8 reasons why you should go to the gym

Do you feel as though you’re wasting too much time at home and could use a fitness regimen plan, but can’t afford membership to a gym? There are plenty of things you can do that won’t break the bank. Here’s why going to gym is healthy..

Going to gym is healthy

While it certainly takes effort to make it out to the gym, it does pay off. You can’t just hope that by entering the doors of a gym you’ll magically be able to gain the body you’ve always wanted. You’ll need to really break a sweat and move your body in a certain way. It’s highly recommended that you do this after working with a trainer so they can walk you through how to better structure your routine and mould yourself into becoming healthy.

Going to gym makes you feel good

Working out at the gym or doing something active such as running every day will not only make you feel good but give you a huge confidence boost – and there’s nothing wrong with that either! You’ll also start to see your body change which is always a great thing to be proud of! So, why stay stuck on those days when all you’ve been doing is working, working and working? Make fitness a part of your routine instead so that you have more energy, are healthier and know that you look great too!

Gym helps you get rid of stress

Going to the gym can be a great way for you to release a lot of stress. It’s a quick treatment that can help soothe many of your mental and physical wounds by boosting your endorphin levels which has been proven to make one feel healthy and happy inside!

Increase Longevity

According to research, staying active is vital part of our DNA. By working out physically and being conscious about eating right, you’re helping ward off numerous diseases which in turn can naturally enable you to live longer. You’re also less likely to get illnesses such as kidney, liver, heart, and bone diseases due to laziness and old age because you have a healthy lifestyle.

Helps To Make New Friends

If you aren’t someone who’s into making friends at the office or around your neighborhood, you might feel more comfortable to mingle in places like the gym. Exercising with your gym buddies will make each part of the session much more fun. Just make sure that chatting away doesn’t disturb those around you – by wearing headphones for example!

Improve overall athletic ability

Going to the gym can help improve your overall physical strength. No matter how many boxes you have to move around the house don’t worry because it won’t feel as heavy as before.

Improves Stamina

We all have those days when walking up a flight of stairs seems to exhaust us but we had a very busy day and didn’t give our bodies time to slow down, recover and relax. Going for a walk in the park where there are lots more steps, such as a hill, is also very useful in building your stamina so you can easily compete with any arduous challenge that life has to offer.

A Better You

Everything works together to create a new version of you – one that looks great, feels confident, and have a healthy body. So, if you’ve meant to start going to the gym but haven’t yet, there’s no reason for you to wait. Just go ahead and join one now so that you can be the person you want to be more than anything else!

8 Rules Of Walking For Your Personal Safety

Walking is a great way to keep your body in shape and stay healthy; but whether it’s for a short trip or longer distance, you always need to be alert for your safety and that of others around you.

Walk Facing Traffic

If you do not have access to a sidewalk, it is better to walk facing the oncoming traffic than along with. This is because when you face oncoming traffic, you can easily see vehicles approaching closest to you and take evasive action if needed.

Safely Cross

It’s  wise to look both ways before crossing the street. At controlled intersections, it is wise to obey the pedestrian crossing light by only stepping out onto the road when you have the green go-ahead. Make eye contact with any drivers who may be turning into the parking lot. Make sure they wave back at you.

Select Proper Clothing Color

Wear bright colors during the day. At night, wear light-colored clothing or a reflective vest to be visible to any drivers around who may not expect you to be out walking after dark. Drivers may not be expecting walkers to be up and about, so anything you can do to make yourself known as someone who are there by choice and who is on a mission will help avoid collisions – even at street crossings that have crossing signals.

Be Predictable

When walking in a crowded area, make sure to follow along one side of the path rather than randomly moving from one side to the other. Avoid reaching out too far as you might end up punching someone in the face by accident.

Volume Need To Be Down

Don’t drown out your ear buds or headphones with music too loudly. Keep the volume at a level where you can still hear bike bells, walkers and runners around you, as well as people shouting from afar. Your audiologist will also thank you.

Walk With Your Eyes Up

Distracted walking due to chatting, texting, or playing games  on a mobile device while you walk is as dangerous as texting and driving. You are distracted and not as aware of your environment. You are less likely to recognize traffic danger, tripping hazards, or passing joggers and bikers. Potential criminals see you as an easy target.

Use  Short Leases While Walking With Dogs

It’s terrifying seeing any dog run out into traffic or get into a fatal dog fight on a long leash, whether they be leashed or unleashed. As the owner of your dog when walking him or her on a long leash you should, however, use proper caution to ensure the safety of those who walk near you especially because even the nicest dogs can still be frightened on occasion and try to lunge at other animals.


Know when to call someone

Too many people are dying while walking. Heat exhaustion, dehydration, and a heart attack can all hit you. In that scenario use your cell phone to call a friend or a relative to pick you up.


Choose a known  route

Living in the city can be quite dangerous. You have to take precautions to ensure you’re always safe while out in public. On your journey, choose a route that many others like yourself frequent so as to deter any potential perpetrators and remain on alert at all times, even avoiding brief eye contact with people you might find frightening.

15 Ways To Improve Your Gut Health


Good health is an important aspect of happiness for us all. It’s vital that you are aware about your gut health as it affects our overall health and also contributes towards your total energy levels needed to live a long and fulfilling lifestyle.

Your gut microbiome—the many hundreds of microorganisms living in your intestine—are at the very heart of gut health. Researchers have long believed that having a diverse community of good bacteria in your gut is vital for boosting immune function and protecting against all kinds of diseases, including autoimmune disorders, asthma, and diabetes. Research has also shown how having a healthy gut might help keep you alive longer.

There are many things that affect the diversity of your gut bacteria, especially what you eat. We wanted to share top tips with by helping you improve and maintain your gut health.

  1. Getting Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep or quality sleep can make you more vulnerable to getting health issues in the future. Sleeping for a minimum of 7-8 hours per night is necessary for your immune system to function at optimum capacity.

  1. Minimize Stress


Research shows that stress can promote the growth of harmful bacteria in your intestines and make you more likely to fall ill. One way to fight illness resulting from stress is by familiarizing yourself with different methods of reducing stress.


  1. Reduce Sugar Intake


Refined sugar tends to be inflammatory. It causes an imbalance in gut microbes, which has been shown to cause inflammation throughout the body. Sugar-free alternatives are not much better, though, despite having less calories than their refined counterparts.


In fact, evidence shows that artificial sweeteners may increase blood sugar by stimulating unhealthy bacteria growth in the gut microbiome. Try cutting sweeteners out as much as possible!


  1. Eating more plant based food

A plant-based diet has been linked to improved health of the gut because it encourages an increase in biodiversity and stability of gut microbial species. Consider eating fewer animal-based foods and choosing instead whole, plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits and berries, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

  1. Increase Fiber Intake

Fiber facilitates proper digestion in the gut and allows the body to use blood sugar levels more effectively, which can help prevent serious health issues. Good sources of fiber include whole grains such as oats, legumes such as peas & beans; bananas, berries and asparagus all contain a high amount of naturally-occurring soluble dietary fiber.


Garlic, leeks & onions are rich in insoluble fibers that are purported to provide further benefits to overall gastrointestinal health.


  1. Drinking more water

Drinking enough water is needed to have a healthy gut. This can be given by water, teas or a good    anti-inflammatory diet.

  1. Eating slowly


Chewing your food and eating at a slow pace can do the body good. Through thorough, slow mastication of your meals, all of the body’s nutrients can be absorbed and digested effectively. This may allow you to stay healthy and experience less digestive discomfort.


  1. Exercising regularly

Regular exercise is great for a lot of reasons – including your heart health, weight and overall fitness. However, it’s also been shown to have other positive effects such as helping promote the biodiversity of your gut flora and maintaining regularity that in turn may improve your gut health.

  1. Eliminate processed foods

Eating real foods that are unrefined and not processed can lead to better gut health. As such, it’s important to try increasing fresh vegetables and grains while reducing things like refined carbohydrates as much as possible.



  1. Reduce consumption of antibiotics


Antibiotics are harmful to the gut microbiota and interfere with your immune system. Doctors often prescribe them when they aren’t necessary, which can lead to antibiotic resistance. So, if you receive a prescription for antibiotics, get the full story from your doctor first – and don’t just take them; make sure they are medically necessary.


  1. Brushing regularly

Your mouth is the gatekeeper of your oral microbiome. Your oral microbiome and gut are connected, so it’s important to have a healthy mouth.  A healthy mouth will help prevent various health issues down the road such as diarrhea or even gum diseases that could cause bad breath. Also, avoid using antibacterial mouthwashes. These will kill all the good bacteria we need in our mouths.

  1. Cook with herbs and spice

Cooking with fresh herbs can help introduce a lot of versatility to your recipes and make them uniquely yours. While herbs like rosemary, oregano, mint, thyme, and other savory spices have plenty to offer you in terms of their nutritional value alone.

  1. Reduce alcohol consumption

In terms of gut health, alcohol consumption is generally not the gut’s best friend. However, moderate red wine consumption may possibly increase beneficial gut microbiota diversity—likely due to its higher polyphenol content.

  1. Giving up smoking

Smoking not only affects the health of one’s heart, lungs and throat, but also the health of their stomach and intestines.

  1. Eating polyphenol rich foods

Polyphenols are plant compounds that can be found in a variety of sources, such as red wine, green tea and dark chocolate. These polyphenols help stimulate healthy bacterial growth in the gut.


8 Benefits To Waking Up Early

Mornings can be the most productive part of the day for many entrepreneurs. I’ve personally found that rising early to go for a run or heading out to get a jump-start on errands allows me to spend my afternoons focused on productivity, whether it’s writing blog posts like this one or even just keeping up with work emails.

Waking up early can seem intimidating, especially if you are more of a night owl. It may even feel like there is too much to do in the morning and getting out of bed may be the last thing on your mind. However, waking up earlier will allow you to benefit from several perks which we will discuss here in this article. If you need advice on how to begin waking up earlier so that it doesn’t seem as hard for you, these are some tips to help set you off on the right foot for a productive day!

Improved  Brain  Function

Getting a good night’s sleep is very important in order to maintain optimal brain function. Our brains need time to rest as much as the other parts of our body, and not giving it that time can hinder cognitive performance, memory recall, concentration and thinking processes. Lack of sleep is also related to mood swings and irritability.  Not only will your mental acuity suffer but your moods too!

Better Sleep Quality

Quality sleep at night is critical for achievement. A quick nap in the middle of the day can increase one’s energy level and alertness, and improve overall mental focus. Waking up early to start the day is necessary to allow enough time to get important things accomplished before going to bed again. With enough rest, the brain has time to repair itself.

People who have consistent sleep patterns throughout the week generally don’t get as tired during the day where on the other hand, individuals who go to sleep late aren’t getting enough sleep can be more fatigued at times.

Time to Eat breakfast

If you wake up late and have to rush out the door, you’re more likely to grab a quick and unhealthy snack or skip breakfast entirely. Late sleepers and risers eat more calories per day, half as many fruits, and veggies, and twice as much soda and fast food compared to people who sleep earlier than them.

A healthy and energizing breakfast is the key to a great day, and a well-rounded meal will set you up for success later on in the day. Going easy on carbohydrates and sugars first thing in the morning, as well as eating leaner proteins may help mitigate your overall calorie intake for the rest of the day.

Time for morning exercise

Getting a workout in the morning when you’re feeling your most energized not only starts your day on the right foot but is also important for your physical and mental well-being. Exercise reduces your risk of heart disease, improves your mood, regulates blood sugar, controls your weight, improves your cognitive function, among many other benefits.

Improved mental health and mood

Research has shown that those who enjoy a morning routine will feel more positivity and optimism compared to night owls. They’re also more agreeable, conscientious, and satisfied with life. Female early risers are much less at risk of developing mental illnesses like depression or anxiety.

Less Stress

Waking up early is a great way to lessen stress and even help save time because you don’t have to worry about traffic jams. No matter how busy, you can always take your time and take care of any tasks that need to be addressed at that moment when typically everyone else is in a rush. Being well-rested also makes one more keenly aware of the different approaches to problems so one can solve them efficiently.

Increases productivity and organization

Many early risers set goals for the day and to plan ahead so they can take advantage of their mornings. This helps them to be more productive in the end of the day by allowing them to complete tasks or try new things much faster. It also minimizes forgetfulness because you’ve written your daily plans down, maybe even in a notebook so it is no longer just an idea, but a promise!

Blissful mornings

Waking up early isn’t always about being more productive but if you have children or live with others, you can use this time to enjoy some quality ‘me’ time and have a relaxing, quiet morning routine.

Top Medical Tourism Destinations In Asia

Travel to Asia and get treated by state of the art doctors! Apart from being a popular tourist destination for people who love enjoying Asia’s famous beaches and sightseeing, Thailand and Malaysia are also popular destinations for medical tourists who love low prices and high quality.


Thailand’s booming medical tourism industry can be partly attributed to the government’s interest in accreditation.

When choosing a medical provider, patients can feel confident about their treatment by knowing that any clinic or hospital with an accredited arm by the Joint Commission International ( JCI) is professionally safe.

Even the World Health Organization has recognized Thailand’s world class health care facilities where patients feel safe, a distinction that medical tourists have taken note of.

Thailand offers medical tourism services that attract vacationers and foreign nationals. The reason many people choose Thailand for their surgery is the same reason medical tourists travel abroad: its affordability. Hip replacement surgery in Bangkok is around a half-price when you compare it to the United States, but other procedures offer a similarly low price point.


India promotes its physicians and surgeons as being not only world class but also trained locally, often through the country’s renowned medical universities and research centers like AIIMS, JIPMER, Annamalai University to name a few.

According to some estimates visiting India for a surgical procedure can save up to 85%.

Some experts say that India will become a clear leader in medical tourism across Asia and around the globe, due to the cost-effective nature of care within the country.


Although Singapore is known as an expensive city to live in, its medical care facilities isn’t too pricey.

A knee replacement can cost about US$50,000 in the United States; but in Singapore patients pay about US$15,000 for their procedure.

The country has more than 15 hospitals that are dedicated to satisfying the needs of medical tourists from all over the world. These facilities offer cutting-edge technology and up-to-date equipment for a totally stress-free experience, at an affordable price.

English is widely spoken in the country which allows medical tourist to feel at ease.

South Korea

Patients who seek serious medical treatments for illnesses tend to turn to Singapore and India in order to accomplish their goals. However, those who opt for cosmetic procedures go toward South Korea.

This East Asian country actively promotes itself as a center of excellence for plastic surgery and other related services.


An up-and-coming destination for medical tourists, Malaysia appeals especially to patients interested in both Eastern and Western holistic medicine. At alternative clinics designed for international visitors, qualified health care professionals provide osteopathy, naturopathy, homeopathy and other forms of holistic and traditional Chinese medicine.

Malaysian physicians and surgeons are knowledgeable in Muslim customs, which is why they are sought after by patients looking for a health care experience (and holiday excursion) where food is Halal, prayer rooms are available and people remember to set the right tone with their guests accordingly.

As well as Singapore, many of these employees speak English near-native tongue and may be trained in other European languages too.