on your feet. Start by preparing the table where the shoot will take place. Choose to include a stand-in plate that will be substituted later. Once the food is done, the cooking, switch the served place, and take the photos. This saves you time, and you get delicious shots of the food. Besides, shots of whole food on a plate are very appealing. You can decide to take shots of the food after some of it is eaten. This work-in-progress shot is also more appetizing. Some photographers choose to shoot food with steam. Steam rising gives the food a just cooked effect. This can be appealing to the viewers. It is difficult to achieve this effect naturally. Some of them choose to improve. For example, they use microwaved wet battles to produce the steam effect.

4. Capture the location and ambiance

The ambiance of the restaurant is important in food photography. Ambiance and location give a certain mood to the photos. It also makes the food and the restaurant stand out. Try and capture the lights or art in the restaurant. Also, add the table setting, the patrons, and other decorations. Provide your audience with the sense of the restaurant. Capture the mood that is romantic or somber. It will enhance the images you take. The artistic effect of any restaurant also makes the food appealing. Some will even add art pieces to give the restaurant a pleasant ambiance. This contributes to the appearance of the food they serve. Take note of cultured restaurants, such as Italian or Chinese. Strive to get shots of culture part of these meals. They will go a long way in appealing to new and existing customers.

5. Arrange your food neatly

A food photo is more appealing if the food is neatly arranged. You do not want to have a messy table for an image. The position of every element should be carefully thought through. Arrange the knives, forks, and the food appealingly. Do not clutter your table with other items. It will shift the focus from the food to the mess. Create neat patterns of your foods. Fruits create lovely patterns that make the meal appealing. Clean any spillages on the table before you take the photo.

6. Decorate the scene

Decorate the background of the photos. Use kitchen napkins to give the scene a new feel. Another option is to use dry ingredients to decorate the background. Small items make the scene more interesting. Choose the dry ingredients that you used in cooking to decorate. They create a visual recipe for the meal. Include colored spices on the table for an interesting feel. Another example, you can scoop a spoonful of ingredients and place them on the side.

Additionally, use berries, nuts, and fresh herbs. Also, use kitchen napkins to make the scene attractive. Use kitchen napkins that are colorful for a dramatic effect.

7. Choose simple tableware

Decorative tableware stands out on its own. They can increase the beauty of the meal. When they are too decorative, they distract the visual impact of the food. Choose plain tableware. Avoid too much color on the plates as they distract the photo. They make the food the subject of the picture. Simplicity is elegance. Aim to get shots at particular angles to make meals appear delicious. For instance, a whole roasted crispy chicken is more appealing than its pieces. This is a shot that makes the chicken more appealing.

8. Take photos of patrons, chefs or waiters

Taking photos of people preparing food is a bonus in food photography. Shots of the chefs, waiters, or patrons add a story to your photos. But you need their permission before taking the photos. Talk to the manager and the employees. Sometimes, they willingly accept to have their photos taken. Remember that they are not used to being in front of the camera. Create a mood that makes them ease up to the shoot. You can crack jokes to lighten the mood. This will make the shoot comfortable and thus good photos. The kitchen is also a great place to get good photos. You can get amazing photos of food being flipped on pans. You also get shots on prepared ingredients. Get pictures of chopped tomatoes, herbs, or laid out spices. They provide the in-progress work of the final meal. This is a great way of influencing your viewers to try the meal. This is also a good place to get shots of chefs in action. They are a simple way of telling the story of the meal. Note that there is low light in some kitchens, and the photos appear grainy. It is important to shoot on a slower shutter in the kitchens. Ensure that you are not in the way of the people to avoid any accidents.

9. Use negative space

Up-close photos of food give it an artistic and interesting look. They usually fill the whole frame of the photo. This works for some images, and it won’t work for others. Use negative space. This gives your photo space to breathe. This negative space is soothing to the eyes and the mind. It also creates a contrast between the meal and the background. Note that white backgrounds are very appealing to photos. They create an amazing contrast of colors between the food and the table. Yet, white is not the only background for your meals. Use simple yet plain colors for the tableware. It gives a different composition to the pictures.

10. Use the right equipment

Invest in good photography equipment. Food photography is an art. You would want to perfect it using the right tools. A good image is a result of the right shutter speed, exposure, and focal length of the camera. These are elements that are obtained from using the correct tools. Most beginners start with the point and shoot cameras. As you become more experienced, invest in a better camera. A Digital Single-Lens Reflex Camera (DSLR) is a good investment for food photography. The Nikon DSLR or the Canon DSLR are good options for you. Before purchasing a camera, ensure that it is user friendly — research on the camera features and price. Also, check online reviews to know if it suits you. Go for the camera that feels comfortable in your hands.

Besides, buy a separate lens to make the photos look better. The first tool is a tripod stand. Most people choose to use their cameras without the stand. This is especially true for those using phones. A tripod is important because it reduces any shakes during shooting. To get a good image, you must remain perfectly still. It is also used in lowering the heights to get the perfect shot. Most photographers use it to get the aerial and top-down angles for shooting. Another reason is that it is a secure place for your camera. A tripod holds your camera as you set your scene. It also allows you to focus on the subject manually. The other equipment is lenses. Lenses are the icing of having a camera. The final image you take depends on the lens you use. You must have the right lenses to get an image of the right quality. Decide between a wide-aperture lens or a fixed lens. Other equipment for your photography are diffusers and reflectors. You can get them from eBay at a low price. White foam boards are an option of cheap reflectors. These reduce the sharpness of light and create soft shadows. You also need props in your photography. Make sure you know your style first before buying props. You can identify your style through Pinterest boards. You can also use home décor items or your wardrobe. Draw inspiration from the things around you. Avoid buying items you will not use as props. It is a waste of money. You can buy your props from Etsy or eBay.

11. Food photography post-production

Post-Production is about making your photos look better. It is also known as photo manipulation, photoshopping, or image processing. Image processing is used to enhance the image. Editing an image makes it look more pleasing. This is important in food photography because it makes the food more appealing. Food is usually on magazine covers, Instagram, and cookbooks. A good food photo should make the viewer want to try out the meal. They should feel like the meal is calling out to them. To achieve this, you need editing software. One of the software that you can use is the adobe lightroom. This is an application you install on your phone for easy editing. This photo allows you to touch up your photos without losing their color.

The other editing option is sharpening. Digital cameras may have sharpened your images already. A film camera has better sharpness than a digital camera. The amount of sharpness you apply will depend on the lenses you used. Besides, if you are doing are large print image ensure you sharpen the image. Note that this editing technique should be the last to be applied. This is because it can distort other editing methods. Also, apply the sharpening in little amounts to avoid reducing its quality. Other lighting techniques that are used for editing are contrast and saturation. These should be used in small quantities to prevent changing the colors of the image. You would not want your food to change its original color. Lastly, white balance is another effect you can apply to your photos. The white balance effect ensures that whites are real whites in your photos. Note that lighting is the basic need for any good photo.

You can also edit photos that you have taken on your iPhone. There is a variety of filters that you can choose from. Go through all the filters to find one that fits the mood of the food. Vivid filters make the food more vibrant. Darker filters make the photos softer. They create a subdued more on the photos. The VSCO editing app is one of the best to use on the iPhone. This editing app has several one-touch filters to apply to your photos. Besides, there are individual adjustments to help to make editing better. Remember, less is more. Do not overuse the filters as they will strip the food of its originality. Subtle touches make the food more appealing.

Common photography issues

1. Blurry photos

Shaky hands lead to blurry photos. You need to stabilize your hands while handling the camera. This often takes time to master. With experience, you learn to be steady with the camera. Another solution is to buy a tripod stand. A tripod stand gives you the stability you need for clearer shots. A tripod stand with remote control will make the shoot easier. The other option is to use faster shutter speed. This way, you only open the aperture and move where there is light. You then take the photos without making them blurry. The other option is to increase the ISO factor. This usually decreases the amount of light on the image. But it will reduce the quality of the picture. The other issue that causes blurry photos is incorrect to focus. During shooting, ensure that your food gets the sharpest focus. This is always the front of the food. Check to amount of area you want to fill the frame. The focus should be at 100% magnification, and the depth of field not too shallow. This should give images are not blurry. You can check the magnification using your laptop.

2. Your colors aren’t lifelike

This happens when your photos appear green, pink, or blue. These are not the true colors of your food. Do not use such colors on your commercial platform. In this case, use the white balance effect to correct this issue. This can be done using editing software or the white balance effect on your phone.

3. Your photos do not appear professional

Using the wrong lenses will cause your photos to not ‘pop.’ The in-depth field lens is clearer photos. They narrow the field of the frame and focus on the food. They also use the contrast and sharpness effects to make the images pop.

4. Incorrect cropping

Most photographers make the mistake of cropping the photo too tight. Cropping can be done in editing software or using the phone. Some software used in editing is Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. When you shoot the image too close, you have less room for editing. Tip: try shooting with different crops. Also, shoot at a wide-angle to give you room when you want to crop your images. This maintains the composition of your image and makes it look better.


Food photography is a type of still photography. The main subject of this photography is food and beverages. One can also capture the cooking process and the people involved. It is a form of photography that has gained popularity very fast. The use of social media has made it more popular. Most photographers post their food pictures on Instagram. It is a platform that has connected most photographers. It takes time to become a professional photographer. You have to master the art of stabilizing your hands on the camera. You also need to need to learn how to focus on your subject and get the best shot. Some of the tips that help take good food photos include shooting in natural light. Natural light captures the color of the food. Artificial light makes it changes the color of the food. The other tip is to capture shots from different angles. Move around to ensure that you get all the angles of the food. Shoot at different heights and at close to the plate. Another trick is to avoid a messy background. A well-arranged meal is more attractive and exciting to the viewers. Also, choose simple and plain backgrounds to make the food stand out. Some of the common mistakes made in food photography include taking blurry photos. Other photographers will also take unfocused images. These are issues that can be solved using editing software. During editing, avoid overusing sharpness, contrast, and saturation. Remember that photography takes time to master. Remain patient and learn new skills to further your career.

Six Health Benefits Playing Soccer

Soccer is the mostly played sports in the whole world. It is very popular and common. People also called it “Football.” It will be tough to find out someone who doesn’t like football or doesn’t play it. It is a great competitive sports. It is a physical game. You need to play it outdoor. You need to have two teams consisting 11 players per team. Then they will start playing with a ball to score a goal. Both the team will try to score goal. Whoever will get the most number of goals at the end of the match will be declared as winner. This is the rules of football in a nutshell. Soccer is an incredible game. It can help us in many ways. We can get many things from soccer. Soccer can improve our health, body, and fitness. We are pretty much blessed by soccer. In this article, we are going to discuss about six health benefits of playing soccer. It is given below:

Increases Aerobic Capacity

Soccer is a serious physical game. You need to be physically fit, if you want to be good in soccer. Soccer player has a lot of skills and special capacities. You need to acquire some mandatory things first. Aerobic capacity is a must for football. Soccer needs acrobatic player who can move any way they want. You can surely increase your aerobic capacity by playing soccer. Professional soccer players are quite fit and strong to be a pro. Their aerobic capacity is on another level. They can jump higher than any other normal people. They learn it by practicing. To acquire this you need to be devoted to your practice. Otherwise, you won’t be able to increase your aerobic capacity. So, to be a soccer player you must need to increase your aerobic capacity and to do that you need to play soccer regularly.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

Soccer is that kind of game by which we can have a healthy body. We can be healthy by playing soccer. Soccer will keep our body fit and strong. We can improve our cardiovascular health by playing soccer. Even the cardiologists ask their patient to run regularly. Football is a complete running 15 Reasons Why You Should Be Running Regularly game. So, it is perfect for them. But if you start playing football from a very early age, you will be able to improve your cardiovascular health. You can keep yourself safe from any kind of cardiovascular disease. You will surely keep the possibility of having cardiovascular disease away from you. This is a great thing indeed. It is just a game but it has a lot of effects in our life. This is why many doctors suggest to try to play sports like soccer regularly. It can keep you safe from many fatal diseases. Moreover, you can improve your cardiovascular health by playing football.

Lowers Body Fat and Improves Muscle Tone

Soccer helps us to lower our body fat and improve our muscle tone. We can play soccer on a daily basis, if we want to burn the extra calories of our body. Football needs a lot of running and aerobics. These two things can help us to burn the extra calories of our body. We can have a fit, healthy, and extra fat free body. This can surely help us to look and feel younger at the same time. We can have confidence in ourselves. It also can improve your muscle tone. Playing soccer is one kind of exercise. As we know, exercise can help us to build and improve muscle, so soccer is not different from exercise. It also improves our muscle tone and make us look good.

Builds Muscles Strength

Soccer ( Six Health Benefits Playing Soccer ) is hugely popular all over the world. People who play football are usually stronger than the others. Because it is one kind of exercise. You need to do running and practicing on a regular basis to get a perfect physique. It will certainly improve your muscle tone. It will build your body structure and make you look fit. You will have more power and strength. Soccer is a great exercise. It can give us all those things just from playing. We need to keep playing football and gradually our muscle strength will build. We will find out in a few months that we have more power and strength than before. For this reason, we should play football daily.


Increases Bone Strength

As we said earlier soccer is a good game for our body. It can help our body in many ways. Our body will totally change after playing football regularly. We will able to see that and realized that. Soccer can change any one. Because it needs to do a lot of hard work and practice to become a soccer player. You just can’t be a soccer player overnight. You need to be devoted to this very game and work hard. You need to practice regularly. You need to play football regularly. It will surely increase your skills. You will be playing great football day by day. Your bones will become strong like iron. It will become more and stronger by practicing regularly. Soccer will certainly increase your bone strength and make your bones stronger than ever.

Promotes Team Work and Sharing

Soccer is not an individual game. It is a game of eleven players. You need to play for your team rather than yourself. This will increase your team work power and will make you a team guy. You can work with many people with this power. You will also learn sharing. Passing and assisting in the game will help you learn sharing. It can be a great virtue. You need to practice them outside of the field also. You need to carry it out. You can promote team work outside. You can also help people to understand the importance of sharing.  

Read 7 Tips To Stay Fit As Travelers 

Read Why is protein important for your body?

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The Art of Slow Travel

What is slow travel you might ask? Slow travel is mindset that a mindset that rejects the traditional idea of tourism and encourages you to soak in your environments and keep yourself open to new experiences.

Each person can have their own definition of slow travel but through our definitions, you can get an idea of the spirit of slow travel. Instead of the normal experience of traveling to a resort, booking as many activities that you can cram within a day, and coming home exhausted from your vacation, slow travel encourages you to experience the destination like a local.

Imagine going to stay in Italy for a week? Stay in a cottage beside the vineyards, and go to the fresh market every morning to buy vegetables, or sipping your favorite town in a little coffee shop by the street of Rome? Sounds appealing?

That is how slow travel would make you feel. It emphasizes on the less manic sightseeing and more on taking your surroundings at your own pace. There are no four cities in seven days tour. Instead, you will see new places and explore new cultures in a way that is less stressful for you.

History of slow travel

Slow travel is an offshoot of the slow food movement, which began in Italy in the 1980s as a protest of the opening of a McDonald’s in Rome.

The slow food movement’s goal is to preserve regional cuisine, local farming, communal meals, and traditional food preparation method. This is also the reason why big companies like Starbucks do not succeed in Italy.

People later started calling this movement as the slow movement, which emphasizes the connection – to food, families, and in the case of travel, local people and culture.

Slow travel is more of a mindset. Rather than taking the quantity to experience everything, a slow traveler would rather get to know a small area well.

Benefits of slow travel

Traveling slowly allows you to form a better connection and experience to the place that you are visiting. With a ‘slow’ itinerary, you will feel less stressed about trying to cover as grounds as possible. You will not be encouraged to get your list of places to visit from a guidebook either. Instead, you will stay in a place long enough to recognize your neighbors, shop in local markets and pick a favorite coffee house.

Slow traveling will also help the environment. Our travel – airplanes, cars, trains had been blamed to be one of the sources of the heating of our planet. Bikes and walking the street on your own is much healthier to the mother earth.

Slow travel is good for your pockets as well. Staying in one place for a week or more at a time reduces your transportation costs, and vacation rentals are mostly much more cost-efficient rather than hotels. This is because you barely used any service that a hotel usually provides – you can cook your own meal, laundry your own clothes.

If you love challenge, then don’t think that it is easy to travel this way. Getting close and personal to a new culture is more often than not much more challenging than just breezing through the major tourist sites. You have to overcome language barriers, differences in customs and traditions.

Slow travel tends to be independent travel or in small-group which travel to off the beaten path locations. If you adopt this lifestyle, then you will be able to truly feel the culture of one country and see the country or the place as what it truly is. Instead of only having to know what they are from what you see from the touristic places.

Best destination

Everywhere around the world is good for slow travel, but Europe, in particular, is the most popular destination. This is because there are plenty of vacation rentals, public transportation systems are efficient, historic attractions are close together and English is widely used. They also have a lot of slow travel experiences such as slow travel tours, camping, and glamping, slow wind tours and many others.

How to start?

Slow travelers generally stay in vacation rentals, which as we have stated before, is much more cost-efficient than staying in a hotel. Book your stay vacation rental in advance. Aside from vacation rental, home exchanging can be another alternative as well. Doing this can give you an advantage. Usually home exchange partner would leave an introduction to friends and neighbors, allowing you to blend in better to your environment.

You can also start by leaving gaps in your travel planning. Try planning your itinerary with a starting point, and an ending point. The locations in between can be asked to locals who know the area better.

If you are a food lover, then you will try to search for local ingredients and experience the regional cuisine of the place you are visiting. You can go and join the local fishermen for a fresh morning catch, or even try cooking with your new neighbor.

How about transportation? Don’t worry, there is plenty of place in Canada and Europe that is well connected by trains. Trains in both of these regions are very comfortable and efficient. They also offer a variety of rail passes which can help you save your fund and money even more. It will be even better if you own a car or a vehicle. You can simply do a road trip. Another alternative is by biking, river barging and walking.

However, the lifestyle of a slow traveler might not be suitable for everyone. There are certain people who find laid back pace of life frustrating and dull. If you are on a tight budget, this might not be a suitable traveling way for you as well. A slow traveler has always a mindset of “ there’s always another trip”. This might not be the case for everyone as every individual have their own financial constraint.

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10 Places to Visit in Ujjain

Ujjain is an ancient city that is located beside the Shipra River in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It was the capital of the ancient Avanti kingdom. It is an important Hindu pilgrimage destination that is known for its centuries-old Mahakaleshwar temple. Ujjain gives you a truly ancient feel of its glorious days and how the city used to be.

There are 10 most significant places to visit in Ujjain:

  1. Mahakaleswar Temple

This temple was and is still one of the most sacred and outstanding pilgrimages for Hindus. The abode of Lord Shiva, it is on the banks of the Rudra Sagar Lake and is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas.

The complex has a spacious courtyard that is filled with sculptures that are influenced by the biggest and most prominent kingdoms in India; Maratha, Bhumija, and Chalukya styles and design. It is also completed with impressive lingam sculptures of Mahabaleshwar. The temple is spread over five levels holds a number of religious festivals and celebrations that take place every year.

  1. Kal Bhairava Temple

Bhairava refers to one of the manifestation of Lord Shiva, and it is one of the most important among the eight Bhairavas. The temple is believed to be related to the tantra cult, a secret religious sect who thrived upon black magic. You will see a lot of Hindus who come to this temple to practice their tantric meditation.

The temple also houses a statue of Nandi the bull, which is supposed to be a present from King Daksha.

  1. Vedh pancha Shala

The great works of ancient astronomy such as the Surya Siddhanta and the panch Siddhanta were written in this city. According to Indian astronomers, the tropic of cancer passes through Ujjain and it is also the first meridian of longitude of the Hindu geographers. In the 4th century, Ujjain was deemed as the Greenwich of India.

Vedh Shala itself was built by Raja Jai Singh, who was a great scholar and translated the work of Ptolemy and Euclid from Arabic into Sanskrit. There are many other observatories that are built by him, but this one is the one that is still used.

  1. Kaliadeh Palace

This site is located 8 kilometers from the town on an island in Shipra river. The palace itself was built in the Persian style of architecture by the mandu rulers in the year 1458. The palace was half destroyed, however it was mended by the Maharaja Madhav Rao Scindia I in 1920.

  1. Ram Ghat

It is located near the Harsiddhi temple in Ujjain and is one of the most popular places to see in this city. The ghat serves as the venues of Kumbh Mela, which is held every twelve years. Kumbh Mela is a mass of Hindu pilgrimage of faith in which the Hindus would gather to bathe in a sacred or holy river. On a regular day, you can still see devotees take a dip in the water and perform their daily rites. It is believed that whoever dipped in the water in Ram Mandir Ghat will attain salvation.

  1. Gopal Mandir

The temple is dedicated to Lord Krishna. This is a temple that is filled with Maratha Architecture. The temple itself was built in the 19th century by Bayajibai Shinde and is located in the middle of a big market. Its stark marble spired structure is adorned with two feet tall statue that is placed on marble inlaid artar with silver-plated doors. The door in the inner sanctum was reported to be the same door that was carried away by Ghazni from the Somnath temple.

  1. Harsiddhi Temple

This is known as one of the shakti peethas. It is believed that the Goddess Parvati elbow fell here in Ujjain at this very same temple site. The temple is decorated with two unique pine shaped iron lamp stands that loom to a height of 15 feet.

The temple is influenced by Maratha art and architecture. It can be seen with the red color that symbolizes the potency of Durga. Another influence of Durga in the temple is the Sri yantra – nine triangles that represent the nine names of Durga. It has also become the special feature of this temple.

Aside from that, the temple also houses the dark vermilion image of Annapurna, the Goddess of Nourishment and Mahasaraswati, the Goddess of wisdom and knowledge.

  1. Gomti Kund

Gomti Kund is a steeped water tank, which situated near the sandipani ashram. The ashram has been established since ancient times and was referenced in the Vedas and Puranas. When it was excavated, there are 3,000 years old painted artifacts that are found on this site. The Gomati Kund is said to be the perennial source of water supply to the ashram. It is also said that it was the place where Lord Krishna summoned the holy rivers from all the pilgrim centers so that his old guru can peacefully do all rituals.

  1. Chitaman Ganesh Temple

This is said to be one of the most visited places to visit in the city. Situated on the bank of river Shipra on the Fatehabad railway line, there are legends that stated that the Ganesh idol enshrined was born of itself. The temple has brought devotees of Chintaharan Ganesh which means the assurer of freedom from worldly anxieties.

  1. Pir Matsyendranath

This site is believed to date back to the 6th and 7th centuries BC. It is also situated on the bank of the river Shipra, close to the Bhartihari caves and Gadkalika temple. The place is dedicated the leader of the Natha sect of Saivism – Matsyendranath. Because the people of natha sect refer to their saint as ‘pir’ as well, the same as Muslim people refer to their saints, the ancient site is venerated by both the religions.

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