Awesome Foods For Kidney Health



Kidneys are small organs, approximately the size of an orange. They are located on each side of the spine underneath the rib cage and play a vital role in filtering waste out of the blood so that it can be excreted through urine.

Some foods may boost the performance of the kidneys, while others may place stress on them. Consuming mineral-rich foods may help the kidneys function properly and prevent damage to them.



An apple a day keeps the doctor away. As apples contain high levels of pectin, they can help to reduce the risk factors associated with damage to the kidneys.


Berries are a delicious fruit that can serve to protect one’s health. There are many different types of berries that are beneficial, such as strawberries, blueberries, and cranberries.

Citrus Fruits

If you want to keep your kidneys healthy, it’s a good idea to eat more citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and even tangerines since they contain high levels of Vitamin C. Citrus has been shown to help the human body naturally filter out harmful toxins that might otherwise build up in one’s kidneys over time.


Cabbage is a naturally low-sodium vegetable, which means that it can be used to reduce the risk of kidney diseases. It also contains a number of helpful compounds and vitamins for general well being. The best way to eat cabbage is to lightly cook it to make sure that it retains these helpful nutrients as well as offers a milder flavor than when eating it raw.

Sweet Potato

The amount of fiber found in sweet potato makes it a superb food to have at any time of the day. With this, one will not only benefit from the high fiber content but also from other nutritional benefits and/or minerals as well.


Superfoods for better kidney health include dark leafy green vegetables like kale. Kale is one such superfood which you can eat every day, as it is readily available and has high vitamin and mineral content.


Cauliflower is a uniquely strong vegetable packed with nutrients like Vitamin C, Folate and Fiber. Whether eaten boiled or even raw , cauliflower can benefit the kidney with its nutrient density.
