

Everyone has some unique reason for starting a vlog. Maybe it is to share, maybe it is to market their product or maybe earn some amount through it. Whatever the purpose may be these tips will help you to really stand out and make name for your channel.

Let’s start with a few of the 7 vlog tips:


  • Set your niche: One of the most important things to do before you set out to start a VLog. The niche should be something you can talk about. You can also choose a few topics from the net. Google mostly rewards V Logs with specific niches by ranking high in YouTube searches.

  • VLog about passion and strengths: This is because of the fact that more passionate you are more you are able to speak out. If you are not passionate about a subject you will mostly speak like an amateur. It is not necessary that your language is in English. Most countries do not speak English on a regular basis. It is good to speak in your own language and give subtitles in English. In this way, you can also reach the English speaking population.

  • Use the right tone: The tone in your VLog should be friendly. You should remember that you are connecting with a global audience. 

  • Think about ways to improve quality: It will be challenging to win the viewers heart by not posting something interesting. But whatever post you make quality needs to be decent. You are not expected to produce movies or music videos in a VLog but it is good to maintain a decent level of quality.

  •  Gradually Increase frequency: In a crowded V Logging space, people like to subscribe to V Logs that are active. Therefore posting V Logs little frequently is so important. 

  •  Cut out non-essential portions from the VLog: There will be viewers who will not watch your V Logs if they find out the quality of your VLog channel is not good. In fact, YouTube has deleted tons of VLogs citing quality reasons or inappropriate content. If there are non-essential portions in your VLog simply delete it as it creates a perception of bad quality. 

  •  Collaborate with awesome people: Collaborate with other people from your niche or other V Loggers about how you can add value to them. In this way, you can produce quality videos. For example, I prefer to tie up with European or American V Loggers as they complement some skills which I don’t have. Thus, in V Logging synergy is important. 

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